Thomas Sowell: The Myths of Economic Inequality

December 3, 2018

Raheem Kassam: The Future of Anti-Trump Conservatism

February 24, 2021

DonaldTrump vs Milton Friedman

April 21, 2017

This video produced in the first two months of the Donald Trump's presidency serves as a reminder of his fundamental views of America's trade issues with China and matches them with the views of the Godfather of conservative economics Milton Friedman. A two-years-in reality check.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Case for Trump

May 6, 2019

Walter Williams Suffers No Fools

October 28, 2014

No economist of modern times has challenged and overturned more wrong-headed economic thinking than Walter Williams. For forty years he’s argued against the illogic of the minimum wage, racial quotas, occupational licensing as well as the welfare state. What drives his liberal critics crazy is his provocative argument that these government interventions hurt the very people they are designed to help.

Will The Hong Kong Protests Result In Civil War?

August 29, 2019

Hong Kong-based political analyst TL Tsim offers his perspective on the relationship between two different governmental systems as the Chinese take-over of Hong Kong looms in 2047.

China's Geography Problem

October 10, 2017

This video not only offers an excellent view of the physical space China occupies in the world with its neighbors, but also the geopolitical ramifications of that space with respect to the country's security and sustainability.

Trump's Mission from the Beginning

September 10, 2019

A short clip but one which succinctly explains the U.S. President's foreign policy mission. Former Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland offers her take on the driving force behind Trump's foreign policy from the day he took office.

The rise of Xi Jinping: From life in exile to post-modern chairman

March 5, 2019

China’s President Xi Jinping is one of the most powerful men in the world, but it hasn’t always been this way. Xi stared down revolutionary fervor and muscled out rivals in an atmosphere of brutal party politics, to become China’s most powerful ruler since Mao.

Foard Media Bonus: Pool Art

July 25, 2015

The state of the world and global relations play a significant roll in our understanding of humankind's strugal for meaning, purpose, fulfillment and happiness. But sometimes you need a break from the action. To this end enjoy the late, great Art Pepper on sax as Foard Media founder did at the pool one day while holding his phone remarkably steady.

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