AUGUST 2021 News Stream
America Today
America Today

8/31/21 "In July, 57 of the 66 Democrats in the House fled the state for the nation’s capital to take away the two-thirds present quorum to conduct any type of business."

8/30/21 "Even a private sector vaccine passport should be resisted by every possible means. It is the first step on a slippery slope to a social credit system, and the only time it can be stopped is at the very beginning."

8/27/21 "This fall may be the biggest moment of truth for public education since the 1970s. ... Brooklyn elementary loses one-third of its student population and eight teachers"

Dir. of Natl. Intelligence Avril Haines

8/30/21 "less information than most lengthy magazine pieces, offering the obvious ... 'two hypotheses are plausible: natural exposure to an infected animal and laboratory-associated incident.'"

8/30/21 "Fawad Andarabi’s family told the Associated Press that he was shot dead Friday when enforcers returned to his home after earlier searching it and even drinking tea with him."

Jon Karl, ABC News

8/29/21 "Clearly Thursday was the worst day of the Biden presidency. ...The big question is, does Afghanistan once again become a safe haven for terrorist attacks on U.S. interests"

8/29/21 "US officials said the drone strike wiped out a vehicle carrying multiple suicide bombers ... there were substantial and powerful subsequent explosions"

8/29/21 "Asner had worked for many years as a character actor in series television and movies before hitting paydirt and stardom as the tough-talking TV newsroom head Lou Grant"

8/28/21 "even if the Taliban had not been in serial violation of the agreement [Trump 2020 pact], Biden’s own actions demonstrate that the U.S. withdrawal is Biden policy."

8/28/21 "Toto has pulled back the curtain, but the Wizard is still going ahead with his effects. There is good reason to believe that more than a few people beyond our conservative pale are shocked at the spectacle and appalled to realize just how servile the president really thinks they are."

8/28/21 "There are many words one could use to describe such heartlessness in the face of his own failures. ‘Empathetic’ is not one of them."

Kennedy, shorlty before assassination

8/28/21 "Robert F. Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, was granted parole by a California board Friday after spending more than 50 years in prison ... a decision that still needs to be approved by the governor"

8/27/21 "The California model is dead, no matter what happens in the recall, and thus so too is the progressive agenda."

Rep. Seth Moultan (D-Mass)

8/27/21 "While [Rep. Seth] Moulton [D-Mass] said he didn't like criticizing President Biden, he also said, "If telling the truth is what’s required to save a few lives, then it’s worth all the bad politics in the world.""

8/27/21 "The left thinks its power is so broad as to be essentially limitless, and so singularly vested as to be checked virtually solely at its own discretion."

8/26/21 "Biden administration extended the eviction ban after the Court's June 29 order, even as the White House acknowledged it was unlikely to survive legal scrutiny."
Permanent war advocates exploit the Kabul bombing to demand more war
8/26/21 "Greenwald analyzes the reactions to the horrific terror attack in Kabul this morning, and debunks the propagandistic talking points used by Deep State operatives and their media allies to push the US into indefinite war."

8/26/21 "Praising Biden’s Afghan ‘results,’ the Taliban’s war on climate change and more ... Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions"

8/26/21 "first explosion occurred when an ISIS bomber detonated their vest outside the Hamid Karzai International Airport’s Abbey Gate, which is the airfield’s main entrance where US service members were stationed."

8/26/21 Mark Meadows: "Indefensible that we haven’t heard even a word from the President of the United States today. At least 12 U.S. marines died undertaking a mission to cover for his administration’s failures, and it’s crickets from the Oval Office."

8/26/21 "Twelve elected Republicans are demanding Thursday for President Joe Biden to resign over the deadly Afghan extraction amid reports of Americans being killed in bombing attacks in Kabul, Afghanistan."

8/26/21 "Leaving was never going to be smooth, but it could have been done in a way that would ensure that Americans and our allies were out before the withdrawal. And it could have been done without today’s bloody catastrophe."
UPDATED 8/26/21

8/25/21 "Everyone who has been distracted by their personal agenda regarding Mr. Trump should be ashamed of themselves and consider that perhaps the presidency isn’t the toy of the establishment, but a position determining the safety and future for hundreds of millions ..."

Rubio takes no prisoners in withdrawal assessment
8/24/21 "This what you get when a President is completely out of touch with reality, then we have a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who spends his time worrying about white rage"

8/25/21 "Remarkably, the military’s top echelon of woke commanders has succeeded in alienating the military from its most loyal advocates – conservatives are jumping ship"

Bill Kristol

8/25/21 "we should toss dictators aside with no more compunction than a police sharpshooter feels when he downs a hostage-taker.” The difference, of course, is that sharpshooters tend to not get trapped for the next 20 years"

8/25/21 "Court tells the Biden Administration to reinstate the 'Remain in Mexico' policy put in place by the Trump Administration"

Israeli P.M. Naftali Bennett

8/25/21 "[Prime Minister Naftali] Bennett is in Washington to make the case that it would be better if the US works with Israel against Iran – not only for Israel’s safety, but for the world."

8/24/21 "As the situation in Kabul deteriorates, the Biden administration seems increasingly untethered to reality, boasting about an evacuation gone haywire and lying about stranded Americans."

8/24/21 "A Taliban spokesman said on Tuesday that the U.S. must withdraw all its forces from the country by August 31, with “no exceptions. In response to the Taliban threat, Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) urged Biden to ignore the withdrawal deadline.”

8/24/21 "He will leave Afghanistan on the Taliban time table even if it leaves Americans and allies stranded in the country. His humiliation and failure is now complete. Worst moral collapse by an American President in our history."

8/24/21 "Neville Chamberlain can rest easy. He is no longer the most shameful appeaser in modern history. Joe Biden is the new champion of cowards."

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX)

8/24/21 "Taliban threatened the U.S. on Monday after President Joe Biden signaled that troops may stay in Afghanistan past August 31 to continue evacuating American citizens and U.S. allies. ... warned of 'consequences'"

8/24/21 "Donald Trump’s most profound insight yet. ... In front of a Cullman, Alabama, rally crowd which might have numbered as many as 50,000 people, Trump drove home something everybody now knows."

8/24/21 "President Biden and his supporters find community by rejoicing in the suffering of those they hate and fear. ... It's time to start admitting what we all know to be true"
Elder responds to LA Times column dubbing him the 'Black Face of White Supremacy'
8/23/21 "With California's gubernatorial recall election looming on September 14 and sitting Governor Newsom waning in the polls to radio talk-show host Larry Elder, the Left has pursued a number of tactics to blunt his candidacy which now include race baiting."

8/23/21 "Iran is set to hold a series of war drills with Russia and China, as the hardline regime celebrates the U.S. bungled evacuation in Afghanistan and boosts its enrichment of nuclear weapons-grade uranium"

8/22/21 House of Representatives Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted, "House Speaker Pelosi wants to lock you down again while she wines and dines with her political donors. It's utter hypocrisy."

8/22/21 "51% of the respondents said Biden is not competent in his position as president. ... 52% of the respondents did not feel the president has been focused."

Sec. of State Blinken blinks when asked about President's awareness
8/22/21 Appearing on FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Secretary of State Antony Blinken evaded direct answers to direct questions. "Mr. Secretary, does the President not know what's going on?"

8/22/21 "The former prime minister, who sent British troops into Afghanistan in 2001, said the "abandonment of Afghanistan and its people is tragic, dangerous [and] unnecessary ... says crisis risks relegating UK to 'second division of global powers'"

8/22/21 "He can neither speak truthfully nor accurately. Not so much the emperor with no clothes, as Lear’s fool on the heath, naked and shivering as the kingdom comes to the ‘great confusion’."

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8/22/21 "Biden keeps repeating that he was bound by Trump’s planned withdrawal. Really? ... In a sane world, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretary of defense would resign."

8/21/21 Over the last couple of days the Taliban has gone viral on social media in what can only be described as a full-frontal, demoralizing PR assault on the sensibilities of the American people. We've seen Taliban soldiers smugly posing with ice cream cones, playing on a preschooler's merry-go-round and riding in amusement-park bumper cars with machine guns. Does America deserve the mockery of a Taliban boot on its neck?

8/18/21 "FBI had knowledge that a second laptop had been stolen from Hunter Biden and that laptop contained material making the Biden family a national security risk, subject to Russian influence."

8/18/21 "The mask requirement has been a point of conflict between travelers and transportation employees ...there have been more than 85 physical assaults on TSA officers since the pandemic began."

8/13/21 "Many of Trump’s (numerous) antagonists were officers and intel spooks, while General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is at present keeping busy by trying to understand 'white rage.'"

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8/13/21 "'Tragic mess in Afghanistan, a completely open and broken border, crime at record levels, oil prices through the roof, inflation rising, and taken advantage of by the entire world,' Mr. Trump said"

8/15/21 "They are consolidating power, stoking dangerous inflation and public debt, destroying our energy independence, and sowing division and hatred between the races."

8/13/21 "DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas rushed to scrap the policy, officially known as the Migrant Protection Protocols, without considering the benefits of pushing border jumpers back across the boundary"

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

8/13/21 "We can't have a defeatist fighting for our nation's border security. It's time for Sec. Mayorkas to resign, and he needs to be replaced with someone who will tell the truth"

8/13/21 "74 people on Martha’s Vineyard have tested positive for the virus — the highest number of cases in a week on the island since April."

"Strictly For The Birds"

8/12/21 "The disappearance of working writers in the Hamptons mirrors the absence of writers in US public life"
Editor's Note: Fun read, well-written

8/12/21 "platform said it had also reached agreements with comedian Bridget Phetasy, satirist Matt Orfalea, former Washington Examiner writer Siraj Hashmi, Twitter personality Mujahed Kobbe, writer Shant Mesrobian and journalist Zaid Jilani"
Jason Whitlock: Racism is the new gold
8/11/21 Whitlock draws an interesting parallel between the Forty-Niners of California gold rush days and today's miners who seek not nuggets, but kernels of racism. Thar's gold in them thar hills.

8/12/21 "what they say about Hungary in their rants about Tucker is intimately bound up with what they say in those very same rants about America."

8/12/21 "The deeper reason the Left is so eager to see DeSantis fail is that they don’t want to believe that they disrupted over a year of their lives following restrictions that may turn out to have been unnecessary"

AT Content

8/11/21 "outside consulting firm Paradigm trained AmEx employees to deconstruct their own intersectional identities ...Employees could then determine whether they have 'privilege' or are members of a 'marginalized group'"

8/11/21 "It’s time to say “goodbye” to conservatism. ... there is something going on out there on the Right which is a little different."

8/12/21 Texas Gov. tweets: "Allow American worker--not OPEC--produce the oil that can reduce the price of gasoline. Don’t make us dependent on foreign sources of energy."

8/12/21 "families of the more than 15,000 New Yorkers who died in nursing homes say they want accountability, too, and are urging state lawmakers and the U.S. Justice Department to keep investigating Cuomo after he leaves office"
8/11/21 "crowd also rallied against the outgoing governor’s brother, primetime CNN personality Chris Cuomo, who has himself faced heated calls for his own resignation or firing over his confessed role advising the embattled governor"

8/11/21 "Just how did these theories spread so effectively? ... there was a clear and, importantly, documented “super-spreader” event."
Editor's Note: News junkies need not apply, but if you're waking up asking, "What the hell is going on?" ...

8/10/21 "The Senate just passed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill—and teed up another $3.5 trillion bill in the process."

Texas State Rep. Ron Reynolds (D)

8/11/21 "(Texas) House Speaker Dade Phelan signed civil arrest warrants late Tuesday for each of the 52 absentee Democratic legislators, meaning that they may now be arrested and brought back to the chamber"

8/11/21 "chief counsel of the RNC ... broke down the GOP’s election integrity push into “3 separate categories” which include a permanent staffed infrastructure nationwide and a broad law-fare legal strategy"

8/10/21 "Herein lies a glimpse into just what kind of knuckle-draggers the left thinks we are. They think patriotism means we’ll do whatever they say whenever they say it."

8/10/21 "American society, is lapsing back into a sort of stratified, feudal arrangement with a tiny hyper-rich elite at the top and a vast pool of ‘deplorables’ kept in check by ...'F-15s and some nuclear weapons'"

8/10/21 "The NSA's independent investigator, Robert Storch, is a long-time D.C. bureaucrat, making it unlikely he'd formally investigate frivolous allegations of "unmasking.""

8/10/21 "This is happening in the White House … of the United States of America. Where Truman ordered the bombs dropped and Reagan implemented his plan to defeat the Soviets."

8/8/21 "Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children? Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. Not this time. I choose freedom."

Glassy-eyed Biden says 350 million Americans have been vaccinated
8/9/21 Perhaps the president of the people should know how many people there are? ... 330 million at last count. Watch Biden's eyes as he reads his script in a zombie-like state.

8/9/21 "The notion that we could literally stop the spread of COVID by locking down and vaccinating it out of existence was always a fantasy."

8/9/21 "You know what? Fuck you, Joe. I’m 60. I’m not one of those peasants you want to stick in a mask. I’m Barry, bitch! ...I’m having my elite, maskless birthday party with it"

8/9/21 "If the climate technocrats truly believed that climate change was menacing humanity’s existence, they wouldn’t act the way they do, just as if elites truly believed the Delta variant scaremongering they engage in, they wouldn’t be participating in parties with hundreds of their closest friends."

8/9/21 "report found that of the 319 private schools in Indiana, 288 have seen some growth, and 154 have seen a significant enrollment increase between the 2020-2021 and the 2021-2022 school year."

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin

8/8/21 "Senator (D-WV) signaled on Saturday that he would not support including an extension of federal jobless aid for gig workers and long-term unemployed Americans beyond Labor Day"

8/8/21 "'An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook's Battle for Domination' ...What's actually the problem with the world's biggest social media platform?"


"Six months and counting since Joe Biden took office and the stream of migrants across America's southern border has grown unabated -- 2 million this year by some counts. How long can it go and will it ever end?

8/7/21 "Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill will be used against the Republican Party in the upcoming elections in 2022 and 2024. It will be very hard for me to endorse anyone foolish enough to vote in favor of this deal"

8/6/21 Edward Snowden: "Make no mistake: if they can scan for kiddie porn today, they can scan for anything tomorrow. They turned a trillion dollars of devices into iNarcs -- *without asking.*"

8/6/21 "report goes on to assert a number of things that, now asserted by the Trump Right, are called “dangerous disinformation.”"

8/5/21 "The New York Times’ 1619 Project virtually ignores the Democrat Party’s role in advancing and sustaining racism in the United States, but doesn't spare critiques of the GOP."

Ted Cruz

8/7/21 On Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) released a video summary on Twitter to remind people of what they'd be getting with Chipman in charge of the ATF.

8/7/21 "We don’t allow any type of masks in our vehicles. We are very against the vaccine ... said he is proud that Missouri is among the top three states with the lowest vaccination rates in the country."
8/6/21 "elementary school shared a radical “Woke Kindergarten” video that suggested people were safer when police weren’t around. ...content related to Black Lives Matter"

Frank Schmidt

8/6/21 Last Monday Tucker Carlson popped up out of the blue in Hungary to do his show from the rooftops of conservative Budapest and it caught a lot of peoples' attention.

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8/6/21 By his own admisssion President Joe Biden has abandoned his oath of office and the law of the land, caving to far-left Democrats who themselves failed to act. Many call it criminal.

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8/6/21 Tuesday, August 3, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio heralded his marketing-oriented ''Key to NYC Pass" ushering in medication by edict and a stigmatized class of second-class citizens.

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8/5/21 "The embattled New York Governor is so far defiant in the face of multiple charges and mass defections within the ranks of the Democratic Party including President Biden. Will he survive?"

8/5/21 "over the last three months, the official Breitbart News page on Facebook generated nearly 40 million interactions -- more than the NY Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, and HuffPo combined."

8/5/21 "Joe Biden is doing such a terrible job, even the far-left fake pollsters at Quinnipiac couldn’t juice their latest poll to lift him over 50 percent approval"

8/5/21 "'These statements were a product of Maddow’s imagination. She made them up out of whole cloth in order to impute intentional wrongdoing to' Nunes."

AT Content

8/4/21 "while the Democrats agonize over their tenuous grip on Congress, and a rudderless White House quickly sinks in the polls, Trump is already building a sizable war chest and exerting influence on congressional contests"

8/4/21 "An obsession with diversity and representation has led to calamity for Lebanon, as it may for the United States."
Florida GOP Gov. DeSantis fires back at Biden: 'Do your job'
8/4/21 After Biden shot, "If you aren’t going to help, at least get out of the way," Desantis fired back: "Why don't you get this border secure? ...until you do that, I don't want to hear a blip about COVID from you."

8/4/21 "In June 2020, the McCloskeys confronted dozens of Black Lives Matter protesters that had entered a private, gated community in St. Louis while marching to then-Mayor Lyda Krewson’s house."

8/3/21 "No talk of subpoenaing Pelosi. No Watergate-style question of 'What did the Speaker know and when did she know it.' Nope. None of that."

8/2/21 "It's required to ask at the outset of leftists' 1/6 'Truth Commission': How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters 'storming the capitol' was a setup?"

8/2/21 "The rules of creating the commission, written by Pelosi, gave her the ability to veto any Republican picks to sit on the committee and set the timetable for the commission at 'as long as it takes.'"

8/2/21 "The Times, according to two well-placed sources, refused to investigate the biggest story of our time"

8/2/21 "It is our belief the virus leaked sometime in late August or early September 2019. When they realized what happened, CCP officials and scientists began frantically covering up the leak"

8/2/21 "Driven by opposition to school closures and critical race theory, conservatives across the country are fighting for a voice on their local school boards."

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

8/2/21 "[debt limit] level reached $22 trillion in August 2019 and was suspended until Saturday. cap will likely come in just north of $28.5 trillion"

8/2/21 "They have unintentionally created an incentive to use more power ...problems you see when a state isn't not creating or importing enough energy to serve its citizens."

8/2/21 "Los Angeles Times on Monday reported that as of July 27, “5% of registered voters had a favorable opinion of Harris and 48% had an unfavorable opinion"

8/1/21 Trump: "Wyoming Patriots will no longer stand for Nancy Pelosi and her new lapdog RINO Liz Cheney!"

8/1/21 "in those countries with roughly comparable vaccination rates to the U.S., the surge has already peaked and begun a rapid decline"

8/2/21 "That left him with another attempt at 125 kg, but she struggled to stand and dropped the bar behind her. Hubbard waved to the crowd, making a heart with his hands"

Ms. Hubbard

8/1/21 "you've got a male in there who [will] likely take a spot on the podium and take a place that should be going deservedly to a female competitor"
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