SEPT 2021 News Stream
America Today
America Today

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky

9/30/21 "Ms. Walensky’s first two forays into politics clearly amounted to overreach, but now this unelected public official is inserting herself – and the agency she runs – into a Constitutional debate."

9/30/21 "The September 12–24 migrant camp crisis in Del Rio displayed two lessons very much worth unpacking from the White House response."

Laredo, TX Mayor Pete Saenz

9/30/21 "The Democratic mayor of Laredo, Texas, slammed President Joe Biden's immigration policy, alleging that his party has no plan to fix the southern border ... 'It was working under Trump, call it whatever you want to call it, but it was working.'"

9/29/21 "The president is telling Texas and other border states that the federal government will neither protect them nor allow them to protect themselves."

9/29/21 "total number of migrant apprehensions along the southwest border with Mexico [1,643,679] is higher than any recorded yearly apprehension statistic, dating to 1925 when 22,199 migrants were arrested by the Border Patrol–mostly on horseback."

9/29/21 "there are some…who argue that in the past companies have passed on these costs to consumers…we feel that that's unfair and absurd and the American people would not stand for that." - Jen Psaki
Editor's Note: What makes Ms. Psaki think Americans have a say in it?

9/29/21 "Biden’s most recently revealed Afghanistan lie is just the latest in a string of outright falsehoods and deceptions the White House is resorting to in the face of failure."

9/28/21 "Faculty members at the University of Chicago wrote a letter voicing their objections, a Chicago advocacy group sued to stop the project, and Chicago residents have filled local newspapers with their protests."

9/28/21 "The President is our version of Nietzsche’s ‘Last Man’, who not only blinks but gibbers."

Defense Sec. Austin; Joint Chiefs Head. Milley; CENTOM Commander McKenzie

9/28/21 Mark Milley wants you to know that none of it is his fault. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin wants you to know that too. So does the head of Central Command, General McKenzie. All three of them want to make it crystal clear that the senile guy in the White House did this.
9/28/21 "revelation comes one month after Biden denied any military advisors wanted troops to remain in Afghanistan, telling ABC’s George Stephanopoulos: 'No one said that to me that I can recall.'"
9/28/21 "Back on August 19, President Biden insisted none of his top military advisors warned against withdrawing from Afghanistan on his preferred timeline, and that none of them wanted the president to keep about 2,500 troops in the country."

9/28/21 "The network would be exploding with commentary if the same claim surfaced against a host on a certain competing cable-news network," Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple.

9/27/21 "While the reports made several significant findings supporting former President Trump’s complaints about the 2020 election, the corporate media ignored those aspects of the audit."

9/27/21 "'Simple math for President Biden: $3.5 trillion does NOT equal zero,' Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) wrote, while sharing the president’s tweet."

9/27/21 "Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity in 1982 of the shooting of Reagan, White House press sec. James Brady, Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy and DC Metropolitan Police officer Thomas Delahanty."

9/27/21 Backers tout Christina Bohannan as an "environmental engineer." Her website claims she is a "former engineer" but evidence shows she was never more than an "engineering intern" over two decades ago as a college undergrad.

9/24/21 "A television executive who accused Chris Cuomo of groping her at a party 16 years ago says the CNN anchor needs a public education about sexual harassment and if he did that, 'he'd be a hero instead of a cad.'"

Michael Savage

9/26/21 In Breitbart interview Radio Hall-of-Famer warned that the Biden administration, by "overwhelming the system" with a flood of illegal immigrants, wants to destroy Savage's definition of a nation: borders, language and culture.

9/26/21 "Jonathan Greenblatt at the so-called Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is back at it again, demanding Tucker Carlson’s termination at Fox News ... it is Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL who needs to be terminated"

9/26/21 "A shocking new report suggests that in Los Angeles County, sheriff’s deputies make up some of the most dangerous crime syndicates of all."

MSNBC President Rashida Jones

9/26/21 "Most alarming to some, Jones appears to be re-examining the mission of MSNBC, signaling she wants to battle CNN on breaking news rather than focus on its 'personality-driven, opinion programming with big stars,'"

9/25/21 President's spokesperson blames Trump for "broken immigration system" saying "The most constructive role we can play is by ... helping reform the broken policies of the last several years"

Michael Sussmann

9/23/21 "Those mentioned in the Michael Sussmann indictment knew they didn’t have the goods on Donald Trump but felt they could pass them on to the FBI regardless."
9/24/21 "Democrats aren't following the science when it comes to vaccine booster shots. ...he (Biden) blamed the entire COVID pandemic on people who didn’t vote for him"

9/25/21 "US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit granted a temporary injunction against the mandate, and sent the case to a three-judge panel for an “expedited review.” A hearing is scheduled for Wednesday (9/29)"

9/25/21 "After saying nary a discouraging word about the Taliban as they chased us from Afghanistan ... abandoning American citizens ... behind enemy lines, Joe Biden has finally found a focus for his moral indignation – Border Patrol agents on horseback."

9/24/21 "Biden was quickly ripped online for his remarks, since Border Patrol agents and the photographer who snapped the images have denied any migrants being “whipped” by agents, despite misleading photos on social media."

9/25/21 "The president’s approach to the border is based on optics, not reality. That’s why he banned horse patrols in Del Rio this week."

9/24/21 "I didn’t ever see them whip anybody, with the thing,” he (the photographer) said of the reins. “He was swinging it. But I didn’t see him actually take — whip someone with it."

9/24/21 "The bill is unlikely to pass the Senate, where every Democrat and 10 Republicans would need to vote in favor to hit the 60-vote threshold."

9/24/21 "There is certainly no shortage of absurdities that are spewed by the mainstream media and politicians, but the Biden administration appears hell-bent on foisting record numbers of absurdities on Americans ..."

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky

9/24/21 "The CDC panel voted 9-6 against the recommendation. CDC directors rarely reverse panel decisions and in doing so can risk undermining the process, The New York Times reported."

9/23/21 "No one seems to care that Democrats are walking us into a fiscal catastrophe. This year, if we do nothing at all except honor our existing commitments, we are going to spend $3.1 trillion that we don’t have."

9/23/21 "Ohio's Rep. Davidson argues Congress must not authorize the NDAA until senior military leadership are held accountable and replaced."

9/23/21 "According to a new poll released by Gallup on Wednesday, only 43 percent of Americans approve of the way Biden is handling his job as president, dropping from 49 percent in August."

9/23/21 "Helping Israel and especially its military are reason enough for the House’s far left to oppose the funding"

9/22/21 "Democratic politicians have repeatedly argued that criticizing a Democrat's behavior just isn't something a normal, kindhearted person would ever do. "

9/22/21 "As obesity rates are highest among African-Americans and Hispanics, one would think a campaign for social justice would be a campaign against obesity."

9/21/21 "In his first speech as president to the U.N., Mr. Biden defended his widely panned military withdrawal from Afghanistan ... ticked off a list of crises that nations must work together to solve"

9/22/21 "In an attempt to obtain some semblance of justice, The Mac Shop owner sued Twitter for defamation. Now his business is closed, his case is thrown out, and Twitter wants him to pay the attorney fees."

9/21/21 Facebook still stonewalls the decision-making process for its pre-election quashing of NY Post’s Hunter Biden coverage and the role played by Joe Biden’s former adviser, then a senior content moderator at Facebook

9/21/21 "Politico reports today that Ben Schreckinger’s new book, The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power, corroborates much of the New York Post’s pre-election reporting on Hunter Biden’s emails."

9/20/21 "we’ve reached a point in American history in which the Left no longer allows the Right space to peaceably assemble and petition for redress of grievances."

9/21/21 "The migrants on board had been picked up from the makeshift migrant camp, where thousands are waiting to be taken into custody, two federal law enforcement agents told the Washington Examiner."

9/20/21 "Democrats want working-class families in red states like Florida and Texas to subsidize residents making $200,000, $400,000, or more in places like New York and New Jersey."

9/19/21 "He found forgotten letters from the '70s in his attic. Turns out they were missives from the Unabomber"

U.S.C.G / via

9/20/21 "China has declared itself a 'near-Arctic nation' and has put force behind that claim to back it up. Beijing is building polar icecutters – heavy-duty ships needed to traverse the Arctic’s waters – at a clip outpacing the United States"

9/21/21 "'Let me start by saying, there’s way too many of us in this little room. What are we doing? They said this was outdoors. It’s not,'" (actor Seth) Rogan said. "'They lied to us.'"


9/20/21 "colorful ensembles, moving speeches and coveted gold statuettes – but no masks in sight .... One chimed in, 'No Masks at the #Emmys because rules are for the little people.'"

San Francisco Mayor London Breed

9/20/21 "Up until this point in the pandemic, the worst examples of elite rule-breaking have been discrete. Gavin Newsom hit up the French Laundry. Gretchen Whitmer popped down to Florida ... Now, the habit is being ruthlessly collectivized."

Chris Hayes, MSNBC Screenshot

9/19/21 "The central role played by the U.S. media in perpetuating this scam on the public – all with the goal of manipulating the election outcome – is hard to overstate."

9/19/21 Asked about his theory on why the President had refused to acknowledge America's 4 newest astronauts whose charter flight raised millions for St. Jude Hospital Musk replied, "He's still sleeping."

David Martin, CBS Face The Nation

9/19/21 "Across networks on Sunday morning, mainstream network anchors, panels, and reporters didn't hold back in their criticism of President Biden's ailing performance amid multiple crises at home and around the world"

9/18/21 "The contempt with which the Biden team treated its allies during the withdrawal from Afghanistan gave notice to the Europeans that they’re on their own."

9/19/21 "In blind auditions, orchestras evaluate prospective players by listening to them behind a screen ... it has resulted in the hiring of too few non-Asian musicians of color."

9/19/21 "U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz told reporters at a press conference near the Del Rio camp that all of the migrants will be returned to their countries of origin"

9/18/21 "In a serious crisis, the Supreme Court tends to go AWOL ... or worse. Biden’s challenge will be to convince the country, and thus the Court, that we are still in a real crisis – something beyond his own ineptitude or his advisers’ stage-managing."
9/17/21 "Pentagon officials asserted that it had been conducted correctly, despite 10 civilians being killed, including seven children." Milley: "a 'righteous' strike"

9/17/21 "Breed did not wear a mask throughout a visit to the Black Cat nightclub, where guests were treated to a surprise performance by members of R&B group Tony! Toni! Toné!, the San Francisco Chronicle reported."

9/16/21 "The U.S., Britain, and Australia announced a three-way agreement on Wed. to form a military alliance to help Australia resist Chinese aggression ... deal undercut an agreement Australia made with France in 2016"

9/16/21 "Gen. Mark Milley’s abhorrent behavior is a symptom of a greater problem: an elite class that thinks itself above accountability and the norms of American democracy."

9/16/21 "As others have pointed out, Trump was the first president since Jimmy Carter not to have gotten the nation into a new military conflict."

9/15/21 "The general doesn’t belong anywhere near the levers of power that we the voters grant our elected officials"

Christopher Miller

9/15/21 "Christopher Miller called the reported calls an 'unprecedented act of insubordination'"
9/14/21 "in a nation serious about its own laws and willing to uphold the standards which built it, Mark Milley would be facing a court martial under a charge of sedition and possibly treason"
9/15/21 "The Chinese general whom Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley reportedly promised to warn about U.S. military action is among the regime's biggest warmongers."
Book claims Milley undertook to usurp Commander in Chief Trump's authority
9/14/21 A new book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa alleges Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley "warned senior military officials that the commander in chief could 'go rogue' and instructed them to clear any nuclear launch orders with him first" according to Military Times.
9/14/21 "Alexander Vindman, a key witness for House Democrats’ impeachment investigation against President Trump, called on Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley to resign on Tuesday, following revelations that Milley secretly called his counterpart in China to offer assurances that the U.S. would give warning in case of a nuclear assault."

9/15/21 "Larry Elder has shown the state GOP the way forward, even as they blame him for losing"

9/15/21 "The rapper encourages prayerful contemplation before getting vaccinated, calling down the wrath of the secular theocrats"

Sen. James Risch (R-ID)

9/14/21 "who is really in charge of making decisions at the White House amid multiple feeds of President Joe Biden being cut off by a 'puppeteer' in mid-conversation at public events."
9/14/21 Carlson, who has become something of a Charles Kuralt of cable news, delivers an important and poignant essay on the perils of authoritarianism vis-a-vis COVID mandates and the obfuscation of America's true crisis.

9/14/21 "The New York Times has stealthily deleted its false claim that a New York Post report about Hunter Biden’s laptop was “unsubstantiated.”"

New York Post October 29, 2020

9/13/21 New York Post delivers a stinging rebuke of New York Times reporting of "leaked" Federal Election Commission findings in Twitter's censorship of the Post's Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 election

9/13/21 "People who are genuinely safe from COVID-19 – the vaccinated – continue to believe and act as if they are in great danger. People who are in a moderate amount of danger from COVID-19 – the unvaccinated who have comorbidities – act as if they are safe."
9/12/21 Greg Gutfeld has done more than win ratings sweeps from tired, late-night comics. His interview coup with former President Trump makes the likes of Chuck Todd, Chris Wallace, George Stephanopoulos and their stable of stuffed-shirt cronies look like yesterday's news. He did have a lot of help courtesy of an interviewee relaxed and quick-witted enough to add to the comic's casual repartee. Fact is, amidst serious subjects, Trump just may have gotten the majority of the laughs. If you're already suffering buyer's remorse, you may not want to watch.

Rose McGowan

9/13/21 "Former actress turned activist Rose McGowan blasted the media and rebuffed Black Lives Matter Sunday over their treatment of Larry Elder as a conservative black man. '...he might just know more than you living in a different skin’"

9/13/21 "Capitol Police announced Monday that they would again put fences up around the United States Capitol ahead of events scheduled to take place on September 18 in support of January 6 defendants"

Via Twitter @DanScavino

9/12/21 Presumably the 45th President didn't want to upstage the Dem trio of Clinton, Obama, and Biden appearing at the 9/11 Memorial Service in Lower Manhattan, but whatever the reason his visit with NY Fire and Police appeared well received as suggested in this convivial group shot. Photographer unknown.

Photo by Tom Wolf*

9/12/21 "First, Bush's speech was as much about decrying today's political divisions as it was about remembering the events of Sept. 11. ...second, Bush helped widen those divisions"

9/12/21 "America’s founding generation absorbed Virgil’s Aeneid and the lessons of Rome. ... Most of them were trained in the classics. They devoured the works of Cicero, Tacitus, Livy, and Plutarch."

9/11/21 "But one thing remained constant no matter what state, city, town or village they passed through ... 'that was the amount of Trump signs we saw everywhere.'"

9/12/21 "I think when you go down a road where you’re having two different national anthems, colleges sometimes now have – many of them have different graduation ceremonies for black and white, separate dorms – this is what I mean! Segregation!"

9/11/21 "Biden, battered by lousy jobs reports and a disastrous exit from Kabul, is hammering the “minority” of Americans who remain unvaccinated and jumping headlong into the thorny world of mandate politics."

9/10/21 "Biden isn’t playing to the unvaccinated, who are even less likely to get the shot after being lectured to and insulted by the president. It’s for smug Democrats who appreciate him lecturing and insulting those people, dividing the nation even more. "

AT Content

Members of Congress and their staff are exempt from Biden's vaccine mandate
9/10/21 "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said at a press conference on April 29 that the House couldn't require members to be vaccinated. ... 'That's just not what we can do.'"


9/11/21 America Today was publishing in 2001 and following the events of September 11, we got email ... an unsolicited outpouring from around the world by people needing to express themselves. Here is a reprint from the front page of America Today 20 years ago.

9/11/21 "What Osama bin Laden couldn’t do, the Biden administration hopes to accomplish."

9/10/21 "After 20 years, I plan to rededicate myself to reminding others that with all the problems in the world, America and her founding is not one of them."

9/10/21 "In relative terms, America is not so dominant a power as it was 20 years ago, while her adversaries seem stronger and more united. "

9/10/21 "There is no greater danger to the country than this effort to politicize the military by ensuring that all officers hew to the political party line of this administration."

AT Graphic

9/10/21 "Producer Price Index rose 0.7 percent compared with July. Compared with a year ago, the index is up 8.3 percent, the fastest pace of price increases in data going back to 2010."

9/10/21 "While Biden made a token effort to persuade the unvaccinated to get their shots, it turns out they won’t have much choice in the matter. "

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel

9/10/21 "Many small businesses and workers do not have the money or legal resources to fight Biden’s unconstitutional actions and authoritarian decrees, but when his decree goes into effect, the RNC will sue"

9/10/21 "9-11, 2001 cast a long shadow over American life. Twenty years later the world is more chaotic and less free ... the COVID-19 pandemic, creates new opportunities to restrict freedom in the name of protecting us from a threat."

9/9/21 "Neither snow, nor rain … nor presidential proclamation. President Biden on Thursday mandated COVID-19 vaccines for almost all federal workers ..."

9/8/21 "Project Veritas employs dozens of undercover reporters, he said, but the number of would-be insiders working in the private and public sector who have reached out to Mr. O’Keefe in recent years is 'beyond comprehension.'"

9/9/21 "Former President Donald Trump on Thursday endorsed Harriet Hageman, a former Republican National Committee member, in her newly-launched primary challenge against Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.)"

9/9/21 "reminder for Americans buying firearms to not lie on form 4473 because it could lead to 'severe penalties and jail time' ... not always the case. ... Hunter Biden, had lied in 2018"

AT Graphic, Photo by Gage Skidmore*

9/9/21 "A white woman in a gorilla mask threw an egg at a black man seeking to become the first non-white governor of our largest state, and the media shrug. Do a search for “Larry Elder” and gorilla on the CNN website and nothing comes up. Washington Post? Zilch. Nothing comes up on the New York Times site either

9/9/21 "Biden is expected to announce the new step in a speech on Thursday outlining a new, harder-line approach his administration is taking to COVID-19"

David Chipman

9/9/21 "David Chipman did not appear to have 50 votes for confirmation ... Sen. Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, were the widely reported holdouts within the Democratic caucus."

AFT Pres. Randi Weingarten

9/9/21 "The National Education Association strong-armed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ...CDC decided that many Americans could relax their vigilant mask wearing"

9/8/21 "Documents show his agency outsourced gain-of-function research to China after all"

9/8/21 "Sirajuddin Haqqani has become Afghanistan’s interior minister, in charge of police and security. Haqqani is on the FBI’s most wanted list and is a designated global terrorist ..."

9/8/21 "Shana Chappell, the mother of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, posted on her Facebook account that would love for former Pres. Donald Trump to attend the funeral service for her son, who is set to be laid to rest on September 18"

9/8/21 "It doesn’t matter how badly they botch their jobs, or how much misery they cause, our ruling class is immune from accountability."
Nigel Farage: America is 'isolated' and 'friendless' under Biden
9/8/21 "so called internationalist Democrats, actually, they're the isolationists ... with Donald Trump, who was constantly reaching out, constantly on the telephone and traveling the world pursuing what was actually a very successful US foreign policy"

9/8/21 Cruz: "The Chinese Communist Party is having a field day with Joe Biden’s weakness and naïveté. The President sent John Kerry to Beijing to do what he does best ... the Chinese had more time for the Taliban than for Biden or Kerry."

9/8/21 "The Taliban’s announced “interim” cabinet included hardline Islamic fundamentalist leaders, among them a terrorist sanctioned by the United Nations as the head of government"

9/8/21 "Investigators for The Wall Street Journal set up 31 fake TikTok accounts registered to users between the ages of 13 and 15 and studied their “For You” feeds, which consist of videos recommended to users by TikTok’s suggestion algorithm."

AT Graphic, Photo by Gabriel Santiago

9/7/21 "Last Thursday, the Chinese Communist Party announced an eight-point plan aimed at its entertainment industry that will ban “sissy idols” and “effeminate men” from TV."

9/7/21 "Last week, China banned its youth from playing video games during the school week, save an hour between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Fridays, weekends, and public holidays ..."

9/7/21 "Harris effectively vanished from public view after returning from her trip to Asia to find President Joe Biden struggling on nearly every major issue facing the country."

9/7/21 "The bat coronavirus grant provided EcoHealth Alliance with a total of $3.1 million, including $599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans."

AT Graphic

9/7/21 "In the last few years, foreign governments have bought the right to pick curricula, as the Chinese Communist government did with Confucius Institutes."

9/7/21 "The sticky situation reportedly began after the fourth-grader neglected to don his face cover after getting up to grab a drink of water. is calling for the resignation"

David Rhode, Photo by New America

9/7/21 "civilian effort has been 'far more ambitious, far more dynamic and far more successful than what the administration has been doing.'"

Photo by Chatham House, London

9/5/21 "Rice, who said she disagreed with the decision to pull out troops from the region, slammed President Joe Biden for basic flaws in the withdrawal."

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX)

9/5/21 "we have six airplanes at Mazar-i-Sharif airport, six airplanes, with American citizens on them as I speak, also with these interpreters, and the Taliban is holding them hostage for demands right now"

9/5/21 "'The contractors just stopped' ... Border Patrol agents took it upon themselves to plug the hole – with old truck tires and pieces of stray construction materials that were left behind"

9/5/21 "Mr. Giuiliani said Mr. Biden has 'always been a dumb man'" ... "the amazing thing is nobody around him says, 'You don’t give up an air base 400 miles from China unless you’re in favor of China and not the United States.'"

'An extremely sad corner for everybody who admires the United States'
9/4/21 A sobering assessment of America's future and of the man in the Oval office. "America's enemies and competitors are inevitably smacking their lips about the humiliation of America in Afghanistan, but I think it will be America's friends and allies who will be even more concerned.

9/3/21 "By Jen Psaki's arbitrary standard Joe Biden shouldn't be commenting on abortion either as he's never been pregnant."

9/3/21 "The business-model of the giant urban metroplex is broken. Office skyscrapers can’t cover their costs of operation at 25 percent occupancy; condo associations can’t cover their taxes and repairs"

FOX News/YouTube Screen Capture

8/28/21 "What must CBS and NBC be feeling to have their mighty networks beaten by Fox News, the frequent butt of their attempts at humor, and a comic right-wing pundit with a staff maybe 20 times smaller than their own?"

9/3/21 "if the president were personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans during the summer of 2020, why isn’t the president responsible for thousands of deaths in the summer of 2021?"

9/3/21 "By the grace of Allah Almighty, we are in control of the entire Afghanistan. The troublemakers have been defeated and Panjshir is now under our command"

Newsom, photo by Gage Skidmore*

9/3/21 "State officials threatened massive fines and even jail time for the pastor after the church resumed services in the summer of 2020. Local officials went so far as to cancel the church's five-decade-old lease on a parking lot."

9/2/21 "Court was not ruling on Roe and it was not ruling on this case, which is described as raising 'serious questions regarding the constitutionality of the Texas law.' ... people rushed to ride a wave of anger"

WH Photo by Adam Schultz

9/2/21 "As the post-9/11 chapter closes, a new one begins, marked above all by the end of American deterrence and the eclipse of American power."

9/2/21 "a season finale that the most dystopian screenwriter would have struggled to invent, the elite Taliban unit ...bedecked in US military kit ...wearing uniforms and protective kit provided by the fleeing US army ...parading the airport with US-provided guns in US-provided vehicles."

New Trump PAC ad shines hard light on Biden Afghanistan "Failure"
9/2/21 President Trump's latest video, "Failure," compresses indelible scenes from Washington and from Kabul in the last two weeks of August to present a gritty and scathing montage of America's withdrawal from Afghanistan.

9/2/21 "A “majority” of special immigrant visa [SIV] applicants were left in Afghanistan due to the difficulty presented by the security threat at the airport, the Taliban’s checkpoints, and the airport’s design, according to a new report."

Cal. Governor Gavin Newsom

9/2/21 "California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) had more than $3 billion invested in Chinese companies, including 14 state-controlled enterprises blacklisted by the Trump administration"

9/1/21 "Biden’s margin of victory in Wisconsin was approximately 20,000 votes despite the number of ballots 'missing or undeliverable' in the state amounting to 83,000"

WH Photo by Adam Schultz

9/1/21 "'Maybe they’d be more understanding,' he said of tentative Biden supporters, 'if they knew he’s still fighting a stutter.' Yes, that was it, a 'stutter.'"

Leon Panetta

9/1/21 "absent from the after-action finger-pointing are nearly all of the 500 national security experts ... who endorsed Joe Biden for president last fall, while denouncing President Trump as an unfit commander-in-chief."

Emanuel with Joe Biden, 2011

9/1/21 "Rahm Emanuel helped cover up the murder of Laquan McDonald – a mere teenager when he was shot 16 times in the back by a Chicago police officer"

9/1/21 "Psaki refused during Wed.’s press briefing to address ... Biden pressured Afghanistan Pres. Ashraf Ghani during a July phone call to make false claims about the nation’s fight against the Taliban."

Ghani photo: U.S. Inst of Peace

9/1/21 "Biden pressured Afghanistan Pres. Ashraf Ghani to create the “perception” that the Taliban weren’t winning, “whether it’s true or not,” in a phone [call] just three weeks before the insurgents seized control"
Special Sections / Clusters