A Low Point in the History of a Once-Proud Nation

Over the last couple of days the Taliban has gone viral on social media in what can only be described as a full-frontal, demoralizing PR assault on the sensibilities of the American people. We've seen Taliban soldiers smugly posing with ice cream cones, playing on a preschooler's merry-go-round and riding in amusement-park bumper cars with machine guns.

Does America deserve the mockery of a Taliban boot on its neck? Given the horrific manner in which President Biden and company have comported themselves, probably so. Biden's "withdrawal" has amounted to the deployment of some 5,000 additional troops and stranded thousands of Americans behind enemy lines. Biden's withdrawal has placed in the hands of terrorists, billions of dollars worth of the world's most sophisticated military equipment.

Now the Taliban has mounted an affront so blistering in its nature it cuts to the core. Dressed in American military gear, Taliban soldiers have mocked the iconic raising of the American flag by marines on Iwo Jima. To the victors belong the spoils. How much longer can the losers be stuck with Joe Biden?

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