JULY 2021 News Stream
America Today
America Today

7/30/21 "A man identifying as a female in sports doesn’t just steal first place — he takes away scholarships, college offers, compensation, and life-changing opportunities"

7/31/21 "How bad does this atmosphere we're living in have to get before the people who say cancel culture is overblown admit that it is in fact an insanity that is swallowing up the world"

7/30/21 "My American friends hear some of what Macron suggests and implore me to tell them it is not true. ...and I have to tell them, despondently, that it is true."

7/30/21 "Financial interests in college football are eliminating local rivalries and communal pride. This may be remembered as the year college football died."

7/30/21 "Longhorns, Sooners kick-start conference realignment with move from Big 12. The Longhorns and Sooners now make the SEC a 16-team superconference"

7/30/21 "The left is continuing its tradition of destroying society's sexual morality, now campaigning on multiple fronts for the normalization of pedophilia."
Editor's Note: The author's thesis is rather exhaustively documented.

Courtesy UnifyCarmel.org

7/28/21 Stick to academics is the message to the board as one-by-one LGBTQ and sexually-explicit excerpts from school-approved literaure are read aloud.

Sen. Graham, Rep. Cuellar

7/30/21 "Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-TX, & Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, are asking President Joe Biden to appoint former Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson to a special executive position to manage the border crisis."

Courtesy FOX News

Mark Steyn: Don't get hung up on the details of Biden's 'rich life'
7/30/21 Steyn joins Carlson to "assess the remarkable career" of Joe Biden: from "Corn Pop," to his arrest trying to see Nelson Mandela, to now big-rig trucker

7/29/21 "'I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man' ...Truck driver, coal miner, it’s all just nonsense Biden makes up because he thinks reporters won’t call him on it"

7/30/21 "Biden is now at a 47% approval rating, with 52% disapproval. ...strong approval number is only 27%, compared to a strong disapproval of 42"

7/30/21 "The Reload reported last week that 'multiple' ATF agents 'back up the existence of a complaint alleging President Biden’s nominee to lead ATF, David Chipman, made racist comments'"

Representatives Gaetz & Gohmert

7/29/21 "Republican Reps. Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Louie Gohmert and Paul Gosar were all denied entry ... accused of 'trespassing'"

7/29/21 "'Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., Thursday pointed out the police are only permitted to arrest people on the House side of the complex."

7/29/21 "anticipated call follows the Pentagon’s direction ... 'regardless of vaccination status — wear a mask indoors at DOD installations & facilities in areas of “substantial or high transmission'"

AT Content, Photo by Mick Haupt

7/29/21 "The American Postal Workers Union, which represents 220,000 employees, is opposed to the vaccine mandate."

7/27/21 "American politics is no longer an argument about supply-side economics, or war, or big vs. small government. It’s about check-writers versus check-takers, the book-learned against the dolts."
Editor's Note: Must read.

Don't you believe in science?
7/26/21 Fauci sliced and diced, flipped and flopped in this twitter montage illustrating the confusion of media missives from the Director of NIH

7/28/21 "governor said he directed Texas law enforcement officials to enforce all federal and state criminal laws against illegal immigrants entering the U.S. through the state."

7/28/21 "The recent trend towards teaching children about sex hits on a reality: The most progressive among us are also the most puritanical."

7/28/21 "phenomenon is happening all across America ... families reassessed their priorities and realized that mom staying home made a positive difference. The money wasn’t worth it."

7/28/21 "former secretary of State and Army cavalry officer urged the Pentagon’s top brass to restore the American military’s apolitical tradition."

7/27/21 "policy shift comes as both the Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security struggle to process a record number of migrants crossing the southern border."
*Editor's Note: Saul Alinsky wrote, "He who controls the language controls the masses." Vladimir Ilyich Lenin wrote "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."

7/27/21 "In 2016, the first few days of games averaged an impressive 27.27 million viewers across all platforms. So, ratings are down more than 40% from just five years ago."

7/27/21 "Every single day, more and more Americans are finding their lives held hostage by the ideology of an elite that has the privilege of avoiding nearly all consequences for its own actions."
Editor's Note: Two thumbs up for depth and eloquence. Those who read are already acutely aware of Bedford's thesis.


7/27/21 "four-bedroom, two-bathroom home was purchased in 2019 for $3.34 million. The house has an open floor plan, solid oak floors, French doors and 180-degree ocean views"

7/27/21 " Democrats and their media flaks went into high gear to obfuscate Pelosi’s transparently partisan motive to ensure the investigation reaches the preordained conclusion"

CNN Town Hall 7/21/21

7/26/21 "voters now understand the truth: Biden is merely the figurehead of a leftist agenda out of touch with the priorities of Americans."

Ashli Babbitt

7/26/21 "An unarmed young woman was shot at point-blank range and killed for trespassing. Any cop in this country they did that anywhere else would already be in prison."

7/26/21 "Based on everything I have seen in the last year, starting with Covid, I cannot continue [voting for Democratic candidates] in good faith"
Psychiatrist weighs in on Biden's mental decline
7/26/21 "You get the feeling that U.S. President Joe Biden is almost 'just holding on ... Which can be a feature of dementia'" - Psychiatrist and Author Dr. Tanveer Ahmed.

Ronny Jackson (R-TX)

7/26/21 Obama & Trump physician: "There's something seriously going on ... he's either going to resign, they're going to convince him to resign ... or they're going to have to use the 25th Amendment"

7/26/21 "Americans should see 2020 and the January 6 riots as a wake-up call to the future our nation faces should election integrity not be restored."

7/25/21 "Trump noted street artists in New York City’s Central Park could produce better art than Hunter Biden, just for $250."

Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA)

7/25/21 "Democrats are still so afraid of Trump and his influence they are passing laws to banish him ... Constitution does not require the Speaker to be a member of the House"

Herschel Walker

7/25/21 "You can feel a certain way and I think that’s great, but this is the United States Olympics…. I’m not sure that’s the time or place."

7/24/21 "green economy is shaping up to look less like the industrial workplace that lifted workers into the middle class in the 20th century than something more akin to an Amazon warehouse"

Texas state Rep. Chris Turner

7/25/21 "Special interest donors are covering much of the cost ... but Texas taxpayers are still losing close to $500,000 on expenses for a legislative session that isn’t happening."

7/24/21 "Questioning the FBI's role in 1/6 was maligned by corporate media as deranged. But only ignorance about the FBI or a desire to deceive could produce such a reaction."

7/23/21 "the government has begun to use the tools that were developed to fight a credible foreign threat now to fight against the political opponents of Democrats."

7/25/21 "As federal officials push for everyone to get vaccinated and avoid infection by the delta variant, they cannot afford to rely on those who have forfeited the public trust."

Rochelle Walensky & Anthony Fauci

7/23/21 "If you need an example of someone who is well-versed in the art of the noble lie, look no further than the man behind the masks, Dr Anthony Fauci.

7/23/21 "For the NSA to unmask Tucker Carlson or any journalist attempting to secure a newsworthy interview is entirely unacceptable and raises serious questions about their activities as well as their original denial ..."
7/23/21 "Like the good leader he is, Joe Biden led by example"

7/23/21 "When there is a platform that can slow down or monitor the communications of more than 1 billion people, then there is an urgent temptation to manufacture a phony consensus where none exists."

7/23/21 "The organization revealed the name change with a 2-minute, 11-second video on Twitter, narrated by Tom Hanks."

7/23/21 "a sustained cacophony of government and media hubris over two years that sent mixed messages ... now morphs into hubris and blaming Trump voters for a failure of the Biden administration to reach a vaccination goal."

7/22/21 "takeaways social media had after Wednesday night’s CNN presidential town hall in the Cincinnati area where Biden pushed vaccination, his spending plans, gun control"

Photo Courtesy VOA

7/22/21 "Biden was mocked by politicians, journalists, and others for seeming incoherent as he tried to talk about coronavirus, the partisan Jan. 6 Capitol riot commission, inflation, the filibuster, and more."

7/22/21 "CNN’s town-hall meeting this week with President Biden drew barely half the audience Fox News did and couldn’t even best MSNBC’s regular lineup."

7/22/21 "In the coming months, Americans will likely see jaw-dropping bureaucratic debacles, stunning abuses by federal prosecutors, and appalling bloodlust by angry Biden supporters."
7/22/21 "Americans deserve answers about January 6, and Nancy Pelosi's commission won't even be asking the right questions"

File Photo

7/22/21 "While the district’s teachers have privately discussed their efforts (to) teach students through a decidedly progressive social justice lens, school leaders have publicly denied this is occurring."

George Soros

7/22/21 "contribution from one of the Democratic establishment's biggest donors could further undercut the party's efforts to downplay allegations that it backs defunding police departments."

7/21/21 "Vermont-based ice cream company ... announced this week that it was going to stop selling its ice cream in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and contested East Jerusalem"

7/21/21 "He sued California Secretary of State Shirley Weber on Monday after the state released a preliminary list of qualifying recall candidates that did not include him."

7/21/21 "We have scientists that will line up by the dozens to say that the research he was funding was ‘gain of function.’ He’s doing this because he has a self-interest to cover his tracks ..."

Jake Tapper, CNN

7/21/21 "Paul argued that the research chronicled in the paper 'explicitly matches the definition of gain-of-function research.'"

7/20/21 "Paul cited a paper by Wuhan Institue of Virology scientists ... which describes efforts to produce “chimeric” coronaviruses, i.e. altered by man. The paper lists the NIH as a source of funding"

7/21/21 "Why would people believe so-called misinformation? It's a pivotal question, and the left can't bring themselves to answer it because it damns them."

7/21/21 "On Monday, more than 400 migrants surrendered in Del Rio alone. The mostly Haitian and Venezuelan migrants are contributing to the overcrowding."

7/20/21 "Biden’s official budget proposal is proof that the lunatic woke fringe has made its way into the White House: ...replaces the word 'mother' with the absurd 'birthing people,'"

7/20/21 "NPR has not run a piece critical of Democrats since Christ was a boy. ...the public news leader’s monomaniacal focus on 'race and sexuality issues' has become an industry in-joke."

7/20/21 "There is the Elect, of whom James Comey numbers himself, and there are the Serfs, among whose number, Dear Reader, you probably belong."

7/20/21 "The politicians in Sacramento know I’m the only candidate who can beat Gavin Newsom. They are afraid, and they are using whatever shenanigans they can to try to trip me up."

7/20/21 "When rich white people are actually threatened with something they care about ... they seek a performative act, something that looks compassionate so as to distract the woke idiots from the real problems that lie beneath."

Sanders I-VT, Murphy, D-CN, Lee, R-UT

7/20/21 "a watershed moment on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are growing increasingly amenable to restricting presidential power"

7/19/21 "The NFL is joining a hostile redefinition of the American nation. The NFL has a new national anthem, or at least a rival to the old one."

7/19/21 "The Trafalgar Group poll of 1,000 likely 2022 voters, conducted with the Convention of States Action, found that only 31.6% were “somewhat confident of “very confident” in her ability"

7/19/21 "Microsoft Exchange server attack became public in March and is believed to have hit at least 30,000 American organizations and hundreds of thousands more worldwide."

7/19/21 "After admitting that government officials are flagging what they deem “misinformation” to Facebook for censorship, ...Biden administration is exploring options to exercise more control."

7/17/21 "Biden is accusing these companies of actually killing people for refusing even more extensive censorship of speech. The statement equates free speech with death itself.

Administration espouses censorship across all media platforms, admits to 'Big Brother' activities.
7/17/21 Administration regularly makes sure social media platforms are aware of the "latest narratives ..." Confronted with concerns that "this is Big Brother watching you," Psaki replied, "they're more concerned about that than people dying?
Editor's Note: Dear Ms. Psaki. The choice of Big Brotherism or people dying is not an either-or proposition. We can be against both. But when you tell us if not Big Brotherism, people will die, we know our government is engaged in Big Brotherism.

7/17/21 "you see a certain kind of art in coffee shops, and some of it is OK and a lot of it is bad ... But you wouldn't, unless you were related to the artist, spend more than $1,000 on it."
Hunter Biden's Laptop from Hell
7/17/21 Tucker Carlson reports on the political obfuscation of Hunter Biden's legal woes and how "he can do whatever he wants."

7/18/21 "That was the worst of the 1970s: gasoline rationing, high unemployment, inflation running so hot that the price of meat was remarked upon in both a Brady Bunch episode and a Warren Zevon song."

7/18/21 "The policy of modern liberals is to keep religion out of politics while inserting politics into religion."

7/16/21 decisions about Trump’s ban from the platform and continued efforts to subdue alternative opinions about COVID-19 have shown anything but an accurate and fair look at content moderation.

Nancy & Paul Pelosi

7/15/21 "The Speaker, already one of the richest members in Congress, has become far richer through investment maneuvers in Big Tech, as she privately chats with their CEOs."

AT Content

7/15/21 70% of voters prefer hard Election Day deadline for mail-in ballots, 76% favor requiring photo ID, 65% believe vote totals should be required Election Night or the next day.

7/17/21 " acknowledgment marks a shift from the scorn that was heaped on former President Trump and a group of European scientists who first brought up the lab-leak theory"

7/17/21 "mainstream media outlets 'are doing major disinformation to try and discredit the massive number of voter irregularities and fraud found in both Arizona and Georgia. ...people will be shocked.'"

7/15/21 "On Day 3 of Texas Democrats hunkering down in Washington to block tighter voting laws, Republicans back home settled into a new routine that boils down to turning the Democrats’ gambit into yet another advantage for the GOP in 2022."

7/16/21 "On Wednesday, a volley of criticism was aimed at the top. Business Insider spoke to a dozen former Harris staffers who claimed they were “treated like s**t” while working for Harris."

Missouri Rep. Cori Bush

7/16/21 "member of the progressive “Squad” and an advocate for the “Defund the Police” movement, spent $70,000 on private security for herself and her team last quarter"

7/16/21 "federal probe into Hunter Biden’s tax filings and overseas business dealings was gaining steam, but the prosecutor in charge waited to issue grand jury subpoenas and request search warrants"

7/15/21 "The book-banning Left is a totalitarian movement. It has no use for an open, liberal society with a broad diversity of viewpoints, and it will use shame, fear, and coercion to win." - Abigail Shrier, author

7/15/21 "at the White House Thursday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki explained how the White House and the federal government are working to flag posts on Facebook which they see as 'problematic.'"

The New Donald Trump
7/14/21 Whoever said youth was wasted on the young never saw this video. On the heels of Biden's Civil war revival, The Squad's American take-downs and big tech's authoritarianism there's Erik Finman
Editor's Note: You don't have to like the phone to appreciate the pitch.
Carlson makes compelling case for voter fraud in Georgia
7/15/21 "When Voter GA finally forced Fulton County to turn over the tally sheets, the conclusion was stunning. ... How is that not flat-out criminal fraud? We'd love to know"

7/13/21 "The president’s fabricated panic had lots of hyperbole but few specifics." "Republican 'anti-voting laws,' ...are the most 'significant threat to our democracy since the Civil War'"

AT Graphic: Photo by Sam Felder

7/15/21 "U.S. Election Assistance Commission does not have binding authority, but some states apply federal guidelines to the letter"

7/15/21 "protests in Cuba have earned widespread coverage across the globe. The motivation for the protests is clear to the participants and most onlookers, yet media outlets have insisted on an alternative explanation."

7/15/21 "the Black Lives Matter organization took a break today from shaking down corporations for millions & buying themselves mansions to share their support for the Communist regime in #Cuba"

7/15/21 "'White,' in modern Newspeak, simply means anti-Marxist (sometimes anti-communist) and has nothing to do with the amount of melanin pigment in one's skin."

7/14/21 "Authoritarian arrogance is handing a ratings bonanza to the onetime Daily Show target, who laughs: 'It was easy to be Lenny Bruce in 1963.'"

7/13/21 "18 participants on one flight shunned masks, a violation that carries fines up to $35,000 per offense and potential criminal penalties ... could cost Texas Democrats up to $1.75 million"

AT Content,Photo: Jonas Leupe

7/13/21 "discourse that is not aligned with official stances on COVID-19 is abundant on social media, which is why groups like the DNC want to further restrict what speech is permitted on digital platforms."
Editor's Note: So if I text my son I have reservations about taking the vaccine, he may never get that text? Thank you DNC.

7/13/21 "According to the new poll, 93 percent of Republicans and 72 percent of Democrats surveyed said showing respect is important."

7/13/21 "The NBA was looking to right the ratings ship and get back to normal in Game 3 of the NBA Finals, but they’ll have to keep looking."

7/12/21 "Private space companies' efforts are a boost to the government's own space programs, in addition to being objectively cool."

7/12/21 "They are challenging school district policy that requires teachers to "issue a disclaimer" when sharing their views off campus."

7/12/21 "Restricting internet access has become a tried-and-true method of stifling dissent by authoritarian regimes around the world, alongside government-supported disinformation"

7/13/21 The New York Times reported, "Shouting 'Freedom' and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets ...," a bit of 'lofty journalism' which was roundly panned.

Courtesy Miami Herald

7/12/21 "Cuba will now threaten that a rafter or Mariel style crisis [large exodus to U.S. by boat] ‘is inevitable’ if the U.S. doesn’t stop encouraging protests & return to Obama policy" "We must not cave to blackmail"

7/12/21 "Protesters chanting 'freedom' and 'unite' marched in cities from Havana to Santiago demanding an end to the island's Communist dictatorship"
Stuart Varney: Where is Bernie Sanders, AOC and 'The Squad?'
7/12/21 "Their fellow socialists in Cuba, are in revolt. Not against the evils of capitalism, but the failure of socialism. And what do we have here? Silence from America's left."

7/12/21 "Trump ran away with a presidential straw poll taken at the Conservative Political Action Conference ... got the support of 70 percent of CPAC attendees

7/12/21 "Democrats may not have noticed how the black community benefited from this economy, but black voters sure did."

7/12/21 "From impeachment to tax evasion charges, desperate attempts to criminalize the former president have fallen flat."

7/12/21 "Tucker Carlson devoted seven minutes of airtime to reading it. Donald Trump heaped praise on it. Why did this Twitter analysis resonate so widely on the right?"
Editor's Note: Forward by Glenn Greenwald and published under his Outside Voices banner. In 4 days author Cooper's Twitter feed has increased from 7,000 to over 80,000 followers.

AT Content

7/12/21 "While Democrats and their partners in the press push the Jim Crow canard, they ignore the real disenfranchisement that took place in the mess of the 2020 election."

7/11/21 "streaming services have been making something that they call ‘movies.’ They ain’t movies. They are some weird algorithmic process"

7/11/21 "We know that we can get hurt from inmates but it’s getting hurt from inmates and getting hurt from the administration that makes it such a tough job."

7/11/21 "On Saturday, Tshibaka won the endorsement of the Alaska Republican Party, and she won it handily."

7/10/21 "Hollywood had just five bankable scripts, made over and over. They were: 'Good Looking Vampires,' 'Heroes in Underpants,' 'Dragons n’ Shit,' 'Old People Fucking,' and 'Liam Neeson’s Revenge.'"

AT Graphic

Cover of 'Annual Demographic Report' from Director of National Intelligence a cut-n-paste job
7/10/21 White House group tasked with integrating intellegence between 17 top-secret agencies uses phony stock photos and sloppy "photoshop" to represent its diversity. Daily Mail offers step-by-step tutorial on how it it was done.

7/10/21 "There is something perpetually dissatisfied in the progressive mind; it’s right there in the word, isn’t it? At no point will our friends on the Left ever rest."

7/9/21 "Columbus Academy claims that Andrea Gross and Amy Gonzalez have leveled “false and misleading attacks” on the school and its leadership"

7/9/21 "It is incumbent on American patriots working in U.S. intelligence agencies to stand up to the abuse of their organizations for political purposes by the Biden administration."

7/8/21 "The six-month anniversary of the Capitol riot not by Black Lives Matter exposes exactly how unserious the left is about the reality of that day -- and how serious they are about using it for their own political ends."

Courtesy MSNBC

Fauci politicizes vaccine under the banner of 'Republicans against public health'
7/8/21 Biden administration "pandemic guru" espouses rejection of submitting to vaccine injection is a political statement. No mention of personal medical decision.

7/8/21 "Biden is refusing to act as Russian attacks become more ambitious and more aggressive"

7/9/21 "fancy living is not Carter’s style. Instead, the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner says, 'It just never had been my ambition to be rich.'"

AT Content, Photo: Gage Skidmore*†

7/8/21 "How Democrats, the media, and the deep state work together to ruin the conservatives they demonize."

Xavier Becerra

7/8/21 "Biden announced that his administration would step up efforts to get Americans vaccinated against COVID-19 with a new program “literally knocking on doors,”"

Robin DiAngelo

7/8/21 "it may not have been the wisest marketing strategy for DiAngelo to write a book directly accusing her core audience of white progressives of being racists themselves."

7/7/21 "A prenatal test used worldwide sends gene data of pregnant women to the company that developed it with China's military. The U.S. sees a security risk."

Courtesy Sky News

Foreign media weigh in on President Biden's 'cognitive decline'
7/7/21 Sky News Australia: "Suddenly, the world’s greatest power is in the hands of a slightly dazed bloke who looks like he’s always waking up from heavy anesthesia."

Courtesy Newsmax

Trump announces lawsuit against Twitter, Facebook and Google
7/7/21 Former President, banned for life on Twitter and until 2023 on Facebook, also enjoins CEOs in class action suit citing issue as freedom of speech

Courtesy FOX News

Dershowitz: 'This is the most important first amendment case of the 21st century'
7/7/21 Liberal Alan Dershowitz and conservative Gregg Jarrett discuss the importance of President Trump's lawsuit against big tech censorship

7/7/21 "Efforts against violence are turning into restrictions on ideas. 'Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist?'"

Representative. Ken Buck

7/7/21 "As House Republicans vocally denounce Big Tech in media appearances, many simultaneously use their power to impede legislative reform. Rep. Buck is acting."

7/7/21 Walgreens has closed 17 San Francisco area stores in the last 5 years, Target is limiting hours of operation: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

7/7/21 "in any scenario in which Carlson’s texts and emails are absorbed in surveillance, his identity would have to be unmasked by a Biden administration official"

7/5/21 "The NSA denied ‘targeting’ Tucker Carlson, but did not deny reading his emails. The NSA also did not deny that it may have accessed his communications through 'incidental collection.'"

California Governor Gavin Newsom

7/6/21 "Sane people knew the law would have negative effects on women... Now, six months into the practice the results have been horrific. Worse, they were completely predictable."

7/5/21 "union pledged to teach critical race theory -- the ideology that claims America is irredeemably rooted in racism ... across the more than 14,000 school districts the union works with"
Editor's Note: According to Wikipedia, National Education Association (NEA) is the largest labor union in the U.S. with 2,290,000 members
Mark Steyn: Standing up for America
7/5/21 Canadian expat brings his keen wit and insightful perspective to America's celebration of independence and the politics which swirl around it.

7/5/21 "This is the battleground between capitalism and socialism. The Marxists ... don’t want these people to get off the streets. They want to keep them here so they can keep saying how evil capitalism is."

7/5/21 "Happy Fourth of July! Falls Church in Northern Virginia just renamed two public schools, George Mason High School and Thomas Jefferson Elementary, to cancel the men who gave us this day."

7/5/21 "untold numbers of faculty have faced repercussions for expressing the slightest disagreement with the woke, hyper-inclusive ideology that progressives peddle."

Reps. Mo Brooks & Matt Gaetz

7/4/21 Matt Gaetz: "Nobody in Russia is quivering over their 'white rage'... In China, they spend money modifying submarines, not the genders of service-members."

The Young Turks’ co-host Ana Kasparian

7/5/21 "Baselessly accusing people of being Russian agents and weaponizing accusations of sexual misconduct are reputation-destroying cancers at the heart of liberal discourse."

7/4/21 "...the committee 'will end up being a partisan shouting match that accomplishes next to nothing and only serves to further divide us.' But that’s exactly what Nancy Pelosi wants"

7/2/21 "'It’s a whisper campaign designed to sabotage her,' Biden’s senior adviser Cedric Richmond said, admitting Friday to the Hill the infighting is real."

7/2/21 Alex Berenson: "Yeah, I’m becoming an extremist. An anti-@Facebook extremist. 'Confidential help is available?' Who do they think they are?"
7/3/21 "The struggle won the independence of a country whose power and ideals have influenced the course of history for the better."

7/3/21 "President Joe Biden has a problem, and her name is Kamala Harris. The vice president has become a comic figure ... given to missteps and unforced errors"

7/3/21 Drive-time talk-show headliner on WRKO AM680 in Boston offers up a panoply of Bidenisms. "I wanna talk about happy things, man."

Loudoun County High School

7/2/21 "'I don't need my children being taught how to feel. Parenting is teaching your child those things, and I don't co-parent with the government.'"

7/2/21 "The group of far-left Democrats rarely issues statements when Jews are victims of crime in America, even though FBI statistics routinely rank Jews as a top victim of hate crimes in America."

General Mark Milley

7/2/21 "Gen. Mark Milley’s testimony can only be true if he counts as domestic enemies the thousands of Donald Trump supporters and conservatives who attended the president’s rally."

6/30/21 "Biden insists he never knew a thing about Hunter’s lucrative deals in countries where he wielded influence as vice president. But evidence abounds on Hunter’s abandoned laptop"

7/2/21 "administration was mocked, criticized, and was outright castigated over the tweet with many calling it an attempt to gaslight the American public about inflation."

7/2/21 "...the shift toward promoting liberal social values to children is the result of decades of campaigning by special interests."

7/1/21 Communist dictator delivers violent speech on 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party vowing doom to anyone promoting Chinese liberation and threatening the “reunification” of Taiwan
Glenn Greenwald weighs in on FOX News personality's scuffle with NSA
7/1/21 On 3rd day running of Tucker Carlson's outrage over claims he was spied on by the NSA, Greenwald brings his NSA experience vis-a-vis the Snowden affair to the table.

7/1/21 "As you know, people across the nation will be cheering on your efforts and celebrating your victories. The Olympic Games have always had a unifying power for Americans."

7/1/21 "There is one place to solve all the problems on the border and that is on the border and that’s exactly where the Biden administration needs to devote their resources to get the job done," Abbott stressed"

7/1/21 "'...22 current and former vice presidential aides, administration officials and associates of Harris and Biden' ...described a poisonous atmosphere in the office of the vice president."

7/1/21 "Amazon has held discussions with Dropbox, Slack, Smartsheet and others about creating a bundle of business apps that corporate customers could purchase at a single price"
Special Sections / Clusters