MAY 2021 News Stream
America Today
America Today

5/31/21 "According to project director Nikole Hannah-Jones, the colonies launched the American Revolution in defense of slavery — a claim debunked by some of the ­nation’s most eminent historians"

5/31/21 "Blumenthal is taking up the cudgel of court packing with not so subtle threats to conservative justices ... He is not alone in such reckless and coercive rhetoric."

Wayne Allyn Root, Photo Gage Skidmore

5/30/21 "He'd clearly never heard it before. But Trump wasn't the only one who liked the idea. I received thousands of emails and texts overnight."
Editor's Note: Regardless your opinion of Mr. Root's politics, he posits a new and intriguing idea.

5/29/21 "Fonte led a controversial and explicit “porn literacy” workshop at another elite prep school ... I’m paying $50,000 to these a–holes to tell my kid not to let her grandfather hug her"

Ric Grenell, fmr Dir. of National Intelligence

5/29/21 "The entire intelligence community believed either that it was an animal-to-human transmission or the Wuhan lab"

5/29/21 "Republicans looking to challenge House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s fines for violating her security screening and mask mandates ... sole Democrat to face a fine — Rep. James Clyburn — had his penalty expunged."

Investigative Journalist, Markson

5/29/21 "The Weekend Australian spoke to 'multiple' Trump administration insiders who confirmed that Fauci had not briefed them on the NIH decision to restore funding for gain-of-function research."

5/28/21 "I’ve spent a lot of time, as you know, on the border of the United States, unlike Vice President Kamala Harris, who can’t find the border on a map apparently" - Rep. Chip Roy on Newsmax
Horowitz on The Rubin Report: What I Lost by Leaving the Left
5/28/21 1960s leftist turned conservative, author, publisher and think-tank president, David Horowitz explores his roots and the roots of division in America from a historical perspective with David Rubin.

5/28/21 Biden's just-released fiscal year 2022 budget eliminates the longstanding, bipartisan (including Biden) Hyde Amendment and forces American taxpayers to fund abortions.

5/28/21 "Under the proposal, debt as a percentage of annual GDP would climb to 117 percent of the GDP by the end of 2031, which would be up from about 100 percent this year. "

House GOP Whip Steve Scalise

5/28/21 "There is mounting evidence the pandemic started in a Chinese lab, and the CCP covered it up. If that is the case, the CCP is responsible for the deaths of almost 600,000 Americans"
Lead Trump Investigator: Biostatisticians calculated odds of 1-in-13-billion that COVID-19 evolved in nature.
5/28/21 David Asher, Trump's lead investigator into pandemic origins, said on Fox News that Wuhan Institute of Virology was up to "some very hairy stuff with synthetic biology."

5/28/21 "'You know what? I actually smoked crack with Marion Barry. I swear to f–king God.' The other man responded, 'Jesus.'"

5/28/21 USA Today apologizes for usage it published in op-ed by the fastest female runner in Connecticut prior to competing against individuals who transition from male to female.

5/27/21 "Former NY Times science writer Nicholas Wade ... went on to point out ... Dr. Anthony Fauci had been personally involved in lobbying to exempt gain-of-function research into coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology from funding restrictions."

Jamie Dimon, Financial Times*†

5/27/21 "you need a global competitive tax rate because at the margin, capital will be retained and invested overseas — the same capital that you want retained and invested over here"

5/27/21 "Yellen said stronger spending is needed for her department, particularly in tracking financial crimes, community development projects and in cracking down on tax cheats."

5/27/21 "Few events have accelerated Western institutional decay as the coronavirus pandemic, and it's been Dr. Anthony Fauci's foot on the gas."

5/27/21 "Republican leaders and the vast majority of the party’s rank-and-file members are betting they are better off with former President Donald Trump than they are without him heading into the 2022 midterm elections."

5/27/21 "In Biden's plan, the government would consume a historically large share of the economy—and those taxes still wouldn't be enough to pay for everything"

5/27/21 "Deal underscores how competition watchdogs have their hands tied when it comes to curbing tech companies’ growth"

5/27/21 "asked by Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) if the World Health Organization would fall out of the pocket of China’s Xi Jinping, Fauci refused to answer. He chuckled."

5/26/21 "Mandavilli’s tweet suggests that journalists, international bodies, and the U.S. government shouldn’t make an effort to explore the lab-leak theory, despite there being just as much evidence to support it as any other origin theory."

5/26/21 "Joe Biden met with Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakhstani business associates of his son’s at a dinner in Washington, DC, while he was vice president, records on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show."

5/26/21 The Zuckerbergs gave $350 million to CTCL, lead by experienced Democrat campaign trainers. CTCL gave "COVID-19 response" grants to 2,500 cities in 49 states. The deal? Local election boards agreed to follow CTCL guidelines.

5/26/21 "Critics had sought the memo as the 'smoking gun' to show how former A.G. Bill Barr scuttled any obstruction charges against Donald Trump. Instead, the memo showed the opposite."

5/26/21 WaPo: purge of four from Fine Arts Commision followed complaint by deputy D.C. mayor, that they “could impede D.C.'s progress toward racial and economic equity, climate change and affordable housing.”

5/26/21 "By a 74-34 vote, the state House swiftly passed HB 4501, a bill brought up for consideration after Breitbart News busted Whitmer for violating her restaurant table capacity order last weekend."

5/25/21 "effort relied on scientific research as well as public and classified information to probe the lab leak theory, including looking into ... Chinese government’s biological weapons program"

5/25/21 "It is right to condemn excessive police force. To turn Floyd into a hero of a racialized morality play is inane."

5/25/21 Scarborough, whose network promoted 2016 election by Russian collusion screams Americans who raise questions about the 2020 election should leave the country
The science hasn't changed, the politics have
5/24/21 Tucker Carlson lays bare the agendas, hypocracy, obfuscation and double dealing played out by Dr. Fauci, the scientific community, the media and politicians

5/24/21 "officials at the Fort Bliss tent camp admit that children lack basic necessities such as underwear and access to medical care."

5/24/21 "What do these people have in common, aside from their political ideology? Every one of them is a part of a machine that launders smears and opinions "

5/24/21 "it's not happening as long as Biden's party continues attempts to block U.S. arms for Israel while echoing Hamas propaganda and emboldening terrorists in the region."
Reporter's cheap shot backfires, DeSantis' aim on target, gets standing ovation
5/23/21 Reporter suggests DeSantis' bill allowing Floridians to sue tech companies for deplatforming them was written for one man, Donald Trump

5/24/21 "envelope was emblazoned with an image of a bruised and bandaged Paul with a gun to his head ... “I’ll finish what your neighbor started you motherf —” the envelope read."

5/24/21 "About one-quarter of adults believe the Nov. 3 election was tainted by illegal voting, including 56% of Republicans, according to the poll."

5/24/21 "Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed legislation Monday reining in big tech companies and empowering users who believe they have been discriminated against unfairly."
"Fauci Is Playing Word Games" About Gain-of-Function Research In Wuhan
5/23/21 Senator Tom Cotton, an early exponent of the Wuhan lab-leak theory of origin, appearing on Fox News "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo opines about Dr. Fauci's conduct.

Sen. Tom Cotton

5/24/21 "Sen. Tom Cotton was denounced as a conspiracy theorist last year for suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 might have emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology"

5/24/21 "The assessment appears to confirm a State Department fact sheet, released by the Trump administration, which said that researchers at the WIV fell sick"

5/23/21 "As of May 15, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, no more than six people can be seated together at a restaurant and different groups must be separated by at least six feet."

5/23/21 "He told National Geographic in May 2020 that, based on the scientific evidence, he did not think a lab leak was a possible reason for the virus outbreak."

5/23/21 "The deranged racism of the Black Hammers, Amerikkka’s premier anti-colonial revolutionaries"

5/22/21 "The region has changed ... Israel has changed ... America has changed ... Then came the Great Awokening."

5/22/21 "suit claims that McDonald’s purchased about $1.6 billion in television ads in 2019, but less than $5 million of that total, or about 0.31 percent, was directed towards black-owned media"

5/21/21 "private strategy sessions, conducted via conference call, were far more extensive and consequential than previously reported, according to a partial transcript obtained by the Washington Free Beacon."

5/21/21 'Try to ignore the politicians and media,' he urged his colleagues. 'They know nothing of this profession or honor; they’re self-serving con artists, well-dressed pimps and prostitutes at best.'"

5/21/21 "Wood writes that the 1619 Project is 'an effort to destroy America by teaching children that America never really existed, except as a lie told by white people in an effort to control black people.'"

5/21/21 "Biden’s enthusiasm for returning to the nuclear deal is a massive miscalculation that is diminishing deterrence and weakening our leverage. ... extremists running Iran know Biden wants a deal much more than they do."

5/21/21 "Critical race theory may be the Democrat left’s filthiest, ugliest big lie. It defines America as inherently and irredeemably bigoted, denounces all whites as racial oppressors, and diminishes all blacks as racially oppressed victims."

5/20/21 "Democrats' shameless dishonesty continues with renewed fake outrage over supposed threats to the Secret Service"

5/21/21 "... by a 3–1 margin, respondents oppose major businesses taking a highly visible role in influencing politics ... 37 percent of Americans are less likely to buy Coca-Cola products in the wake of all these headlines."

5/21/21 "The ballots must remain with Fulton County election officials throughout the audit, and the results of the review cannot impact the outcome of the November election"

Representatives Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez

5/21/21 "Three Squad members -- all of whom recently chanted "Defund the Police" -- had the power to kill a $1.9 billion increase in Capitol Police and security spending. Instead, they ensured its passage."

5/20/21 "Conservatives have long complained that CNN is a propaganda organ of the Democratic Party. It’s no longer possible for the network to deny this"

5/20/21 "(Chris) Cuomo, one of the network’s top stars, joined conference calls that included ... governor’s top aide, his communications team, lawyers and a number of outside advisers"

5/20/21 "Judge Roseann Ketchmark ruled against the College of the Ozarks, a Christian college that had sued President Joe Biden’s administration over its transgender policies."

5/20/21 "Why would we go back to interacting with fellow humans as if they’re anything other than repulsive?"

5/20/21 "'60 Minutes' veteran says people wrongly believe she is biased but has survived 50 years in news by loving ‘every single story.’"

5/20/21 "Former AG says radical curriculums of "secular-progressive madrassas" may violate Constitution, calls for new era of school choice vouchers."

5/20/21 "by PBS member station WNET and NYC Department of Education ... singing, dancing, and reading a book about drag queens to an intended audience of 3 to 8 year olds."
Editor's Note: 31% of PBS funding is paid for by local, state and federal taxpayers. Source: PBS.

5/19/21 "That Trump was controlled by Putin and served his agenda was the opposite of reality. First Obama, and now Biden, have accommodated Moscow far more."

Lori Lightfoot

5/19/21 "Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is only accepting interview requests from “black and brown journalists” as a matter of policy, according to a spokesman."

5/19/21 "The proposed Jan. 6 commission is nothing more than another excuse to use the weapons of law enforcement against the Democrats' political enemies."

Florida School District Finds Eloquent Spokesperson for 4th Grade Student Rights re. Mask Mandates
5/19/21 4th grade student John Provenzano takes to board meeting lectern and takes the nation by storm with egalitarian wisdom beyond administrators' years."

5/19/21 "Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier relieved of duty for decrying 'neo-Marxist' agenda in military training"

5/19/21 " trust between public health experts and the public is broken ... We can blame one man above anyone for this parlous state of ­affairs: Saint Anthony Fauci ..."

5/18/21 "Trump administration organized the Abraham Accords between Israel and Sudan, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which normalized relations between Israel and the three Arab states."

AT content, Photo by Glen Carrie

5/18/21 "pilot program will rely on a private surveillance firm in order to circumvent First Amendment restrictions on government monitoring, according to a senior Pentagon official"

5/18/21 "'Fentanyl is an incredibly potent opioid that is 50-100 times stronger than morphine' ... during the COVID-19 pandemic, Fentanyl use and abuse surged."

5/18/21 "another blow to the nascent market reeling from one of its biggest sell-offs ever"

5/18/21 "nation's most populous state needs more time before it will follow the lead of many other states and allow fully vaccinated people to skip face coverings"

5/17/21 "Only students support extending the power to penalize speech, raising concerns about what they’re learning in school."

5/17/21 "... the early morning April raids on his home and office were not necessary because he had made clear in 2019 that he would answer any questions without restrictions"

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner

5/17/21 "As a spate of progressive district attorneys takes office throughout the country, violent recidivism has some Philadelphians second-guessing their reformist district attorney."
Editor's Note: Preface by Glenn Greenwald

5/17/21 "Critics have called for similar products to be taken off shelves, saying they’re inherently racist and colorist."

5/16/21 "Biden presidency calls into question just who is responsible for what."

5/16/21 "leaked report showed how the HHS agency expects to spend almost $9 billion by October to implement Biden’s decision to import the youths and children of U.S.-based illegal migrants."
CBS News 5/16/21Trump Photo: Gage Skidmore

James Clapper

5/16/21 "suddenly 'the FBI-CIA-media partnership' has become 'cozier than a Swedish porn shoot.'"

5/16/21 "Anthony Fauci is just awful. The highest-paid person in the federal government “became famous” for working on an AIDS vaccine. If you haven’t noticed, we don’t have an AIDS vaccine."

Photo by Larry Crayton

5/16/21 "he had received a message from Twitter which informed him that he had violated its policies on 'hate speech' for the remarks."

Wuhan photo by Ureem2805

5/15/21 "On March 21st, 2021, the lab’s website listed six U.S.-based research partners... One day later, the page was revised to contain just two research partners"

5/15/21 "Maricopa County deleted a directory full of election databases from the 2020 election cycle days before the election equipment was delivered to the audit."
Arrested Canadian pastor warns US of creeping COVID dictatorship
5/15/21 "Pastor Artur Pawlowski implores Americans to watch what’s happening to him after he spent three days in jail for opening a church"

Representative Elise Stefanik

5/14/21 "After being shunned by her party and voters in her own state, Cheney joined Fox News on Thursday to give a crazed rant about Trump and the future of the GOP"

5/14/21 "Proclamations rescind orders concerning healthcare requirement for green-card applicants, protection of U.S. monuments, legal protections for online platforms"

5/14/21 "As part of her ideological war to reclaim the GOP for neocons, the now-deposed House leader falsely denied her role in a tale designed to block withdrawal from Afghanistan."

5/14/21 "book ranks sixth in the nation for hardcover frontlist nonfiction. Since the book was released on May 4, Hawley has sold nearly 21,000 copies and shows no sign of slowing down."

5/14/21 "House Speaker Nancy Pelosy unilaterally decided that House members should be required to wear masks, despite the proclamation from the Centers for Disease Control"

5/14/21 "The media pretend that they exist to moderate ... hold public servants accountable ... explain complicated policy. Instead, they focus on food fights and clickbait ..."

AT Graphic

5/14/21 "NPR takes in $7,168 of public money per hour — that’s almost $2 per second – for every second of every day, and its member stations spend much of that time broadcasting political content"

5/13/21 "It was ridiculous enough that John Kerry was given that phony-baloney job title as “Special Presidential Envoy for Climate” by Dementia Joe Biden. But it’s gotten even more preposterous."

File Photo

5/13/21 "The decision reportedly follows pressure from local residents and politicians to mend the incessant crossing surge."

CA Senate maj. ldr. Robert Hertzberg

5/13/21 "Every think tank, every university, every lawmaker, and every corporate executive should realize that meetings like these are influence operations orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party"

Jane Fonda, Instagram

5/13/21 "A-list stars including Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and Jane Fonda ... have recently backed the closures of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines"

Recent Video via FOX

5/13/21 "ground attack marks another major escalation in what authorities were already describing as the largest clash between Israelis and Palestinian militants since 2014"

5/13/21 "Ocasio-Cortez, usually a font of half-baked socialist economic ideas, now regularly offers thoughts on the Israeli–Palestinian situation to her 12 million Twitter followers."

CNBC via RNC Research

Transportation Secretary Gets The Biz on CNBC Over Biden's 2T Proposed Infrastructure Bill
5/13/21 Buttigieg looks beyond bricks, mortar and semantics to societal issues, says money in abundance, proposed "bill is paid for, right?"

5/13/21 "case presents another example of the absurd and unfair way that U.S. criminal laws can be stacked against people to create absurdly severe punishments."

5/13/21 "Parents and teachers in schools around the nation are facing off with progressives dead set on implementing critical race theory in schools"

5/13/21 "Whether drivers actually possessed illegal narcotics made no difference. The government gained access to every vehicle that Karma ever sniffed."

5/12/21 "These kinds of things aren't one-offs, they're how corporate media and the Democratic Party work in tandem to defeat their conservative opponents."

5/12/21 "Dr. Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, has become quite the celebrity in America. Even so, as the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, key aspects of Fauci’s career remain largely unknown to the people."

Robert Charles, Fmr. Asst. Sec. of State

5/12/21 "Remarkable 5 days of bad developments stretching from Israel to Mexican border, up East Coast via Colonial Pipeline"

5/12/21 "CIA director William Burns, and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines have said in recent weeks that a lab leak is a plausible theory, congressional Democrats have maintained a conspicuous silence."

Joy Reid, Photo by Luke Harold

5/12/21 "This is par for the course for Reid. She has exactly one trick in her bag, accusing her opponents of racism, and by God, she is going to use it."

Andrew Yang, N.Y.C. mayoral candidate

5/12/21 "to say something else a day later because of A.O.C.? Let me tell you something, people around here think A.O.C. is a complete joke.”"

5/12/21 "Cheney was well aware of the unrest she caused within her party but still managed to insult her Republican colleagues on her way out the door on Wednesday after the vote."

O.J. Simpson, Twitter

Liz Cheney Wins Endorsement of O.J. Simpson
5/11/21 Former football star lauds embattled Republican House Chair on verge of ouster because standing up for the truth is "something to be admired"

Raynard Jackson

5/11/21 "black business owners and leaders held a press conference Tuesday where they demanded corporations, particularly those in Atlanta, Georgia, understand the diversity of opinions in the black community"

Ibram X. Kendi

5/11/21 "Republicans aren’t the ones who initiated this battle. They’re responding ... to an aggressive, long-term campaign on the left to ratchet up racial tension, divide Americans by race, and insert frankly racist ideas into every facet of public life"

Senator Rand Paul

5/11/21 "Fauci repeatedly denied funding the dangerous and unnecessary research, but the NIH grant process tells a different story. In fact, Fauci is known as "The Godfather" of gain-of-function research. "

5/11/21 "The decision reportedly was made after school administrators got hold of a photo of the trio maskless at a party off-campus."

5/11/21 "move to reject the extra money comes as new expert analyses show those who made $32,000 before COVID-19 hit are now making more in benefits staying at home and collecting"

5/11/21 "Your business may have closed, your kids still aren’t in school, nana hasn’t had a hug in 18 months, and your uncle drank himself to death from the crippling isolation — but the real tragedy ... luckless fats are feeling stigmatized again"

AT Graphic

5/10/21 "cyberextortion attempt that's forced the shutdown of a vital U.S. pipeline was carried out by a criminal gang known as DarkSide that cultivates a Robin Hood image of stealing from corporations and giving a cut to charity"

5/10/21 "officials from New York, Massachusetts and more—argued Facebook has 'historically failed to protect the welfare of children on its platforms' and that an Instagram just for kids would be harmful 'for a myriad of reasons.'"

5/10/21 "80% to 94% of students in NYC’s public middle schools passed their math classes even though only 2% to 15% of them passed their math exams."

5/10/21 "@RashidaTlaib, you shared a falsehood about Israeli Jews setting fire to Palestinian fields. This ugly claim has been retracted. You’re a member of Congress. Take down your tweet."

5/10/21 "Victims of the FBI's constitutionally dubious raid say they've been told to come forward and identify themselves if they want their stuff back."

5/10/21 "The Biden administration announced Susan Hennessey, a CNN analyst and Russiagate hoax peddler, would be joining its national security division at the Department of Justice."

5/10/21 "you cannot have a senior leader of the Republican caucus who spends all her time trashing the GOP base as she shimmies and shakes for the delight of her media buddies."

5/10/21 "Anti-viral considerations of common sense shouldn't lead us to become a society of permanently masked, fearful, and paranoid loners."

May 1 Cannabis Parade

5/9/21 "During the May 1 Cannabis Parade, in which Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and New York Attorney General Letitia James participated, demonstrators carried an enormous blunt down the street that said “Biden, c’mon man!"

5/9/21 "The resolution added that the impeachment had “denied the President due process, allowed falsified evidence, did not provide adequate time for an investigation.”"

5/9/21 "Her failure is not because she doesn’t like Donald Trump, that is the least important part of this whole drama, but because she can’t do the job."

Julian Assange

5/9/21 "How can you feign anger over others’ attacks on a free press when you imprison Assange as punishment for his vital revelations about U.S. officials?"

5/9/21 "if the findings are upheld, Medina Spirit's results in the Kentucky Derby will be invalidated and Mandaloun will be declared the winner"

@Lou Dobbs

Did Lou Dobbs Hint He Might Be Coming Back to Cable News?
5/8/21 "Lou Dobbs, who had the highest rated show on FOX BusIness before he was blind-side canceled and put out to pasture, just dropped a cryptobomb on Twitter"

5/8/21 "California’s population fell by more than 182,000 last year, the first yearly loss ever recorded for the nation’s most populous state that halted a growth streak dating to its founding in 1850"

New Jersey Facility, File Photo

5/8/21 "nature of the attack was unclear, including who launched it and what the motives were. A Colonial Pipeline spokeswoman declined to say whether the company had received a ransom demand"

5/7/21 "When Facebook’s Oversight Board issued its verdict on Trump, it did not cite a single item of United States law, including the First Amendment, but cited the Rabat Plan of Action"

5/7/21 ""Milton Friedman isn't running the show anymore," Biden told Politico last year. "When did Milton Friedman die and become king?" Biden asked in 2019."

5/7/21 "It is not difficult to see why the economy may not respond strongly to the latest stimulus law."

5/7/21 "After staying put with his Amazon stock all year, the e-commerce and cloud computing giant’s founder Jeff Bezos completed his second stock sale in the same week"

5/7/21 "Patrisse Cullors ... celebrated comparisons of the American left-wing movement to the deadly Chinese Cultural Revolution orchestrated by Mao Zedong."

5/7/21 "For the fifth consecutive week he experienced a viewership well below 1 million, and Sunday it was a new low for the year, as he barely crossed over 800,000. But it gets worse."

5/6/21 "The reality is a lot of turbines, not much energy."

5/6/21 "It is ridiculous that Facebook not only has an “oversight board,” but that it expects its users to consider it a meaningful source of due process, rather than as yet another way for the company to make up the rules as it goes along."

5/6/21 "in December 2020, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted that the U.S. Department of Education reported American schools had taken in roughly $1.3 billion from China since 2013"

5/6/21 "Despite Biden’s victory, Republicans carried every countywide office in Maricopa, save for sheriff (which was held by the incumbent Democrat), including flipping the county recorder and winning the open treasurer seat."

5/6/21 "I tested my beliefs at three major GOP events in the past month where I was the keynote speaker. And I got wild, enthusiastic standing ovations at all three."

5/6/21 "People come to Detroit, try to support our city and walk away with a $150 ticket, and they feel like they were tricked into it and they kind of were tricked into it"

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly

5/5/21 "House Bill 2332 prohibits the executive and judicial branches of government from altering election laws. It also prevents the Secretary of State from entering into consent decrees with a court without legislative approval."

AT Graphic

5/5/21 "What do you get if you cross a former Danish prime minister, someone who once edited the left-wing Guardian newspaper, a Yemini activist, a bunch of law professors and a Pakistani digital rights advocate?"

5/5/21 "CDC edited its guidance for reopening schools in response to pressure from the American Federation of Teachers, emails between top officials at the CDC, the union, and the White House show"

Jonathan Turley

5/5/21 "Trump will still get the boot for now. Facebook in the meantime will continue its insidious campaign to get people to “evolve” on regulations impacting privacy and free speech."

5/5/21 "Pelosi refuses to denounce her late father, former Baltimore Mayor Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., for supporting the erection of Confederate monuments in the city and perpetuating systemic racism"

5/5/21 "... at the point where they would part ways, they kissed goodbye. As social media users were quick to point out, however, the fully-vaccinated couple did not remove their masks"

5/5/21 "St. Louis prosecutor Kimberly Gardner engaged in 62 acts of misconduct that resulted in 79 false representations during prosecution of Eric Greitens, memo alleges"

5/5/21 "Marina Yurieva, who did not reach out for comment to The Federalist prior to her 'fact-check,' writes that 'calling the hydrogel sensor a microchip is inaccurate.'"
Editor's Note: The photo accompanying this link is from the offending May 3 article by The Federalist. A Microchip? Semantics aside, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck ...

5/4/21 "Punishing players for kneeling, or not kneeling, is a First Amendment violation at public universities."

5/4/21 "... Lemón (accent on the ‘o’) was something special. It was partly the brittle touchiness, partly the steady emission of self-satisfied entitlement. Mostly, though, it was the stupidity, unwritten by ignorance and fired by adamantine self-certainty."

5/4/21 "How sweet it was, as Jackie Gleason might have said. On Monday, POTUS issued a torrent of emails (since he’s still banned from Twitter) pointing out the sudden travails of his foes."

5/4/21 "Is President Joe Biden really in control of his presidency—or is he a puppet whose strings are being pulled and manipulated by Vice President Kamala Harris? One can never be entirely sure."

5/4/21 "Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.) told The Post on Tuesday he is confident the upstate New York congresswoman has the support needed to obtain the position. "

5/4/21 "what do the differences between ether and bitcoin potentially mean for the future development of blockchain and crypto applications?"

5/4/21 "It’s worth asking the question: what hidden agenda lies behind the proposed FDA ban on menthol cigarettes?"

5/4/21 "liberal pollster Frank Luntz and GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy who are not only friends, they could also be 'roommates.'"

5/4/21 "Since President Joe Biden took office in January, the liberal super PAC has lost tens of thousands of Twitter followers, and its digital footprint on Facebook has flatlined."

Platform Video Screenshot

5/4/21 "The space allows Trump to post, and allows followers to share the former president’s posts to Twitter and Facebook, however, the new platform does not have a feature to allow users to ‘reply’ or engage"

Photo: Element5 Digital

5/3/21 Forty-three percent of "registered voters": voting laws should be stricter. 31 percent of "respondents" said voting should be made more accessible while 27 percent said voting should be kept as is."

Clint Watts, Former FBI Agent

5/3/21 "Journalists with major outlets know they spread a false, retracted story about the FBI and Giuliani but refuse to remove it, because their real job is spreading disinformation."

5/3/21 "while the former Massachusetts senator and current Biden administration climate czar was lecturing us all about climate change, he was holding dirty oil and gas stocks and pulling down millions in corporate earnings."

5/3/21 "As usual, the movement’s hysterical leaders were the last to realize that they’d been shooting themselves in the foot."

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX)

5/3/21 "you know I’m supportive of President Biden, I’m a supporter of his, but you know we’re not paying attention to the border’s communities and — and it’s — this is not under control"

5/3/21 "Proponents of a plan to mandate new diversity and microaggression monitoring systems suffered crushing electoral losses in Southlake, Texas, on Saturday (5/1/21)."

5/3/21 "'the evidence-based thing to do' ... asking vaccinated individuals to continue to wear masks would undermine confidence in the coronavirus vaccines"

5/3/21 "an attempt to combat Apple’s new App Tracking Transparency privacy feature ... warning it is the only way to keep services 'free of charge.'"

5/3/21 "Maybe you go home and kiss your grandmother and wind up killing your grandmother."

5/2/21 "In banana republics, in Castro‘s Cuba, in many parts of the world when a candidate loses for president, they go after the candidate, they go after his lawyers, they go after his friends"

5/2/21 "Bevan Cooney reached out to us again and gave us written consent to directly access his personal Gmail account, which contained 26,000 emails relating to his business dealings with Hunter Biden."

5/2/21 "It is less than a week away from the Republican convention in Virginia, which will select the party's nominees for governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general."

5/1/21 "For decades, Frank Luntz has told elected Republicans what to say and exactly how to say it." ... "Who’s served by it? ... Luntz’s corporate clients are served by it, of course, but the Democratic Party is aso served by it"

5/1/21 "We have a party in power whose strategy for remaining in power is to divide the country along racial lines."

5/2/21 "Astonished Republican Senators are abruptly calling for Kerry to be investigated if not fired by Biden outright"
Editor's Note: Mr. Lord provides a good history and context of the oft mentioned Logan Act

5/1/21 "On every single issue, the Biden administration has threatened American safety and prosperity for decades to come."

5/1/21 "Multiple outlets had to correct recent reporting on the raid of Rudy Giuliani's NYC home and office."

5/1/21 "Top Republicans are turning on Rep. Liz Cheney, the party’s highest-ranking woman in Congress ... she could be ousted from her GOP post within a month."

5/1/21 "health experts say the country is reaching a tipping point where Biden now must alter his behavior to reflect how vaccines can lead to a return to normal"

5/1/21 "Biden attacked Trump’s travel ban on Europe in March 2020 ... calling Trump’s ban 'xenophobic.' ... later tweeted that 'Banning all travel from Europe – or any other part of the world – will not stop [COVID-19].'"

5/1/21 "Democrats, who claim to be the only party to stand up for black Americans, have also reportedly remained silent on using the hashtag 'Uncle Tim'"

Homer Inn & Spa

5/1/21 "They had somehow dug [photos] up out of my Instagram file, which I guess they’ve got the right to. I get that. They showed me, you know, 'OK, is this you here?' I’m like, 'Yes, that’s me.'"
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