NOV 2021 News Stream
America Today
America Today

Bobby and Amy Bolin

11/29/21 "In order to be approved for a double-lung transplant, her husband had to be fully vaccinated for COVID even though he’d had the virus and recovered. ...died before he could get new lungs"

11/29/21 "The most advanced nation in history is descending into madness. takes an awful lot of bungling by political leaders to really bring down a powerful and prosperous state. "

Book cover photo

11/29/21 "Long before Hunter Biden ever considered joining a Ukrainian energy company named Burisma, Joe Biden and his family used his power and position to leverage business deals with businesses seeking his influence ..."

FOX News screen capture

11/29/21 "Led by Students for Socialism, four groups plan to rally Wednesday for Rittenhouse’s removal. The 18-year-old enrolled for classes in October and plans to continue his studies in nursing upon a jury finding him not guilty."

11/29/21 "The virus does not care if a given government is run by Democrats or Republicans. But while it is not political, it has been politicized, and now the bill for that politicization is coming due."

11/29/21 "A high-ranking official said the hospital currently has hundreds of open positions and attributes much of the staffing shortage to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate."

11/29/21 "Judge Schelp, a Trump-appointee, ruled that the administration did not have the authority to issue the mandate requiring health care workers employed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to be vaccinated by Jan. 4."


11/28/21 "Here's my crystal ball. Dems will demand Harris' resignation. She'll cite 'personal reasons' or 'family issues.' Then corrupt Dem billionaire donors will give her a $25 million mansion to retire in. You'll never hear from Harris again."


11/27/21 "Rep. Elise Stefanik complained about President Joe Biden introducing travel bans when he called former President Donald Trump’s previous flight bans 'xenophobic.'"

Milton Friedman

11/26/21 "Not long ago, President Joe Biden made an offhanded comment that 'Milton Friedman isn't running the show anymore.' This president has seldom spoken more valid words. And that's where the trouble has begun."

11/26/21 "Modern gadgets are less and less our servants and more and more our masters ... We think we can use them to achieve our ends, only to discover that they are using us to achieve ends"
Editor's Note: Originally published in The Spectator’s December 2021 World edition

11/26/21 "Restoring the proper constitutional balance of power between the states and Washington, D.C., is critical to the nation’s future. ...Overarching, centralized control makes for frail and inflexible governance."

Thomas Alexander Starks

11/26/21 "Starks was supported by a GoFundMe account for his defense costs despite the company barring people from contributing to defendants like Kyle Rittenhouse until after he was acquitted. ...also supported by Democratic politicians."

11/25/21 "The Pilgrims didn’t bring ‘genocide’ to America. They barely brought themselves, with half of their company dying that first winter, in 1620-21."

11/25/21 "average of just one arrest every two months for each deportation officer. ...down exponentially from the Trump years ...worse compared to the peak Obama years"

11/24/21 "Five Senate Democrats told the White House late Wednesday they will not support Lenin scholarship recipient Saule Omarova to serve as Comptroller of the Currency, nuking her chances to serve as the country’s bank regulator."

Hanson, YouTube screen capture

11/24/21 "Conservatives now have lost their former traditional confidence in many of the pillars of our civilization. And with good reason."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

11/23/21 "The antivaxxer lawyer, 67, who is the nephew of former president John F. Kennedy, Jr., accused politicians, the media and big corporations of conspiring to 'execute the controlled demolition of American constitutional democracy'."

11/23/21 "Following the 80-person smash and grab at a Nordstrom in the San Francisco Bay Area over the weekend, a similar hit was made on another Nordstrom located at The Grove in Los Angeles."
11/23/21 "In an exclusive interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson, Kyle Rittenhouse spoke out about the night of the Kenosha riots ...his arrest ...eventual acquittal ...reaction of the mainstream media and Democrats, including President Biden."

Juhana Pohjola

11/23/21 "Rasanen and Pohjola [authors] are being charged with 'hate speech' ...theology about sex and marriage, which reserves sex exclusively for within marriage, which can only consist of one man and one woman, for life."

11/22/21 "The majority of Americans, 73%, say their rights come from God, not government, and say government can’t force Americans to violate their religious beliefs, according to a poll conducted by and McLaughlin and Associates."

11/22/21 "Apparently, U.S. allies are noticing the growing gap between Joe Biden’s “America is back!” rallying cry, and the actions of his administration."
Editor's Note: Features excerpts from Bloomberg, U.S. News & World Report, Financial Times, and New York Times

Special Counsel John Durham

11/22/21 "The corrupt media’s attempt to frame their failings as mere confirmation bias holds no truer than the Russia-collusion hoax they peddled for five years."

11/22/21 "The company appears to have embraced a Red Queen policy from Alice in Wonderland: This 'sentence first – verdict afterwards.'"

Warren: Photo by Gage Skidmore

11/22/21 "Warren's claim that oil companies are jacking up prices to turn a bigger profit doesn't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny."

11/21/21 "liberal icon who is now loathed by many on the left due to his dislike of cancel culture and wokeness, said Democrats are losing elections because 'liberals think this country is full of dumb white people.'"

11/21/21 "adviser to Ukrainian pres. Volodymyr Zelensky said his government expects that Russia will launch a new conventional military assault against Ukraine next Jan. or Feb. ... claimed, the U.S. intelligence community shares Kyiv’s assessment."

11/20/21 "Maher on Friday railed against the "woke" tsunami currently defining the Democratic Party and challenged Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., to appear on a future show after she dismissed wokeness critics"

AT content, Photo by MSNBC*

11/20/21 "Imagine if it was a Black man who was a member of Black Lives Matter who had killed in self-defense and who cried on the witness stand. None of those people would have marked him."

11/19/21 "18-year-old broke down in tears and collapsed in his seat as the not-guilty verdict was read out in court. "

11/19/21 "In the time it took for Rittenhouse’s name to be cleared, corporate media defamed him as a murderer and President Joe Biden called the boy a 'white supremacist'"

11/19/21 "complaint alleges Pennslyvania election officials were tearing tapes 'into pieces and placing ... them into the trash stating they will have a campfire to burn the data.'"

11/19/21 According to his doctor, Biden experiences "significant spinal arthritis, post-fracture ‘limp and compensation’ and a mild sensory peripheral neuropathy of the feet"

11/18/21 "Chansley felt he had no choice but to accept the plea deal that came with that 41-month sentence, of course, because he couldn't risk a trial that could send him to prison for 20 years."

Greenwald, photo by Gage Skidmore*

11/18/21 "Only a sick, punitive society imprisons non-violent protesters for years in harsh conditions -- or one that regards particular ideologies as inherently criminal"

11/18/21 Man who, according to the article, claimed to be working for MSNBC exec. Irene Byon in New York was stopped in his vehicle Wednesday by Kenosha police and was suspected of "trying to photograph jurors."

11/18/21 "'If anyone says trans people are angry at me, they are wrong,' Chappelle said. 'And if you see [a trans person], buy them a coffee or lipstick or whatever they want and tell them Dave Chappelle sent you.'"

11/17/21 "'Rust' script boss claims scene did not call for a shooting' ... is suing the actor, the movie production company and others for assault, intentional infliction of emotional distress and deliberate infliction of harm.

11/17/21 "dispute involved several videos, especially a high-definition video that the prosecution used in closing arguments on Friday, but which had not been provided to the defense, which only received a low-definition version."

11/17/21 "A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows just 44 percent of voters approve of Biden's job performance, and 46 percent say he's 'mentally fit.' ...the oldest man ever sworn into the White House"

DW co-founder & co-CEO Jeremy Boreing

11/17/21 "The Daily Wire was the first organization to challenge the rule in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. ...poised to be the lead plaintiff in the pending legal battle."

11/16/21 "All immigrants with children are eligible, regardless of how they got here and whether their children are U.S.-born ... not just costly; it also encourages more illegal immigration."

Mark Richards, Rittenhouse attorney

11/16/21 Jurors "decided to break Tuesday evening and continue their deliberations Wednesday morning over whether the teen should be held responsible for killing two people and injuring a third"

11/16/21 "If Congress changes hands in a couple years here and a Republican chairman of the Ways and Means Committee asks for Hunter Biden's tax returns, are we just going to say, 'Oh, sure."

11/16/21 According to the New York Times Walmart had in recent months chartered its own ships allowing the retailer to "circumnavigate the shipping congestion."

11/16/21 "The symbolic move came after roughly nine county Republican parties voted to no longer recognize Cheney. ... stems from her repeated criticism of former President Donald Trump"

11/15/21 "About 500 Wisconsin National Guard troops are on standby outside Kenosha in the event of trouble following a verdict in the high-profile Kyle Rittenhouse homicide trial."

11/15/21 "Either Grosskreutz (who is white) was pointing the gun at Rittenhouse’s head or he was not. Either Rosenbaum (who was white) was grabbing the barrel of Rittenhouse’s gun or he was not. ...facts do not change through CRT"

11/15/21 In arguments about final jury instructions, prosecution admits length of Rittenhouse's rifle disqualifies charge from having been brought in the first place.

11/15/21 "Before he turned himself in Monday, Bannon went on air for an episode of his podcast WarRoom, imploring followers to continue the fight against the Biden administration."

11/15/21 Sean Spicer quipped in a tweet that "you know it’s really bad ... the White House Press Office had to issue a this statement to reassure everyone that in fact @KamalaHarris is a 'vital partner'"

11/15/21 "Vice President Kamala Harris feels increasingly isolated inside the White House as her approval ratings plummet ... not getting the same support given to other members of the Biden administration"

Weiwei/Youtube Screenshot

11/14/21 On PBS's Firing Line, Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei opined that "in the United States, with today’s condition, you can easily have an authoritarian. In many ways, you’re already in the authoritarian state. You just don’t know it."

O’Keefe/Youtube Screenshot

11/14/21 "The newspaper of record is now officially the newspaper of smears ... The New York Times assigned four reporters – two of them Pulitzer Prize winners – to cover the raid on O’Keefe’s apartment."

11/14/21 Trump: "Warmonger Liz Cheney is on the SKIDS with a 19% approval rating ... Saving America starts by saving the GOP from RINOs, sellouts, and known losers"

11/12/21 "The bombshell revelation comes on the heels of a wave of scientific data that has shown natural immunity to be extremely robust at preventing coronavirus reinfection."

11/12/21 "newly revealed documents showed the National School Boards Association coordinated with the White House more than two weeks before warning of 'domestic terrorism' threats from parents"

Screen Capure Fox 6 Milwaukee

Two conclusions can be drawn from the video of the Rittenhouse incident in Kenosha
11/12/21 1. It was a really bad idea that he should have been in that place at that time with a rifle.  2. If it wasn't for the rifle he'd be dead.

11/12/21 "Some progressive commentators are just coming right out and saying it: Judge Bruce Schroeder – the 75-year-old judge presiding over the the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse – is a racist."

11/11/21 "Social media platforms rendered a verdict on Kyle Rittenhouse long before he went to trial, suppressing claims that he was innocent and blocking users from searching for details of the case."

11/12/21 "at Arlington National Cemetery to a nation reeling from the baleful effects of his failed presidency, and amid historically low approval ratings, Biden referred to the 1940s black baseball player Satchel Paige as 'the great negro'"

11/11/21 "'If he thinks that they’re going to go back to the old ways of policing, then we are going to take to the streets again,' ... 'There will be riots, there will be fire and there will be bloodshed because we believe in defending our people.'"

11/11/21 Former Sec. of State Pompeo on video of Harris at French lab: "it’s more than embarrassing on the world stage ... Our adversaries watch that and see weakness. They see people who aren’t serious, they see people who aren’t determined"

Twitter: CBS4 Gainesville

11/11/21 "Desantis proposes bussing illegal immigrants, brought to Florida, up to Delaware. 'I will send them to Delaware and do that. If he's (Biden) not going to support the border being secured, then he should be able to have everyone there.'"

AT Graphic

11/10/21 "Fuel oil prices soared 12.3% for the month, part of a 59.1% increase over the past year. Energy prices overall rose 4.8% in October and are up 30% for the 12-month period."

11/10/21 "Witnesses are being told that John Wood, a longtime friend and ally of the Cheney family, will represent Republicans when witnesses testify. But neither Cheney nor her friend is representing the Republican conference."

11/10/21 "Already, the most recent research estimates that illegal immigration to the U.S. costs American taxpayers about $134 billion annually. The research suggests that each illegal alien costs taxpayers about $9,300 every year."

Judge Bruce Schroeder

11/10/21 "The judge scolded, then exploded, on [Asst. District Attorney] Binger for commenting on Rittenhouse’s pretrial silence, which risked violating the 18-year-old’s Fifth Amendment rights."

Jonathan Turley

11/10/21 "Schiff told MSNBC that ongoing investigations would constitute 'tearing down our democracy' and would serve as a way to 'delegitimize' a president. This also included any continued investigation of the Hunter Biden scandal."

Morgan Ortagus

11/9/21 "You defended, promoted, you even read into the Congressional record the Steele dossier,” Ortagus told Schiff ... The main source of the Steele dossier was indicted for lying to the FBI"

11/9/21 "No one has seen Gavin Newsom in almost two weeks, and a bunch of his political allies insist that the public has no right to any further explanation."

11/8/21 "A source close to California Gov. Gavin Newsom today told The Defender the governor experienced an adverse reaction to the Moderna COVID vaccine he received Oct. 27, the last day he was seen in public."

11/9/21 "President's inner circle linked to Clinton campaign’s dirty tricks against Trump, sources tell Fox News. indication that Sullivan is a target of Durham’s investigation"

Igor Danchenko

11/9/21 "Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple wrote Monday that the indictment of Igor Danchenko is “bad news” for several media outlets. ... warned mainstream media outlets they face a 'steep journalistic challenge'"


11/8/21 WH Deputy Press Secretary Jean-Pierre: "'should not wait' to implement the measure despite a federal court ordering late last week that the mandate be paused due to possible 'grave statutory and constitutional issues.'"

Igor Danchenko

11/8/21 "Harris and her track record as President Joe Biden’s supposed right-hand woman is tanking, a new poll from USA Today and Suffolk University found"

11/8/21 Climate Czar Kerry and wife "are invested in Hillhouse China Value Fund L.P., part of the Hillhouse investment group that is a top shareholder in a Chinese solar panel company that works with companies known to be using forced labor."

Disgraceful House Republicans rescue Biden’s flailing agenda

11/6/21 "Every Republican who voted for this monstrosity who is not already retiring should be primaried and defeated ... Those who are retiring should be shamed for the rest of their lives."

GOP lawmakers blast 'RINOS' after House passes $1.2T infrastructure bill: 'Time to name names'

11/6/21 "Biggs, Boebert, Gaetz and Greene among House Republicans sounding off on Twitter after late-night vote on Democrats' spending plan"

The Republican-elect the Left attacks or completely ignores
11/5/21 Free-thinking Winsome Sears, the newly-minted lieutenant governor of Virginia, has been called a white ventriloquist's black-face dummy or ignored by Leftists altogether. Maybe the reason is she makes too much sense.

11/5/21 "'We want to live,' the activists shouted while preventing Mr. Manchin from leaving a parking garage. The protesters also shouted 'Fight for us' and 'F—- Joe Manchin' as the senator struggled to maneuver his vehicle"

Rachel Levine

11/4/21 "PJM’s Matt Margolis took issue with that claim in an article titled: Rachel Levine Is Not the 'First Female Four-Star Admiral'… Because He’s a Male."

AT Graphic

11/4/21 "The president’s denial of reports that his DOJ is negotiating millions of dollars in payments to families separated by the Trump administration rings hollow."

11/4/21 "This whole ordeal isn't about coronavirus, the science, or a Pfizer shot. If it were, we would be having a very different conversation."

Jocelyn Benson

11/4/21 "More than 17,000 dead voters have remained on the rolls for 10 years. Thousands more have been there for 20 years. Some are considered “active” and some are “inactive.” All are supposedly dead."

11/4/21 "Sheriff Schmaling says five election commissioners should be criminally charged for having waived the law requiring the use of Special Voting Deputies in the 2020 election."

Caricature by DonkeyHotey

11/3/21 "Their complacent elitism finally trips them up. The party’s vaunted wokeness, after all, rests on an implied contempt for the people: that they are insufficiently enlightened and must be pushed into the light."

11/3/21 "in October 2020, Biden suggested that more than 200,000 deaths from COVID-19 was enough to disqualify Trump from serving as president."

11/2/21 According to Townhall, ahead of cable news and legacy media, Republicans are running the table in Virginia sweeping top executive offices and "flipping" legislature seats"

AT Graphic

11/2/21 In the last 24: "Clinton admin. press sec. has equated people who say 'Let’s Go, Brandon' with ISIS ... Dan Rather has warned the phrase may lead to 'violence' ... an NBC reporter has contacted the Secret Service"

11/2/21 "'It’s not hate speech. It’s harmless political speech. And the more the hypocritical woke mob tries to suppress it, the louder and more widespread that chant will get,' Mr. [Joe] Concha predicted"

11/2/21 "This is a big, free, rambunctious country, and our president is a public employee, not a king. Being insulted by the public comes with the territory."

11/2/21 "Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union, tweeted he was rejected from voting because he was maskless. President of Turning Point USA Charlie Kirk also tweeted reports of precincts blocking maskless voters."

11/2/21 "McAuliffe’s defeat tonight would not just mean closing the book on the era of the Clintons; it would put the book on the shelf to collect dust."

11/2/21 "Terry McAuliffe should be coasting to victory in Virginia. Instead, he’s revealed just how weak and out of touch Democrats are."

11/1/21 "Fully vaccinated WH press secretary Jen Psaki has just tested positive for COVID-19. ... all along the way, the American people have been told the vaccines work, the vaccines are effective"

11/1/21 "polls that were released on Sunday by NBC News and ABC News that showed that Americans are not on board with the way the country is being run."

11/1/21 Poll conducted by James Golden aka Bo Snerdley and TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy & Politics suggests inflation is most important issue for Republican and independent voters; virus still top issue for Democrats.

AT Graphic

11/1/21 "The poll showed 44% of Americans approve of the job Biden is doing as president and 49% disapprove. The numbers compare to 45% approve/46% disapprove in the group's October poll."

11/1/21 "China could take over Taiwan and seize the majority of the world’s production of chips, which are used in aircraft, warships, submarines, cars, iPhones, computers, and more."

11/1/21 "'My children are now in private school and are thriving,' the woman told the board ... 'swift and uncompromising' political agenda of the district’s former and current administration forced her hand"

11/1/21 "The New York Times columnist wants to persuade voters to ignore the story about a ninth-grade girl who was raped in a restroom in Loudoun County"
Special Sections / Clusters