JUN 2021 News Stream
America Today
America Today

6/30/21 "Biden insists he never knew a thing about Hunter’s lucrative deals in countries where he wielded influence as vice president. But evidence abounds on Hunter’s abandoned laptop"

6/30/21 "In June, more than 6,300 people on average have been encountered crossing the border every day, according to one official, citing the 21-day average."

6/30/21 "of all the vindictive, shocking, and self-defeating border security actions Joe Biden has taken, none surpasses his decision to stop the final completion of the wall."

6/30/21 "Pennsylvania’s highest court overturned Bill Cosby’s sex assault conviction Wednesday after finding an agreement with a previous prosecutor prevented him from being charged in the case."

6/30/21 "Her story illustrates how quickly and easily a ten-year-old girl can be groomed into a cross-sex identity. ...a common five-step process I have seen numerous times"
Editor's Note: Author Walt Heyer was a transgender child who “transitioned” to female as an adult.

6/30/21 "Truthful discussions never begin with lies. The 1619 Project is founded on a lie. It has no place in our nation’s schools."

6/29/21 "Too many investors have simply thrown aside any attempt to learn much about investment history, the basics and a sense of managing wealth and a portfolio."
6/29/21 "The NSA captured that information without our knowledge and did it for political reasons. The Biden administration is spying on us. We have confirmed that."

6/29/21 "Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is worried about the rising number of homicides. Not because of the surging violence ... because it threatens to derail the “defund the police” movement."

6/29/21 "From claiming Georgia lawmakers are racist to relitigating 2020 voter fraud cases, the Biden DOJ's complaint against Georgia would be laughable if it weren't so frightening."

6/29/21 "The man said he had gone into “some scary places” during his decades of work, but was particularly struck by the lack of maintenance in the basement"

6/28/21 "exactly which Republican leaders are in on MAGA for the long haul or just capitalizing off a brand that has proved to be successful in winning elections"

6/27/21 "recent survey conducted by Republican polling firm McLaughlin & Associates found Trump ranked much higher in favorability for the 2024 presidential election than the current vice president"

6/28/21 "This isn’t the first time... DeSantis has been making the liberal media eat it since the COVID pandemic... They're desperate to stop him."

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R., Tex.)

6/28/21 "She should be removed from the team. The entire point of the Olympic team is to represent the United States of America. It’s the entire point."

6/28/21 "The way to solve America's issues and connect with Republican voters is not to parrot libertarian talking points that enable leftist power."

6/28/21 "Jill Biden and Kamala Harris are not, according to reports, the best of friends, but Harris should still receive precedence over a non-member of the Biden administration when it comes to global diplomatic events."

6/26/21 "The modern era has disconnected us from our cultural and intellectual heritage, leaving us vulnerable to ideology."

Texas Rep. Chip Roy

6/27/21 "Securing our border with Mexico is the federal government’s responsibility. But the Biden administration has proven unwilling or unable to do the job"

6/27/21 "Portman told ABC that the GOP and the former president should turn their focus toward policies, including Trump-era plans that “worked” and those that are “not working now.”"

6/27/21 "U.S. hammer thrower Gwen Berry turned away from the American flag as she stood on the medal podium at the Olympic trials during the national anthem"

6/27/21 "Trump insisted "you have to look back. ...determined to focus on the past as well as the future, because he sees them as connected."

6/26/21 "I find this outrageous. Facebook banned any post for four months about COVID coming from a lab ... you were wrong, Google and Facebook"

6/25/21 "Black Lives Matter must reframe their case, acknowledging the falsity of their initial allegations, or risk sanctions for alleging facts without evidentiary support."
6/25/21 "The overarching ideology of Pentagon officials is larger military budgets and ongoing permanent war posture. Their new war target, explicitly, is domestic 'white rage.'"

6/25/21 "By day three or four, perhaps earlier, the media and political adversaries will start pointing fingers. The key figure here is Florida’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, who could run for president in 2024."
6/25/21 Newsclips and commentary surrounding Ms Harris' first trip to the southern border in her capacity as Vice President and "Border Czar"

6/25/21 "The youth are being rallied to cheer for the revolutionary tyranny of Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer ... Since the election their cause is no longer free college, it’s federalizing elections through H.R.1."

6/24/21 "U.S. ranks last in media trust — at 29% ... The media in Finland, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Brazil all enjoy trust levels with their public of over 50 percent."

6/24/21 "it’s bonkers for a president, even as a theoretical, to bring up the idea of scrambling fighter jets and deploying nuclear weapons against other Americans."

Missouri State Capitol

6/24/21 "'Let the good of the people be the supreme law' ... MO law prohibiting state and local officials from enforcing certain federal gun laws has sparked a growing controversy."
Why is this man laughing? He just heard Joe Biden's major address on crime.
6/23/21 Tucker Carlson skewers Biden with Biden's own bumbling logic for gun control. "It doesn't make sense!" It's pretty funny, if not ominous.

6/24/21 "what’s happened is that there never been, if you want, if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons"
6/23/21 Man attending to voice concern about moral decay and indoctrination of children winds up in back of a paddy wagon, School Board walks out amid angry crowd.

AT Content: File photo

6/23/21 "Even CNN has not been able to ignore the numbers. Anchor Erin Burnett said the rise in crime in New York City is 'stunning:'"

6/23/21 "instead of dealing with the legal controversy head on, a majority of the court chickened out, failing for a third time to mete out a richly deserved death blow to the flagrantly unconstitutional, un-American monstrosity"

Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott

6/23/21 "Border agents have been overwhelmed by a surge of illegal immigration since Biden took office in January. Biden tapped Harris in March to serve as his migration czar"

6/23/21 "Harris has come under heavy criticism from Republicans and some Democrats for the way she has handled the role since being appointed to it 91 days ago."
6/22/21 "Google didn't want to '....lead people down pathways that we would find to be not authoritative' ...Fauci wasn't the only one funding Peter Daszak's research on bat viruses. Google was funding that research, too."

6/22/21 "Yanna stays for a couple days and wants to be paid. The problem is Hunter’s debit cards aren’t working and she’s not leaving without the $8,000 he owes her"
Editor's Note: This article contains graphic descriptions.
6/22/21 "the judge emphasized that what Maddow does in general is not present news but rather hyperbole and exploitation of actual news to serve her liberal activism"

AT Content: Photo by Gage Skidmore*†

6/22/21 "I learned in my political persecution, the truth will come out – it will come out, and it is coming out. And actually the people of this country, that's all they want."
6/22/21 "In a floor speech Tuesday morning, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) delivered a scorching rebuke of Critical Race Theory and "those things that divide us"

Glauber Contessoto

6/22/21 "Glauber Contessoto says that he invested over $250,000 in dogecoin on Feb. 5 with a belief that he’d become a millionaire — and on April 15, he did."

AT Content: Photo by Josh Applegate

6/22/21 "... the Pew poll surveyed individuals who self-identify as Catholic, not practicing Catholics ... the opinions of Catholics who attend Mass weekly, a different picture emerges."

6/21/21 "Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas plans to secure Texas’s portion of the border without federal assistance ... As of Wednesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has also committed to assisting Abbott’s efforts."

6/21/21 "Think about it this way. At $4.9 trillion, “direct payments to individuals” this year are equal to the entire federal budget of just two years ago. ... money transfers will account for 22.3% of the nation’s entire GDP."

April Moss

6/21/21 Last week Fox 26 Houston's Ivory Hecker declared on-air she was being suppressed by her network, today CBS 62 meteorologist, Detroit, is speaking out on the live local weather.

Laurel Hubbard of New Zealand

6/21/21 "Why does women’s sport exist at all? Because biology in sport matters. Separate categories give females equal opportunities of sporting success."

Daniel Ellsberg

6/21/21 "The courage of all those involved, including journalists at the New York Times, has all but vanished after half a century."

6/21/21 Kavanaugh noted the absurdity of suggesting nurses’ wages should be capped because it would make their work "purer," or restaurant customers prefer eating food made by low-paid cooks.

6/20/21 "US media outlets such as CNN took Putin’s praise at face value because it is precisely what they wanted to hear. It reflected the White House narrative they themselves were pushing"

6/20/21 "guidance means that the Biden Education Department will pressure and perhaps try to force schools and universities to allow biological boys and men to use women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and dorms"

6/20/21 "In the face of a rising threat from China and Russia, the U.S. must revive its defense capabilities and its patriotic unity."

Mark and Patricia McCloskey

6/20/21 Mark McCloskey, candidate for MO Senate seat held by retiring Roy Blunt, defiant after having guns confiscated that were used to defend property during St. Louis riots last summer; video of which went viral.

6/20/21 "Omar’s denial that CRT is being taught in schools also comes after the establishment media took to attacking parents battling its implementation."

6/20/21 "Last year Americans went through 28.4 million cases of American whiskey ... It's a far cry from the 1980s, or what folks in the industry call the Bourbon Depression."

ReAnna Simone Kelly

6/20/21 "Simone's granddaughter has accused Vice President Kamala Harris of “taking away” the legendary singer’s estate and handing it over 'to white people' ... she is considering 'stripping to pay my bills.'"

6/19/21 "Maher fumed at woke leftists during his show on Friday over a recent incident that showed how 'nothing is ever good enough for these people,'" ... woke leftists harming Democratic Party.

Justice Samuel Alito

6/19/21 "justices dismissed California v. Texas based on the dubious proposition that a coalition of 18 GOP states had no legal standing to challenge the “reform” law or its infamous insurance mandate."

Georgia Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger

6/19/21 "Brad Raffensperger is also the focus of attention for his role in certifying the controversial 2020 presidential election results in his state."

6/19/21 "a small sample of face masks, detected the presence of 11 dangerous pathogens that included bacterias that cause diphtheria, pneumonia, and meningitis."

6/18/21 "newly released National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism mentions Al Qaeda only once in its 30 pages. Even though the FBI continues to break up Islamic terrorist plots against America, the document only defines Muslims as victims."

6/18/21 "payments were accompanied by a letter from Pres. Joe Biden ... 'I am pleased to inform you that because of the American Rescue Plan, a direct payment of $1,400 was issued to you'"

6/18/21 "Twenty-nine page memo obtained by Just the News cites double counting, insecure storage, 'massive chain of custody problem' and a worker's threat to 'f*ck sh*t up.'"

Photo: @SassyConservat1

6/18/21 "7,000 signed affidavits alleging voter fraud were delivered to state officials with a demand for a forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election, according to reports."

6/18/21 "Police raided the offices of Apple Daily and arrested the editors for violating a national security law imposed last year that makes it illegal to call for sanctions against China."

6/18/21 "The FBI has been manufacturing and directing terror plots and criminal rings for decades. But now, reverence for security state agencies reigns."
6/16/21 "The government is hiding the identity of many law enforcement officers who were present at the Capitol on Jan. 6"

6/14/21 "Of all the questions asked, words spoken, and ink spilled on the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6, 2021, none hold the key to the entire event quite like what Sen. Amy Klobuchar asked of Christopher Wray."

6/18/21 "Gun sales in the U.S. have soared over the past 15 months ... unprecedented demand for firearms ... difficult for manufacturers to keep ammunition on store shelves."

6/17/21 "now we have a commander-in-chief who can barely get through a complete sentence and suddenly there is utter denial from most of the media."

6/17/21 "Since the French Revolution, politicians have defined terrorism to stigmatize their opponents, a precedent followed by the Biden administration’s National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. "

6/17/21 "This isn’t a conservative-vs.-progressive thing. It’s not a Republican-vs.-Democrat thing. It’s not a coastal-elite-vs.-flyover-country thing. It’s not even a Trump thing. It’s a journalists-vs.-normal-people thing."

Portland, Oegon, 4-16-21

6/17/21 All 50 of Portland police’s rapid response unit voted to resign in response to indictment of Officer Corey Budworth who performed riot duty in which county building set ablaze."

6/17/21 Unanimous judgment held Philadelphia’s refusal to contract with Catholic Social Services for foster care services unless certifying same-sex couples as foster parents violates First Amendment.

NYC mayoral candidate Maya Wiley

6/17/21 "Left-wing mayoral hopeful Maya Wiley insisted Thursday that cutting $1 billion from the NYPD budget wouldn’t make New Yorkers less safe, ... as shootings rise."

6/16/21 "confirms what has long been suspected as he is often seen looking down at his notes right before he calls on reporters ... almost always from left-wing legacy news"

6/16/21 "former KGB officer took questions solo ... White House refused a joint press conference in order to reduce the risk of Biden falling into a PR trap."

6/16/21 "President Biden’s first foreign trip wasn’t just an embarrassing disaster, it heralds the return of the disastrous foreign policy of the Obama-Biden"

Geneva, Switzerland

6/16/21 "Russia ... remains a world power in only two areas, both inherited from the Cold War — its large nuclear arsenal and its UN Security Council veto."

6/15/21 "Mr. Trump is an extraordinary individual, a talented individual, otherwise he would not have become US President. He is a colorful individual. You may like him or not. And, but he didn’t come from the U.S. establishment."

6/12/21 "we now know that Pres. Joe Biden, PM Boris Johnson, Pres. Bieber of Canada and the various other world leaders who’ve been sunning themselves in Cornwall are ocean-going, copper-bottomed hypocrites."

6/16/21 "Unfortunately for the NIA and Infectious Diseases director, a byproduct of his near constant media presence is an extensive stock of quotes that can be pointed to when he accuses others of distorting his record."

6/15/21 "Leftest heartbreak" shouts Breitbart. "High priest Jon Stewart mocks Wuhan lab leak denial." "The name of the disease is on the building," Stewart.

6/16/21 "police in Calgary, Alberta arrested Pastor Tim Stephens of Fairview Baptist Church for a second time on new charges stemming from his hosting of 'underground' church services"

6/15/21 "border security that was the envy of the world ... is now pitied around the world. Biden and Harris have handed control of our border over to cartels, criminals, and coyotes"

6/14/21 "Securing our border with Mexico is the federal government’s responsibility. But the Biden administration has proven unwilling or unable to do the job"

6/11/21 "foreign leader said Biden’s messaging helped human smugglers convince even more migrants to make the trek north."

FBI Director Christopher Wray

6/11/21 "Testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee this week, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned that a chaotic, open border is leading to cartel control in the U.S."

6/15/21 "Government-sanctioned bigotry is the same sort of horrid behavior that Americans of all stripes rejected, fought against, and ultimately conquered decades ago."

Yair Lapid, Israeli foreign minister

6/15/21 "For those who follow Israeli politics, quick reminder: the right-wing currently holds 72 seats in the Knesset. They were just divided about Bibi personally," Ben Shapiro
6/14/21 "all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think. ... so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea"

6/14/21 "The president's speech did not dwell on the specific projects he wants to fund or how he might go about delivering them in a cost-effective manner. He focused instead on all the money he plans to spend"

6/14/21 "The new US administration requested that I save our disagreements on the Iran nuclear deal for behind closed doors, and not share them publicly. I told them I won’t act that way." - Times of Israel

6/14/21 "Politicians and activists should stop ratifying the fiction that Omar Mateen was motivated by anti-LGBT hatred. It dishonors the victims and obscures the real motive."

Photo Illustration bt Mert Kahveci

6/13/21 "Press coverage of Biden isn’t just soft. It’s the least critical of any president in the past three decades, according to a study by nonpartisan think tank Pew Research Center."

6/13/21 "Even though he has selected crazed leftists for many of the positions in his administration, choosing Harris may have been his worst appointment."

6/13/21 "Disclosures from open-records requests, Hunter Biden laptop and Senate testimony undercut Democratic narrative that president's son did nothing wrong in his dealings in Ukraine."

6/13/21 "a CNN panel Sunday focused on some awkward exchanges with members of the press when asked about if she planned to visit the border. 'It’s just a little cringeworthy,'"

6/13/21 " lies, misinformation, and confusion surrounding the coronavirus pandemic resulted in horrendous consequences that impacted every single person in the country."
Mao's cultural revolution and Biden's progressivism: a woman who's seen both
6/11/21 You never know when a sentence here or a bit of video there will speak with a profound shout. This is one of those times.
President Ronald Reagan's Remarks at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, June 12, 1987
6/12/21 One of the most iconic speeches of the 21st century, it lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union

6/12/21 "No matter how mentally diminished President Joe Biden is, you have to be horrified by who waits in the wings should he leave office before the expiration of his term."

6/9/21 "mainstream media organizations, created the false impression that President Donald Trump ordered Lafayette Square cleared with “tear gas” to remove “peaceful protesters” for a “photo-op” last June 1."
Editor's Note: An unsettling example of fake news, media bias and vitriol from the "highest" strata of journalism

6/10/21 "That the White House violently cleared Lafayette Park at Trump's behest was treated as unquestioned truth by most corporate media. Today it was revealed as a falsehood."

6/9/21 "The evidence we obtained did not support a finding that the USPP cleared the park to allow the president to survey the damage and walk to St. John's Church."

Rep. Rashida Tlaib

6/11/21 "'The Squad' has gone to war with its own party leader, Dem. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, over her rebuke of Rep. Ilhan Omar for comparing the US and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban."

6/11/21 "Johnson took bureaucrats in the Trump and Biden administrations to task for 'not only ignoring but working against robust research [on] the use of cheap, generic drugs'"

Nikole Hannah-Jones

6/11/21 "woman behind the controversial 1619 Project has no business working as a tenured university professor, historians and political scientists told 'DC Free Beacon'"

6/10/21 "the other day, the Hungarian national soccer team caused controversy: The Hungarian national football team won’t kneel before kick-offs during the upcoming EURO 2020"

L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva

6/10/21 LA's iconic Venice Beach has become a touchstone of homelessness and politics

6/10/21 "emails on the laptop the FBI seized offer new and sweeping details about the ambitions of the Biden business empire, and efforts to contact, influence or appeal to world leaders or their representatives in Washington D.C."

6/10/21 "the sharpest 12-month jump in core inflation since 1992. And it is far above the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target for annual price increases."

Philosopher Harry Frankfurt

6/9/21 "Transgender people are entitled to authenticity and truth—not paternalism, hollow words, or empty leftist slogans."

6/9/21 "“It’s like not allowing any kids in a daycare to walk until all of them learn to walk. It doesn’t work ... Advanced kids don’t want to belabor the same material"

6/9/21 "They do not seem to see the growing signs of an educational revolution that is stirring in communities all across the nation. Parents have simply had enough ..."

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin

6/9/21 "All seem to have forgotten that they are trying to change the country without having a majority of seats in the United States Senate. What are they thinking?"

6/9/21 Twitter ignored its Hacked Materials Policy for ProPublica but used it to block the sharing of NY Post's Hunter Biden laptop story prior to 2020 vote despite "no evidence" of hacking.

6/9/21 "Biden asked Chicago-based corporate attorney George Mesires, 'How much money do I owe you' before adding, 'Becaause [sic] n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.'"

6/9/21 "Residents of rural Val Verde County, Texas, have never seen illegal immigration on this scale. It's a full-blown crisis, and no one is coming to help."
Editor's Note: A comprehensive essay covering many facits of life on the border.

6/9/21 "Amazon has banned T-shirts mocking Vice President Kamala Harris and books critical of transgender ideology, but allows the sale of memorabilia proclaiming "Blue Lives Murder.""

6/8/21 "Every single ballot was absolutely identical and they appeared to be printed with some sort of marking device ... an oval that was void in exactly the same spot in all these ballots"

6/8/21 "Taxpayers have the right to expect appropriate action will be taken against employees, return preparers, and others who wrongfully use or disclose taxpayer return information."
Editor's Note: The ProPublica site referenced in this article compares income with wealth which effectively makes the case for a wealth tax. ProPublica distinguishes between wealth and income in text. But the article relies heavily on graphics which, in the opinion of AmericaToday's editorial board, are misleading.

Woodrow Wilson

6/8/21 "All honor to Jefferson—to the man who, in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a single people, had the coolness, forecast, and capacity to introduce into a merely revolutionary document, an abstract truth, applicable to all men and all times."

6/8/21 "Like many other women before her, Harris has been tasked with coming in late to clean up a mess made by her boss."
Tucker Carlson: Rule of law has been suspended on the border
6/8/21 "Within hours of the inauguration in January, Biden’s White House opened America’s borders to the world ... Virtually anyone who could get to Mexico was admitted into the United States without a visa"

6/8/21 "CBP has not recorded more than 170,000 border encounters in three consecutive months since 2000 ... on pace to apprehend approximately 1.35 million illegal immigrants"

6/8/21 "Boy, we’ve come a long way from her 2017 declaration, 'An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal,' haven’t we?"

6/8/21 "Judge James Plowman found the 'school system’s suspension was unconstitutional' and its handling of the situation was 'vindictive.'"

6/7/21 "Press freedom continues to be threatened by Biden administration." ... FBI demanded paper reveal who read Feb. story about agents killed in FL including I.P addresses.

Nikole Hannah-Jones

6/7/21 "Americans do not need or want their tax dollars diverted from promoting the principles that unite our nation toward promoting radical ideologies meant to divide us"

6/7/21 "Social media accounts tracked to troll farms run by the Iranian government have ramped up disinformation after several major events this year, including Biden’s effort to return the U.S. to the Iran nuclear deal"

6/7/21 "U.S. law enforcement was able to track and seize the transaction back to a cryptocurrency wallet belonging to DarkSide, the eastern European group that conducted the cyberattack"

6/7/21 "Judge Roger Benitez’s opinion provides a perfect primer for Americans seeking to understand the law and the gun fallacies leftists push."
I, Pencil
6/7/21 Spurred by National Review's article on Milton Friedman that follows, it seems timely we revisit the animated film which speaks so beautifully to the free market.

6/7/21 "It’s time to remember the legacy of the famous 1980 series amid a rising inflation and growing government déjà vu."

6/7/21 "WHO recently welcomed Syria and Belarus ... these pariah nations now sit on the board of the WHO, an organization that proclaims itself 'trusted to serve public health at all times.'"
Trump "Seriously Considering" Border Visit
6/7/21 In an interview with Stuart Varney on Fox Business, the former President chalks up the present situation at the southern border to Biden administration incompetence.

6/6/21 "'Republicans are “rigging the game,' Obama declared. ... he sharply condemned the new voting reform laws enacted recently in Georgia and Florida and currently under consideration in the state of Texas"

6/6/21 "he will vote against Democrats' 'For the People Act' and will also oppose weakening or eliminating the filibuster ... believes partisan voting legislation 'will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy.'"
Was the Coronavirus 'Lab Leak' Origin Correct?
6/6/21 "Evidence that the coronavirus may have escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology catches up to Fauci and other Wuhan Covid deniers, despite suspicious facts that have been apparent from the start."

6/6/21 "Anyone with an MD was on TV talking like they knew what they were saying, like they were an “expert.” They weren’t, and some weren’t even close. And so were people without MDs."
Musk Taken to Task by Anonymous
6/6/21 Ill-defined collective of hackers in the persona of Guy Fawkes chastises billionaire industrialist for tweaking cryptocurrency values and more with an ominous challenge.

6/5/21 "The Biden Administration is abusing state power to create the appearance of a conspiracy to commit an insurrection on January 6th ... the indictment they just filed ... proves there was no conspiracy."

6/5/21 "Advanced plans were underway for the special presidential panel, with an executive order even drawn up to hold China and its collaborators accountable and tally a reparations bill to fire off to Beijing."

Indiana Rep. Jim Banks

6/5/21 "it gives $29 billion to the Nation Science Foundation for research and development on new technologies but does nothing to safeguard those investments from being stolen by the CCP"

6/5/21 "I was a prosecutor for a long time, and prosecutors are in the business of proving stuff. Every good one will tell you that the best case is a strong circumstantial case."

6/5/21 "One is to be forgiven if one is persuaded by news media and others that the nation is awash with murderous AR-15 assault rifles. The facts, however, do not support this hyperbole, and facts matter."
Editor's Note: Judge's ruling in this case makes for an interesting read.

6/4/21 "China has declared a space race, aiming to surpass the West by the end of the decade. How American responds is of monumental importance."

6/4/21 "Fauci, who is Biden’s chief medical adviser ... is facing intense criticism after the release of emails showing his knowledge of and efforts to tamp down the Wuhan “lab leak” theory"

6/4/21 "The European Commission and Britain's Competition and Markets Authority are investigating whether Facebook uses data from advertisers to compete with them."

6/4/21 "Joe Biden is not only not a uniter; he is actively trying to divide Americans on race -- and other issues -- purely for raw political power. There is no other plausible explanation."

6/4/21 Story reports lawyers defending allegations: of sexual assault, he and staff hid total number of COVID nursing home deaths, he used his staff to write his book from which he made over $5 million
Connecticut Piano Prodigy Is Practicing for Carnegie Hall
6/4/21 Just 3 years old she's progressed more in six months than some do in years and won a competition for a spot on the stage at Carnegie Hall

6/4/21 "the UN is failing to confront discrimination and violence against Jews — and at times even nurturing it."

6/4/21 "officials investigating the origins of COVID-19 were warned last year not to open “Pandora’s Box” by speaking about gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, because of U.S. grant funding that supported the lab"

6/4/21 "they prefer not to use it because it's associated with President Trump. For the U.S. to shy away from that term, it's absurd, petty, and silly."

6/4/21 Trump: "They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this censoring and silencing, and ultimately, we will win. Our Country can’t take this abuse anymore"

6/3/21 "hundreds of emails obtained by BuzzFeedNews via the FOIA request do indeed show Fauci has been playing loose with truths on COVID-19-related issues for more than a year."

6/3/21 "elites are anti-democratic. They talk of forcing change down the throats of citizens through edicts, executive orders, court decisions or bureaucratic directives."

AT Content, Photo: Désirée Fawn

6/3/21 "A plurality of U.S. voters believe race relations have gotten “worse” under President Joe Biden, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday found."

6/3/21 "meeting comes as speculation grows over whether Trump will run again in 2024." Numerous 2024 hopefuls including Pence, Christie, Cotton, Rubio and Mike Pompeo have met with the group in recent months according to The Post

6/3/21 "campaign started after North Face denied an order of jackets to a Texas oil and gas company ... reportedly ... did not want its outdoor brand affiliated with the fossil fuel business."

6/3/21 "compensation soared much more than expected in the first three months of the year, even as millions of Americans remained on unemployment"
Is Dr. Fauci under criminal investigation?
6/2/21 "It soon became clear that Tony Fauci was just another sleazy federal bureaucrat — deeply political and often dishonest."

6/2/21 "Americans have seen this scam before. ... DHS, which was created in 2002, was frequently used to keep fear levels high and thus foster support for draconian government powers of spying, detention, and war."

6/2/21 "The highest-paid federal employee, best known for flip-flopping on COVID messaging and fudging the numbers, is now going to pontificate about truth and service in an autobiography where he gets to be the hero? What a joke."

6/2/21 "Fauci ... got a “personal thank you” for backing the “natural origin” theory from the head of a nonprofit that used a $3.4 million government grant to fund research at the Chinese lab suspected of creating the virus"

6/2/21 "Fauci was falsely downplaying the lab leak theory, the media called it a conspiracy theory and Facebook, using Fauci as an "authoritative" source, engaged in censorship on the topic."

Randi Weingarten

6/2/21 "union leaders for United Teachers Los Angeles passed a resolution expressing their "solidarity with the Palestinian people" with nearly identical demands as the San Francisco teachers."

6/2/21 "Biden administration on Tuesday officially ended the “Remain in Mexico” policy of the Trump era, the program that required asylum-seekers who crossed the border illegally to wait in Mexico for their cases to be heard"

6/1/21 "According to the investigation, which covered the period from 2012 to 2014, the NSA used Danish information cables to spy on senior officials in Sweden, Norway, France and Germany"

6/1/21 "many newly employed graduates became intoxicated with just how easily they could intimidate their superiors with supposed evidence of institutional racism."

Ken Paxton, Photo: Gage Skidmore

6/1/21 "When asked about the argument that requiring voter ID is discriminatory, Paxton advised, “That’s just a red herring, and it’s just not true.”"

6/1/21 "one dirty secret that President Biden and his green allies don’t want to talk about is how “clean” solar energy is largely built on forced labor in Xinjiang, China"

6/1/21 "After what the Democrats and their allies did to Americans, it is warranted for people to feel a sense of anxiety as they leave their homes."
6/1/21 "the moratorium of charter schools does not support rebuilding the black family. But it does create barriers to a better education for black children"

6/1/21 Flag flies in the face of the Roman Catholic Church’s policy on same-sex unions reported by USA Today quoting a May Vatican statement that, "homosexual unions cannot be considered licit."
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