DEC 2021 News Stream
America Today
America Today

12/31/21 "It was a stagnant year, though we did manage to tick off the French. The thing about an annus horribilis is that eventually it’s supposed to end."

12/31/21 "Rather than a continuation of the trends of 2020-2021, it's likely something entirely new and different will emerge, and its source will come from outside the system, its leaders, and their plans."

Ghislaine Maxwell

12/30/21 Scott Mckay scrapes up the shards of 2021 applying his Twainian style to perspectives including Joe Biden's Brain, revivalism, and a Ghislaine Maxwell coda?

12/30/21 "Since opening in July 2020, the store has seen upscale residents from Santa Monica to the Hollywood Hills increasingly in a panic ... 'We’re used to this being like Mayberry.'"

12/29/21 "Behavior that gets rewarded (or even just unpunished) tends to get repeated. And Biden at this stage in his presidency is repeatedly saying things that aren't true."

12/28/21 Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow interviews historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson at his home in Selma, CA, in a wide-ranging examination of America's undermining by a modern globalist aristocracy.

12/28/21 "The Left's obsession with identity has resulted in promoting an undeserving political figure and disenfranchising moderate Democrats who refuse to let identity decide someone's qualifications or importance."

12/28/21 "Gruden referred to then-vice president Joe Biden as a "'nervous clueless pussy'" and "NFL commissioner Roger Goodell as a "'clueless anti football pussy.'"

12/28/21 "The sports world lost one of its most beloved and iconic figures Tuesday with the passing of John Madden ... remarkable coaching career that produced a 103-32-7 record and a Super Bowl title"

12/28/21 "Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is continuing to criticize the NFL’s and the country’s handling of COVID-19, saying in an interview Tuesday that it had become unscientific dogma."

12/28/21 "Oregon man who trolled Pres. Joe Biden on Christmas Eve by saying "Let's go Brandon" at the end of a NORAD Santa tracker call is open to a run for office ... I want to pray about it, see what God has for me"

12/27/21 "'The only way to change things is to win elections,' she said. 'And who better to help make that change but me? I look like the strategy.'"

12/27/21 "Farewell to a Biden White House messaging strategy that was terrible long before Omicron"

12/27/21 "I can’t imagine squeezing that much racial thought into our holiday ... Rather than assuming it was all a racial assault, we just didn’t pay much any attention to it. Pass the cranberry sauce, please."

12/26/21 "conflagrations might be only the seasonal recurrence of an old tradition that has seldom attracted public attention. So I went looking. From 1970 to 2005, I could find no cases of an arsonist who targeted a Christmas tree."

AT Content

12/26/21 "It appears that there were a lot of copies of the anti-Dr. Anthony Fauci opus “The Real Dr. Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. under Christmas trees across America this holiday season"

Photo: Andrea De Santis

Five ways the coronavirus pandemic strengthened authoritarianism worldwide

12/25/21 "The coronavirus pandemic has been an indisputable boon for authoritarianism. Individual liberty and personal sovereignty are in retreat around the world."

Swedes are implanting microchip vaccine passports. It won’t stop there

12/23/21 "If military strategists, corporate elites, and government officials are taking the prospect of implanting humans with biotech seriously, so should we."

12/26/21 "Musk slammed wokeness for ruining comedy, like The Onion, which he ripped for becoming 'really politically correct' and for not making fun of 'anything on the Left.'"

12/26/21 "She and other Democrat mayors and DA’s apparently expect the feds to save their cities from the crime surge they’ve made possible."

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas

12/26/21 "Tennis greats Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert jumped in after Olympic swimming champion Nancy Hogshead-Makar ... 'nothing fair' about the NCAA rules allowing [transgender] Thomas to swim"

AT Content

White House cuts short media access to military Christmas call with Joe Biden after ‘Let’s go, Brandon’ mess
12/25/21 On Christmas Eve, one father said, 'Merry Christmas, and let’s go, Brandon!' to the president after Biden spoke with his kids on the phone to track Santa Claus.

12/24/21 "One of the most significant events of 2021 was the revolt of frustrated and angry parents in Virginia, against the teaching of so-called critical race theory in local schools."

12/22/21 "Hollywood was shaken by the fatal shooting of 81-year-old philanthropist Jacqueline Avant ... during an attempted burglary at her Trousdale Estates home on Dec. 1; the perpetrator, recently paroled"

12/22/21 "many social media users raised questions about the president’s own health due to his persistent coughing throughout his remarks. 'Excuse me,' he said, coughing into his hand."

12/22/21 "in 2021, the woke set shed more tears over a convicted child molester who was shot than they did over a much-loved ‘dancing granny’ who was killed by a man wielding his SUV as a weapon."

AT Graphic

12/22/21 "11 confirmed hoaxes, six likely hoaxes and six situations we might call “overreactions” that occurred at a high school, college or involved a professor ... All examples but two relate to sexuality, race or religion."

12/22/21 "Twitter blue checks across the Northeast are utterly divorced from the reality of pandemic life in the rest of the country. Omicron is here, and with it comes death and destruction..."

12/22/21 "arrests of more than 100 suspects, including individuals acting alone and members working for organized groups ... Just over $2.3 billion in stolen funds have been recovered so far."

Frmr. Natl. Security Adviser Michael Flynn

12/21/21 "accused Mrs. Pelosi and the committee of 'outrageous intrusion' ...lawyers note that Mrs. Pelosi’s panel is engaging in 'partisan harassment'... He wasn’t even an administration official at the time"

12/21/21 " plan to flood the city’s Tenderloin District with police officers and to set up centers where drug users can get help — or risk going to jail — faces steep opposition from other city leaders."

12/21/21 "schoolyard taunts started over the weekend when the White House sent out a not-so-happy holiday message promising Americans who don’t get vaccinated that they’re headed for a winter of 'severe illness and death'"

12/21/21 "Musk sold another 583,611 shares, bringing the total number of shares he has offloaded to 13.5 million. ...'enough stock' to reach his plan to sell 10% of his shares

12/20/21 "the White House itself flagged the art market as a hub for shady dealings, something that evinced no small amount of irony given Hunter’s ongoing art show."

12/20/21 "As part of the deal, Potomac Media’s WCRW, an AM station, airs content from China Global Television Network and a series of talk shows that portray China in a positive light."

12/19/21 "all politics is local. He [Senator Joe Manchin] comes from the nation’s fifth-largest energy-producing state, one that is existentially threatened by the shift away from fossil fuels."

Brett Baier with Manchin on Fox News

12/19/21 "'I can’t get there,' Manchin told Baier [FOX News Sunday] of the massive welfare expansion the Congressional Budget Office recently estimated would cost a record-breaking $5 trillion over the next ten years"

12/19/21 "ABC News This Week host Jonathan Karl asked Fauci about comments from several of the CEOs of top airlines that 'you are actually safer than you are in an ICU' on a plane because of the filtration systems on flights."

12/19/21 "Warren attacked Musk following him being named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year ... Musk responded with a torrent of tweets ... 'You remind me of when I was a kid and my friend’s angry Mom'"

12/19/21 "According to the Hill, Warren is just one of 20 members of Congress who have tested positive for coronavirus after being fully vaccinated — five in the Senate and 15 in the House."

12/19/21 "Any mention of the president’s cognitive health sent some readers into a frenzy. Jeff from New Jersey was outraged by a tongue-in-cheek column asking for a brain function test when Biden had a colonoscopy."

12/17/21 "NBC is the third corporate media organization to settle with Sandmann after he and his classmates were accused of mocking Native American activist Nathan Phillips during last [2019] January’s March for Life event."

12/17/21 "... alleged that Centennial Elementary Sch. in Denver, CO engaged in racial discrimination ... when it promoted a 'families of color playground night.'"

12/17/21 "It is about competition and choice. And branding these new business ventures an “ecosystem” and “echo chamber” merely reveal the left’s panic over their inability to control the narrative."

12/17/21 "nation’s zealously pro-migration border chief, says the nation’s technology companies want to curb Americans’ speech that is deemed “misinformation.”"
Editor's Note: No one wants misinformation. The question is, "who will control it?"

AT Content

12/17/21 "The American Civil Liberties Union, which had been leading negotiations on the reported $450,000 payments, said the talks have ended though it didn’t know why."

12/17/21 "some schools in Cal., Missouri, Texas and Minn. canceled classes, others in Arizona, New York, Illinois, Conn. and Penn. increased their police presence ... officials say there is 'no credible threat'"

12/16/21 "They advocate enlightened despotism … convinced that the enlightened despot will in every detail comply with their own opinion.… They are utterly intolerant and are not prepared to allow any discussion."

12/16/21 "Remember all the pundits and Democrats proclaiming that Trump had “killed” 400,000 Americans? Will Chris Hayes and Kamala Harris blame Biden for “mass slaughter” now that he has presided over even more deaths?"

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas

12/16/21 "At stake here is the integrity of women's sports. The precedent being set ... is a direct threat to female athletes in every sport."

South Dakota Governor Noem

12/15/21 "Conservatives who criticized SD Gov. Kristi Noem for failing to certify a bill banning biological males from women’s sports are now praising the Republican for her draft “Fairness in Women’s Sports” legislation."

12/15/21 "After leaking fake Donald Trump, Jr. emails, fabricating the transcript of a 2019 phone call between former President Donald Trump and Ukraine’s president ... Schiff, D-Calif., is now running the same con ..."

Lee Harvey Oswald

12/15/21 "documents released Wed. by the National Archives and Records Admin., also disclose that an anonymous tipster warned US embassy officials in Australia a year earlier that Kennedy would be assassinated"

San Francisco Mayor Breed

12/15/21 "Mayor Breed unveiled plans to increase funding for police overtime to stop drug dealing, update surveillance methods, and stop street vending in “problematic” areas like the U.N. Plaza to curb the fencing of stolen goods."

12/15/21 "The woke assault on Western civilisation is taking us backwards. ...the basic level of literacy, as measured by such things as reading books and acquainting oneself with the past, is in a precipitous decline."

12/14/21 "Many have yet to realize that the new cold war between the United States and China is not one between democracy and dictatorship."

12/14/21 "He makes us admit the truth we hide ... This latest twist in the endless Assange saga is just the culmination of the long and slow well-orchestrated campaign of character assassination"

AT Content, photo by Daniel O'Donnell

12/14/21 "Philadelphia topped the list, surpassing 500 murders as of Nov. 26 ... last time there were this many people killed in the City of Brotherly Love was in 1990.

AT Content

12/14/21 "Millions of deadbeats who have had a two-year vacation from having to pay down their student loans will now have to … start repaying the money they borrowed to get their absurd, worthless college degrees."

12/14/21 Late-night CNN anchor queried why Psaki would "even continue to call on Fox in the briefing room?" accusing the network of "lies about what is actually happening in the country, and helping to inspire and incite an insurrection"

12/13/21 "Let’s Go Brandon retail outlets have popped up in seven locations just in time for the holiday season ... Owner reports strong sales in Massachusetts, Rhode Island"

Fox News finally rids itself of dishonest ratings failure Chris Wallace

12/13/21 "Fox News must be thrilled to finally be rid of Chris Wallace, the only recognizable name at Fox regularly murdered by the competition."

Chris Wallace slammed after joining CNN

12/12/21 "Todd Starnes, commentator: 'Wait. CNN really thinks people are going to pay to watch Don Lemon, Brian Stelter and Chris Wallace?'"

Longtime Fox anchor Wallace leaving network for CNN+

12/13/21 Wallace, 74, "began his television journalism career in 1975 at NBC News ... Fox News Media said that a rotation of hosts would fill Mr. Wallace’s role as anchor" of 'Fox News Sunday' until a permanent replacement is found."

12/13/21 "Inflation is real, it's not transitory. It's alarming. It's going up, not down. And I think that should be something we're concerned about," the West Virginia moderate said, according to The Hill."

12/13/21 "Gavin Newsom’s new mask mandate isn’t about public health. It’s about recriminations. ...he reinstituted the Golden State’s mask mandate without any reason or logic"

12/13/21 "Chicago has revealed that it will continue to pursue Smollett for the $130,106 ... investigation, according to The AP, saw more than two dozen officers clock up 1,836 in paid overtime hours"

12/12/21 "panel knew the “Empire” actor was lying when he testified ... decision to clear Smollett of the 6th count was due to confusion over the wording of jury instructions, not because they believed him innocent."

12/12/21 "The resistance to critical race theory, building on traditional priorities like school choice, is driving a revitalized conservative education movement."

12/11/21 "Spielberg went the woketard route, as though the original somehow required “correcting,” as though there is something wrong with those of us who love the 60-year-old classic."

12/10/21 "From first to last, Spielberg proves so brilliant at managing the mix of story and song and dance that it makes you deeply sorry this is probably the only musical this 74-year-old master is ever going to make."

Daily Mail

12/11/21 "Before and after photos show devastation suffered after deadly twisters blew through Kentucky town courthouse, Arkansas nursing home and Amazon warehouse in Illinois. ...nearly 20 tornadoes swept through five states"

12/11/21 "He comes back and gets attacked in a hate crime, supposed hate crime, and during all this scuffle – they poured bleach on him and all of this – when he got up and went into his apartment building he still had that Subway sandwich with him."

12/9/21 "'They had the awards ceremony, and they presented me winning the best in show and 48 hours later I got the phone call I was disqualified. They said my boat was too political,' the captain said."

12/11/21 "Rubio, Florida Republican, said Friday he plans to introduce legislation to withhold federal funds from cities that permit citizen voting, a day after the New York City Council moved to allow legal residents to cast ballots in local elections."

12/10/21 "president and his supporters in Congress see the massive domestic policy bill as a permanent reshaping of the relationship between individuals and the government ... proposal is a long, long way from being fully paid for."

12/10/21 "Consumer prices surged at the fastest pace in nearly four decades in November as Americans paid more for practically everything from groceries to cars to gasoline ... consumer price index rose 6.8%"

12/10/21 "In the first year of his presidency, Joe Biden has overseen a continued surge of migration at the Southwest border that rose each month of his tenure from the end of January 2021 up until July 2021."

Jussie Smollett found guilty on multiple counts in hate crime hoax case

12/9/21 "Smollett was found guilty on five out of six counts of disorderly conduct. He has not yet been sentenced. ... charges were listed as class 4 felonies ... potential prison time of up to three years"

How a hate crime hoax became a pitch for jury nullification

12/9/21 "before a Chicago jury this week, actor Jussie Smollett talked about how he has had to carefully maintain his image as “a black Cary Grant.” The “Empire” star, however, seemed more like a modern version of Humphrey Bogart as Captain Queeg"

Putting the lie to lefties’ race baiting for Jussie Smollett

12/9/21 "If liberal politicians and Hollywood stars had any shame, they’d be shutting down their social-media accounts today. How many times will their rush to judgments be proven false? ...Smollett is a liar."

12/8/21 "Smollett is facing six felony counts of disorderly conduct, which carries up to a three-year prison sentence per count if found guilty, for allegedly lying to Chicago police in 2019"

Devin Nunes. Photo by Gage Skidmore

12/8/21 "Devin Nunes (R-CA) ... will become the first CEO of Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). TMTG is the corporate parent that owns the as-of-yet launched social media company TRUTH Social."

NY Mayor de Blasio

12/8/21 "On Monday, de Blasio announced a vaccine mandate for private sector workers, which was expected to take effect on December 27 and apply to roughly 184,000 businesses, according to a statement from the City of New York."

U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz

12/8/21 "Here's how Trump could become it without even being elected ... the speaker 'has always been (but is not required to be) a House Member'"

12/7/21 "Tuesday’s cross examination felt like a masterclass in how to zero in on details and seal the deal. ...the once-celebrated star may have bitten off more than he could chew by choosing to take the stand. "

12/7/21 "News of the cancellation came a day Cuomo said he was ending his SiriusXM show. The Wall Street Journal reported that CNN President Jeff Zucker had told the news network employees that CNN will not pay Cuomo severance."

12/7/21 "Some 27,500 reports had been received as of 12:02 p.m. ... including with streaming services Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon’s own Prime Video, which all depend on AWS servers to operate."

12/6/21 "actor’s main @alecbaldwin account – which he had used for earlier official statements over the fatal “Rust” shooting – had been deleted by late Sunday, The Hollywood Reporter noted."

12/5/21 "America lost not just another war hero of the greatest generation or a champion of whole-grain American values ... it lost a legislator whose faith in the possibility of collaboration and compromise seems all too rare now in the Senate chamber that was his high church."

12/5/21 "Travel bans and quarantines are suddenly back in vogue ... We are less than a month away from entering 2022 – so why does it feel like March 2020 all over again?"

12/4/21 "The war on Christmas is waged by reducing our celebrations to absurdities—not by pushing it into the private realm but by assuming it into the public."


12/4/21 "key question is going to be whether Chief Justice Roberts can persuade either Justices Coney Barrett or Kavanaugh to join him in upholding Roe v. Wade, while also upholding the Mississippi statute that changes the timing from viability"

12/4/21 "CNN fired anchor Chris Cuomo on Saturday in the wake of revelations he secretly aided the defense of his embattled older brother ... ousted host now faces a sexual misconduct allegation."

12/3/21 "There’s no reason you should be under the impression that Biden is competent enough to do as he said he would, which was to 'shut down the virus.' ... we don’t even talk about ending the pandemic anymore"

Professor Lars Jensen

12/3/21 Hailed as a "win for academic freedom" Truckee Meadows Community College in Nevada will not follow through on a threat to fire a professor who protested allowing remedial math classes to count for college credit.

12/3/21 "Ben Dugan, president of the Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail: 'Criminal organizations saw during civil unrest that they were able to get their hands on millions of dollars of stolen product very quickly.'"

White House

Branded a ‘Harris person’ cited as motive for some VP staffers leaving

12/3/21 Axios: "some Harris staffers want to work on Biden's reelection campaign, while others don't want to be aligned with Harris in the event another promising Democrat runs for president in 2024"

Kamala Harris abandoned by four senior staffers in one month

10/17/21 "The staffers have either resigned or plan to leave their positions amid 'disorder, bad press, and, at times, internal frictions,' Politico analyzed."

12/3/21 "Mehmet Oz made his Senate bid official this week, rolling out a campaign video in which he declared that the coronavirus pandemic 'showed us our system is broken' and vowed to 'put America first.'"

Mark Levin. Photo by Gage Skidmore

12/2/21 "one of the obstacles we always have is the Republican establishment. First of all, they take credit for all the success of the grassroots. They look upon Breitbart, or Blaze, or me; they sort of cringe at us, ‘Oh, we’re not like them.'"

12/2/21 "Biden is having a series of worrisome episodes that seem to be a mix of his trademark plagiarism (adopting episodes from other public figures’ lives as his own in addition to appropriating their words) and ... a 'senior moment.'"

YouTube Screen Capture

'Special Report' All-Star Panel on CNN suspending Chris Cuomo

12/1/21 "we are seeing this onion being pealed back even further, and that Chris Cuomo was going after his brother's accusers, which, according to the report that Letitia James [N.Y. Att. Gen.] put out, a lot of those accusations by those women were true."

Chris Cuomo must go

11/29/21 According to Tucker Carlson, this article was pivotal in CNN's decision to suspend Cuomo

12/1/21 Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation declares, "White-supremacist-capitalism uses policing to protect profits and steal Black life," encourages buying "exclusively from Black-owned businesses"

12/1/21 "The FBI's raids on Project Veritas had the effect of protecting not just the Biden family but also The New York Times. It's yet another episode in a long history of the FBI and New York Times wildly abusing their power."
Special Sections / Clusters