MARCH 2021 News Stream
America Today
America Today

3/31/21 "... network reclaimed the ratings crown in March, dominating its competition the last few weeks of the month not only in prime time among total viewers and adults 25-54, but also in the 6 a.m.-6 a.m. time period ..."

3/31/21 "'This bill is about both highways and highway robbery of our Treasury,' said Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas, a senior Democrat ..."

3/31/21 "Hysteria, thy name is Biden. Or maybe it’s Walensky, named for Dr Rochelle Walensky, aspiring soap opera star and newly appointed director of the Centers for Disease Cons."

3/31/21 "'Card check' does away with the secret ballot, and it could allow union organizers to intimidate workers ... Democratic Party presidential nominee George McGovern opposed the idea in 2008."

3/31/21 "It’s $6,000 for every single person in the country. It’s nearly half of what the entire federal government spent in 2019, before the coronavirus spending binge."

3/31/21 "Remember when the propaganda outlet CNN ran an ad campaign about ‘facts’ called ‘this is an apple, this is a banana?’ Maybe they should work on ‘this is a penis, this is a vagina."

Christopher Wray

3/31/21 "FBI Director Christopher Wray has kept Brian Auten in his job at the bureau, where he continues to work at headquarters as a supervisory intelligence analyst."

Mohammad Anwar

3/30/21 "He was simply at work ... providing for his family, when his life was tragically taken in an appalling act of violence."

3/30/21 "The lawsuit cites a tweet by popular shoe influencer @Saint from last Friday, which teased the upcoming release of the shoes and drummed up publicity over the weekend on social media"

3/30/21 "Washington Post provides one article dedicated to the incident, reporting ... The New York Times has made no mention of Anwar"

3/30/21 "The new administration should take Mike Pompeo's advice: Strength deters bad actors and weakness begets war."

3/30/21 "... plan comes as President Joe Biden prepares to unveil a major infrastructure plan that’s expected to be financed largely by higher taxes ..."

3/30/21 "Congressional Republicans are calling the Biden administration’s reported plan to roll back sanctions on Iran before it commits to renewed diplomatic talks an unacceptable concession ..."

3/29/21 "I’m reiterating my call for every governor, mayor, and local leader to maintain and reinstate the mask mandate,” Biden said at the White House."

Fauci. File Photo

3/29/21 "Based on their (CNN) interviews, I felt it was time to speak up about Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, two self-promoters trying to reinvent history to cover for their bad instincts and faulty recommendations"

3/28/21 "A lack of transparency from Chinese officials and looming geopolitical consequences have damaged the credibility of a WHO-led inquiry into how the virus that causes COVID-19 originated."

3/28/21 "Unless we start getting our fiscal house in order now, we will soon be at the mercy of our creditors."

3/28/21 "... Cruz showed exclusive video of a woman he identified as a Biden administration staffer blocking him from recording at a migrant facility on 'Sunday Morning Futures.'"

3/28/21 "The trial is expected to last as long as a month, drawing out the anxiety that has hung over the city for almost a year."

3/26/21 "The repressive objective of the Democratic-controlled Congress is to transfer the power to police and censor political discourse from these tech giants to themselves."

3/27/21 "These people, they're dying for leadership, and there's nothing, there's no leadership"

3/27/21 "If history has taught anything, it’s that weakness is provocative. It entices people into doing things that they otherwise would not do."

Jean-Philippe Delberghe

3/27/21 "... by the end of February, nearly one year into the pandemic, 1 in 5 renters were behind on payments, and more than 10 million homeowners were behind on mortgage payments."

3/27/21 "The basis for a criminal investigation was already considerable before the sudden emergence of an apparent false statement on a firearms form."

3/27/21 "Sotomayor noted. 'When we permit police to search and seize without some standard, we run the risk of situations like this one repeating themselves.'"

3/26/21 "Another card featured photos of journalists and listed their names and respective news outlets. Some appeared to have been crossed out completely ..."

3/26/21 "The former president said he’s wondering where the man tasked with digging into the origins of the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” Russia probe is these days."

3/26/21 "In an age when Americans have grown used to casually shrugging away their freedoms at the whim of TV pundits, this kind of propaganda is seriously dangerous."

3/26/21 "... they envision it becoming a conservative version of the American Civil Liberties Union, which filed 400 legal challenges against the Trump administration ..."

3/26/21 "... raises questions about whether there was any connection between his vote and his wife's nomination."

3/25/21 "Everyone knows Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube make money by keeping users engaged. Why won’t their executives admit it to Congress?"

3/25/21 "The sorry theatrical display of Biden’s first press conference is an accurate image of what has happened to American democracy."

3/25/21 "While previous news conferences saw rooms packed with the White House press corps, Biden's had only 30 reporters socially distanced in the White House East Room."

3/25/21 "In his first news conference since taking office, President Biden made a number of incorrect statements or made claims that lacked important context."

3/25/21 "President Biden has detached himself from his highly touted inaugural promise to promote national 'unity' and furthermore made stunning comments in defending the administration's purported transparency ..."

3/25/21 "Biden attacked election integrity bills being considered in states like Georgia and Michigan. “It’s sick,” he declared."

3/25/21 "In evading this reality throughout the press conference, Biden resorted to a haze of misrepresentations, and inadvertently exposed the senselessness of his own policy."

3/25/21 "Biden only fielded questions from 10 of the 25 reporters located in the White House’s East Room, many of whom injected their own agendas, bias, and narratives into their leading questions"

3/25/21 "For this sickening spectacle we had to wait 64 days? ... Now we know beyond all doubt there is no way to deny the terrifying truth."

3/25/21 "President Joe Biden's press conference--the first in the 64 days he's been in office--was painful to watch for many reasons. This was especially to do with the lack of straightforward answers."

3/25/21 "Many of his answers were long and winding versions of what he’s said in the past. Others were revealing."

3/24/21 "Why can’t the Democratic Party quit the former president? If the party is truly going to welcome women, it has to get rid of the political millstone around its neck."

3/24/21 "Trump and his allies claim there was voter fraud and other irregularities in the state, but those claims were rejected by state and federal courts. "

3/24/21 "While many laughed at video footage of Joe Biden failing to safely make it up the stairs of Air Force One last week, another fully appropriate reaction is deep concern for our country."

3/24/21 "CNN told you, we don’t really know anything about what just happened. We do think a quote 'white man' did it. That was CNN’s first observation. What they cared about most was the gunman’s race."

3/24/21 "A German court in Düsseldorf has asked the European Court of Justice to weigh in on a case combining data protection and competition law"

3/24/21 "It’s no secret that former President Donald Trump was a godsend for CNN's ratings, especially during the last election cycle ... "

3/24/21 "Another opportunity to shore up their sagging “white terror threat” narrative is lost."

3/23/21 "His comments came after the venerable newspaper lost last week its motion in New York state court to dismiss a defamation lawsuit filed by the undercover journalism organization."

3/23/21 "Seventy-seven percent of Americans across the board favor requiring individuals to show an ID before casting a ballot, compared to 15 percent who oppose the idea. "

3/23/21 "Higher uncertainty makes more people want to buy coverage, and makes them willing to pay more for coverage."

3/22/21 "The activist bent of our media empowers China to deflect blame on everything from their gross abusive treatment of the Uighurs in Xinjiang to the global pandemic."

3/22/21 "... he was always planning on returning to the political scene ... he felt compelled to move his timeline up because Biden and the Democrats have been blaming him for the border crisis ..."

3/22/21 "At a media briefing on Tuesday, the Mexican president assigned blame to Biden for creating the environment that now has tens of thousands of children living together in cramped quarters."

3/22/21 "... call for Moscow and Beijing to reduce their dependence on the U.S. dollar and Western payment systems to push back against what he called the West’s ideological agenda."

3/22/21 "... networks, including left-leaning ABC News and CNN, repeatedly slammed the Biden administration during the Sunday morning news shows over the massive crisis that has unfolded on the southern border ..."

3/22/21 "After readers asked, we contacted the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to investigate the claim."

3/22/21 "A recent biopic of famed jazz singer Billie Holiday represents Hollywood's latest attempt to change history."

3/22/21 "The issue, the mayor said, is the Biden administration has no plan on how to move forward and put a halt to the crisis."

3/22/21 "It is a deliberate and insolent attack by the federal government on state sovereignty and the doctrine of federalism."

3/21/21 "Anyone signing up for the vaccine is warned in advance that he will have to present identification that includes “a driver’s license, passport, or any legal proof of your date of birth and residency."

3/21/21 "What Fauci won’t tell you is that he’s telling you a noble lie. He’s lying to you because he doesn’t think we’re smart enough to make decisions"

3/21/21 "Jason Miller tells Fox News' '#MediaBuzz' the platform will 'completely redefine the game'"

3/21/21 "As several Obama-era officials return to the White House under President Joe Biden, their reunion comes with fuller pockets and deeper ties to corporate interests ..."

3/20/21 "There are so many people afraid to give their honest opion [sic] because if they do the LGBTQ+ will hear what they want to hear and take statements out of context"

3/20/21 "... a one-third chance that inflation would accelerate over the next several years, with the U.S. possibly facing stagflation, or economic stagnation."

3/20/21 "he made a brief address to the nation on the virus he’s repeatedly called “COVID 9.” He began his speech: “Good evening my fellow Americans. Tolight I’d like to talk to you about where we are."

3/20/21 "... they haven’t bothered to explain the scientific basis for it, I don’t think they can because I don’t think there is any scientific basis for it at all"

3/19/21 "It may surprise Democrats to know that, despite their best efforts to conceal it, the whole world is aware of President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. "

3/19/21 "... Joe Biden’s comments about Russia’s Vladimir Putin, in which he said he thought he was a killer, were “unacceptable” and unfitting of a U.S. president."

3/19/21 "In June 2018, while running unsuccessfully for Ted Cruz’s Senate seat in Texas, he was outside the gates of the Tornillo facility for unaccompanied alien children (UACs), megaphone in hand."

3/19/21 "A top Chinese diplomat said the U.S. has a “deeply rooted human rights problem,” including its history of killing Black people."

3/18/21 "The White House’s constrictive COVID measures will stop the media from holding him to account"

3/18/21 "Gallup reported in February that 34 percent of front-line health workers said they wouldn’t get the vaccine, with another 18 percent unsure; fewer than half said they would definitely get jabbed."

3/18/21 "Now when President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona, not long ago, one of the nurses on that tour ..."

3/18/21 "Only an imminent 25th Amendment crisis and soldiers in the streets."

3/17/21 "... curious timing of Amazon’s digital burning of his book When Harry Became Sally that took place the weekend before the House voted on the radical transgender 'Equality Act,'"

3/17/21 "'The Dan Bongino Show' will premiere on radio stations across the country May 24"

3/17/21 "... despite those hundreds of regulations in Obama’s legacy, the administration let Google amass unchecked power by committing key errors in its investigation and letting the company off the hook ..."

3/17/21 "Eager to obtain vindication for the pre-election falsehood they spread about the Hunter Biden story, journalists falsely claim that the CIA blamed Russia for it."

3/17/21 "Russia responded by summoning its envoy home, but stressed it wanted to prevent an "irreversible deterioration" in U.S.-Russia relations."

3/17/21 "... restrictions are seen as an unofficial "gag order" and are often referred to that way among colleagues ... officials requested anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to the media ..."

3/17/21 "People need to know this story. It’s about some of the most powerful people in the country. Nobody knows it. But it’s shocking"

3/16/21 "Biden made numerous false claims during excerpts of an ABC News interview that aired on Tuesday evening about the border crisis that is unfolding under his watch."

3/16/21 "Biden is behind his 15 most recent predecessors, who all held a solo news conference within 33 days of taking office, according to a CNN analysis of the past 100 years."

3/16/21 "The administration’s response to immigration-related matters thus far has caused considerable outrage among Republicans."

3/16/21 "As suspected by conservatives for years, sexual harassment is not about sex but rather it is about politics"

3/16/21 "Progressive-pillow entrepreneur David Hogg slept through the first step of creating a business. Good Pillow got off to a nightmare start ..."

3/16/21 "... if those election irregularities had been remedied, then there would have been a different outcome in the election on Nov. 3."

3/13/21 Meghan Kelly: "Give me a break. Have you ever seen such privileged people wallowing in their own (perceived) victimhood like this?"

3/13/21 "Three petitions on calling for Morgan to return to GMB have since garnered a combined total of more than 210,000 signatures."

3/10/21 "Rather than employing the preventive measures of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, this armor has been set aside in favor of argument, disparaging words and divisiveness"

3/9/21 "We’re launching this big platform so all the voices of our country can come back and start telling it like it is again."

3/7/21 "Two years after publicly launching a privacy-focused browser, Brave, founded by former Mozilla executive Brendan Eich, is taking on Google’s search business too."

3/4/21 "Jones broke from his party last year to support Trump in the 2020 presidential election and attributed his endorsement largely to Trump’s support for black Americans ..."

3/4/21 "... projected that federal debt will reach 102% of gross domestic product in 2021 due to massive spending associated with the coronavirus pandemic."

3/3/21 "Obama cited message of inclusivity found in his books: 'We're all the same'"

3/3/21 "... in mid-February, Biden once again falsely claimed that his administration did not inherit a vaccine plan from former President Donald Trump."

File Photo by Gage Skidmore*

3/2/21 "... it is clear from the recoveries, the vaccinations, the reduced hospitalizations and the safe practices that Texans are using, that state mandates are no longer needed ..."

3/2/21 "... remember, Biden said last year that he was elected to the U.S. Senate '180 years ago' — and sometimes it just gets very confusing"

3/2/21 "On LGBTQ rights, police reform and immigration overhaul, moderates are warning liberals are risking getting laws enacted."

3/2/21 "The problem with his attempted disclosure is that he promised to be straight with his audience, and then proceeded to be anything but."

2/13/21 ".. Biden said Trump doesn’t deserve intelligence briefings because of 'his ‘ratic behavior,' and then added, 'What value is it giving him an intelligent briefing?'"

3/2/21 "... the poorly named For the People Act, is an assault on free speech and representative government that could effectively silence half the country and lead us to one-party rule for generations."

3/2/21 "... bulk of this budget-busting bill is devoted to fulfilling a wish list of long-time liberal priorities, including billion-dollar bailouts, progressive program expansions, and pricey partisan pet projects ..."
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