JAN 2022 News Stream
America Today
America Today

1/31/22 "Goldberg criticized as historically illiterate ... pilloried online for her take, as Nazi Germany leader Adolf Hitler believed in a "master race" and attempted the complete elimination of the Jewish race in Europe."

1/31/22 "new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse ... 34% of Democrats support impeaching Biden, as do 50% of black voters."

Byron York. Photo by Gage Skidmore

1/31/22 "... bus after bus of illegal border-crossers being readied for flights further into the U.S. ... Psaki [White House Press Sec.] feigned ignorance – 'I'm not sure the specifics of what you're referring to'"

Retiring Justice Bryer

1/30/22 "only a little more than 1 in 4 nonwhite Americans (28%) wish for Biden to consider only Black women for the vacancy ... a majority of Democrats (54%) also prefer that Biden consider all possible nominees."

1/31/22 "What started out as a localized protest ignored by legacy media has now devolved into a worldwide demonstration against Covid fascism."

1/29/22 "drivers and demonstrators from all regions of the country ... take their message to the streets ... Trudeau and his family have been moved from residence over security concerns"


Convoys headed to Regina, Saskatchewan to support truckers driving to Ottawa
1/28/22 "Action 4 Canada, which is helping organize the event, says the rally is against 'government tyranny' ... calls for all vaccine passes and mandates to be ended"

1/27/22 "'Canadian truckers rule,' tweeted Musk, who in September 2020 said he would not get vaccinated for COVID-19 on the grounds he and his family were not at risk."

1/28/22 Comics legend Mike Baron and his pro-cop comic book “Thin Blue Line” are unwelcome on Facebook or Reddit, despite not breaking any of the rules ... story doesn’t call all cops bastards"
With the No. 1 podcast and 11 million listeners, Lilliputians are taking their shots

Joe Rogan

1/27/22 "Murthy made the comments during an appearance on MSNBC, in which host Mika Brzezinski asked Murthy what should be done about alleged misinformation from Joe Rogan and social media posts."

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy

1/27/22 "Murthy’s comments wouldn’t be as grating if it weren’t so obvious that the Biden administration has been pressuring Big Tech companies, who oversee huge swaths of our daily digital interactions, to limit speech."
1/27/22 New York Congresswomen call for Biden's impeachment with the leaking of a policeman's bodycam video that captured a secret night flight to Westchester, NY carrying illegal immigrants for relocation to the U.S. interior

1/27/22 "Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefitted from his family’s foreign deals."

1/27/22 "the most expensive neighborhood or the least expensive neighborhood in New York City. Every single New Yorker deserves safety and the ability to walk down the street without open fires."

1/27/22 "among registered American voters, just 3 percent expressed a preference for "Latinx," including less than 1 percent of Hispanic voters. ... most recent data point demonstrating that white liberals are out of touch"

1/27/22 "Instead of flirting with a proxy war strategy to torment Russia, the United States should be making a concerted effort to repair bilateral relations."

Justice Stephen Breyer

1/26/22 "Biden has unwisely limited his options by preemptively declaring during the 2020 campaign that his first Supreme Court nominee would be a black woman."

1/26/22 "Unacceptable" said Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) of spending "taxpayer dollars on COVID tests from Communist China, which just goes directly to supporting General Sec. Xi and his genocidal regime"

1/25/22 "a highly unequal picture is emerging of blue-collar workers contending with cost-of-living challenges while white-collar workers are successfully negotiating pay rises to weather the worst of it."

1/25/22 "a majority (59%) of Democrats supported putting the unvaccinated under effective house arrest, while nearly half (47%) wanted to see 'a government tracking program for the vaccine-hesitant.'"

Oleksiy Danilov

1/25/22 "destabilization is the No. 1 issue," said Sec. of National Security and Defense Oleksiy Danilov Tuesday. "Without internal destabilization, the Russians have nothing to do here"


1/25/22 "Nancy Pelosi – who will be turning 82 in March – announced Tuesday that she will run for another two-year term in Congress, ending speculation that she might retire this year."


1/25/22 "Apple has been granted a restraining order against a Virginia woman it said has been stalking Apple CEO Tim Cook for more than a year, emailing him photos of a loaded pistol and trespassing at his home"


1/24/22 "Judge Thomas Rademaker found that the governor and the state health commissioner did not have the authority to enact a mask mandate without the state legislature ... governor no longer has emergency powers."

Cheney / Hagman

1/24/22 Trump-endorsed primary challenger Harriet Hagman sweeps field with 59 votes to Cheney's six.

1/24/22 "Voters split on which party should control Congress but GOP leads on enthusiasm ... say their income is falling behind the cost of living and that political polarization will likely continue."

1/24/22 "In a statement issued on Monday, Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the U.S. decision 'premature and a manifestation of excessive caution.'"

1/23/22 "we’ve got a tsunami of poor public policies, and you’ve got rogue prosecutors that are not holding people accountable to the fullest extent of the law"

1/23/22 "move would signal a major pivot for the Biden administration, which up until recently was taking a restrained stance on Ukraine, out of fear of provoking Russia into invading"

1/22/22 "A foreign ministry source said it was not usual practice to share intelligence matters, and the details had only been declassified after careful consideration to deter Russian aggression."

Tucker Carlson/FOX News

Ret. General Doug MacGregor: 'Biden has become the metaphor for a declining great power'
1/21/22 "When the U.S. Dollar is displaced as the world's reserve currency ... this country will become poor overnight. ... hard to imagine anything more destructive than what these people are doing right now."

1/22/22 "Is abortion policy best decided in a courtroom by a panel of unelected judges ... or by elected officials in state legislatures and Congress, who are accountable to their constituents?"

1/22/22 "Newsmax, 'the fourth highest-rated cable news channel in the nation' has mysteriously been dumped by cable providers Blue Ridge Cable, Atlantic Broadband and Hargray Cable."

Ajay Suresh

1/21/22 "If the story is about young women who aren’t embarrassed to talk about their periods, then perhaps ... the writer, shouldn’t be embarrassed to talk about young women."

Jonathan Turley

1/21/22 "the Atlantic and some CNN hosts have noted that some blue states have even stricter rules (including Biden’s own state of Delaware), but Pres. Biden is not claiming that Dems there are trying to steal elections."

Aaron Rodgers | All-Pro Reels

1/21/22 "they [CDC] come out and talk about 75% of the COVID deaths have at least four comorbidities. And you still have this fake White House set saying that this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated, that's not helping..."

1/20/22 "Ex-staffers and Bushies scheme to stop him. ...these people will carry with them this self-generated stench of unprofessionalism and ingratitude for the rest of their professional lives."

1/20/22 "don’t expect the current criticism to signal the media’s return to fact and coherent argument. They’ve just been spooked by the specter of a red midterm tsunami come November."

1/19/22 Six former members of the elite fighting unit, each runing for Congress in a different state, have combined purpose and fund-raising to defeat what they are calling a "grave threat."

President's first solo presser since March is full of examples

1/19/22 In a long, rambling press conference today which at this writing is still in progress and closing in on 2 hours, the President left this reviewer queasy over long-winded, rather icky, characterizations of Vladimir Putin and defenses of his "accomplishments" spiked with uncomfortable interludes of "dead air" and interminable "for examples."

Biden’s press conference was an utter disaster

1/19/22 "Even though he spent most of it clearly calling on reporters from a list of 'safe' questioners provided by his staff, he stumbled and bumbled and all too often made no sense at all."

10 lies Biden told during his first press conference in months

1/19/22 "Not only did Biden, who was once heralded as the chief unifier of the country, use the presser to repeat rhetoric trashing Republicans, he also did his absolute best to put lipstick on the pig"

Biden puffs up claims of virus, job gains

1/19/22 "President Joe Biden on Wednesday made the dubious assertion that he’s outperformed all expectations on the pandemic in his first year and inflated his contribution to COVID-era economic growth."

Congressman Cuellar (D-TX)

1/19/22 "FBI spokeswoman told KSAT 12 News that the FBI was present on two streets around Mr. Cuellar’s house 'conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity' but would not reveal what the bureau was investigating."

1/19/22 Politicians and media of a variety of stripes Tweet their concern over Biden's strident, divisive tone. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC): "Stop using fear and lies to divide Americans"

1/19/22 "Verizon and AT&T turned on a major new part of their 5G networks Wednesday. Verizon says 90 million people will get access ... AT&T said it plans to cover as many as 75 million people ..."

1/19/22 "Americans seeking solace and purpose in these tumultuous times have lost faith in the person tasked with giving it to them and are asking, “Why him?” when they look at the current occupant of the White House"

Justices Sotomayor and Gorsuch

1/18/22 "After Chief Justice John Roberts requested that all the justices wear a mask because of the Omicron surge, Gorsuch, who sits next to Sotomayor on the bench, refused, according to NPR."


1/17/22 "Posters reminiscent of Communist propaganda from the Soviet Union ... feature a variety of slogans pushing COVID-19 vaccines and mandates with imposing images of Biden and Fauci."

1/17/22 "'So, we’re going to actually follow the law fully this time,' Delaware County, Pennsylvania’s Christina Perrone told fellow election-related workers during a Zoom meeting after the November 2020 election."

1/17/22 "Chicago and its suburbs lost Black population, and has decreased by 130,000 since 1990. … Metro New York recorded its second consecutive loss in Black population, losing about 110,000"

1/17/22 "Trump has emerged as the mainstay of campaign ads in the 2022 Republican primaries, with candidates battling over who is most allied with Mr. Trump and his America First agenda."

1/17/22 "says he will use 'every resource' at his disposal to empower parents ... signed the order, which leaves masking decisions to parents, shortly after his inauguration on Saturday."

1/17/22 "the nation’s 3rd-largest school district, said it would cancel classes since the teachers’ union voted in favor of a return to remote learning, in Chicago, Ill., Jan. 5 ... 'there’s a lot of frustration right now'"


1/16/22 A 3-panel Australian Federal Court on Sunday upheld the government’s decision to oust world's no. 1 tennis player from country and the Ausrtralian Open; further appeals squelched.

Serbian pres., Aleksandar Vučić

1/16/22 "President and prime minister condemn Australia’s ‘farcical’ deportation of world tennis No 1 ... [PM] 'I think it demonstrated how the rule of law is functioning – or better to say not functioning – in some other countries.'"

1/16/22 "a fundamentally hard-to-fathom reason for any athlete to be forced to sit out any event ... he was forced to leave Australia because he was seen as someone who could stir up anti-vaccine sentiments"

1/15/22 "The lower he sinks in public esteem, the more he fulminates. His speech in Atlanta is the latest example. He fouled the public square as he slunk off into the last refuge of a scoundrel."

1/15/22 "'The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st Century Fascism' ... cites multiple eroding forces at work in American society, including the coronavirus pandemic, climate change fanaticism and politics"

Hannity/FOX News

Tulsi Gabbard: Biden 'rapidly carrying our country in the wrong direction'
1/14/22 Former Congresswoman from Hawaii wonders "how we can go through 3 more years of this ... tearing us apart, pouring fuel on the flames of divisiveness ... this is the foundation of authoritarianism ... must not go unchecked"

Google's Sundar Pichai, FB's Mark Zuckerberg

1/14/22 "allegedly struck 'an unlawful agreement' to give Facebook 'information, speed, and other advantages' in the ad auctions it [Google] ran in exchange for the social network backing down from its competitive threats."

Education Sec. Miguel Cardona

1/14/22 "Cardona asked the group [National School Boards Association] to write the Sept. 29 letter that urged Pres. Joe Biden to use the FBI to investigate threats made against school board members."

Photo: Ian Hutchinson

1/13/22 "Congress has nowhere clearly assigned so much power to OSHA,” Justice Gorsuch wrote in the opinion, with Justice Thomas and Justice Alito concurring."

1/13/22 Biden: "The Court has ruled that my administration cannot use the authority granted to it by Congress to require this measure, but that does not stop me from using my voice"
Editor's Note: Mr. Biden is apparently confused. SCOTUS ruled Biden does not have the authority of which he speaks.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, (D-AZ)

1/13/22 "Ms. Sinema offered a full-throated attack on the 'disease of division,' but argued that gutting the filibuster would drive Americans further apart."

Napolitano. Photo by Gage Skidmore

1/13/22 "NSA spying has produced so much data that the NSA recently built in Utah the second largest building in the U.S. – after the Pentagon – for use as a storage facility of the data it has collected; and it is running out of room."

Lt. Michael Byrd via twitter/MSNBC

1/11/22 "officer who shot Ashli Babbitt, told NBC News he gave fair warning, but under penalty of perjury he refused to say anything to investigators ... investigators cleared Byrd of wrongdoing in the shooting without actually interviewing him"

1/12/22 "McConnell torched the president from the Senate floor on Wednesday, tearing into Biden over his widely panned speech, calling it a 'deliberately divisive' and one that was 'designed to pull our country further apart.'"

1/12/22 "Joe Biden has had a long career of careless pronouncements and demagogic speeches, but he outdid himself with his cynical rant in Georgia on Tuesday afternoon."

1/12/22 "Politico Playbook exclusively reported Wednesday that publishing giant HarperCollins is preparing to release the next investigative bombshell book by six-time New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer"

CNN’s Brian Stelter

1/12/22 "Stelter put an 'expert' on his 'Reliable Sources' show who proclaimed Donald Trump would kill more people than Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao Zedong combined."

AT Graphic

1/11/22 "Top Iranian officials, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and scores of other terrorist groups, however, use Twitter to promote violence against the United States, Israel, Jews, and other U.S. allies."

C-Span Screen Capture

Dr. Fauci Smears Rand Paul

1/11/22 "Fauci went on to, in part, blame Paul for threats against him ... Is Fauci really arguing that calling for his firing – from a job he’s held since 1984 – is tantamount to inciting violence?"

Fauci, Paul clash over accusations of 'cheap politics' regarding alleged 'takedown' of other scientists

1/11/22 "Paul, a fierce critic of the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases director, accused Fauci of playing a role in smearing doctors from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford who had positions different from his own."

1/11/22 "'Did any FBI agents or FBI informants actively encourage and incite crimes of violence on Jan. 6?' Cruz asked. 'I can’t answer that,' Sanborn said for a third time."

1/11/22 "The old boys club is dead. But a new one – with its own litmus tests and landmines – is rapidly replacing it. 'This is all going to end in a giant class-action lawsuit.'"

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona

1/11/22 "Newly released emails question Attorney General Merrick Garland's testimony on the memo directing law enforcement to investigate threats to school boards."

NASCAR Driver Brandon Brown

1/11/22 "Brown is still signing with LGBcoin in a reported “eight figure,” two-year deal, according to Fox Business, though the driver has been barred from displaying the sponsor on his car."

Novak Djokovic

1/10/22 "If the Serbian tennis star is allowed to stay in the country and compete in the Australian Open, Australia’s PM will be acknowledging that his country’s public health policies from the start have been nonsensical ..."

Georgia QB Stetson Bennett

1/10/22 "cornerback Kelee Ringo intercepted Alabama quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Bryce Young and returned it 79 yards for a touchdown – the longest pick-six in championship game history"

NYS Rep. Party Chmn. Nick Langworthy

1/10/22 Law would "allow about 800,000 non-citizens to vote in local elections. ... state constitution, Article 2, Section 1, grants the right to vote in all elections to 'every citizen' 18 years of age or older."

1/10/22 "Penguin has pulled the plug on a collection of his essays. ... giant of 20th-century American literature ... Pulitzer Prize-winning author ... pioneered a new style of journalism"

Photo: Behind The Velvet Rope TV

Saget's death remains a mystery, for now
1/10/22 "No evidence of drug use or foul play but it may take 10-12 weeks to determine the cause and manner of death according to the Chief Medical Examiner for Orange and Osceola Counties"

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

1/10/22 "It seems that, in the last six years, he has received over $21,000, including a $1,400 coronavirus relief check from the federal government"
CDC Director Walensky fails to disclose how many deaths were 'from' COVID-19: 'Data will be forthcoming'
1/10/22 "Critics demanded answers from CDC director Rochelle Walensky Sunday after she hedged on how many of the COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S. were directly due to the virus" vs. "who died with COVID-19 yet had underlying conditions."

1/9/22 "4.5 million workers quit in November [2021] ... $5,000 bonus for new hires to quit after just two weeks into their new jobs as part of a unique approach to staff retention"

U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX)

1/8/22 "Many immigration hawks, such as [Texas Congressman] Jackson, suspect that the 2021 report shows a decrease in deportations from ICE compared to previous years."

1/8/22 "Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is facing backlash after falsely claiming that more than 100,000 children in the U.S. are hospitalized, many in serious condition, from COVID-19."

'Lilies of the Field'

1/7/22 "No other Black actor in midcentury Hollywood did more to shift perceptions, expanding representation beyond the degrading stereotypes that had long prevailed."

18th century Russian military leader and nobleman finds fashion in Biden descriptors

1/7/21 These days it is not unusual to read or hear about things Potemkin, often regarding President Biden. The proper name turned adjective refers to Potemkin's penchant for creating fake "Potemkin villages" filled with "happy" peasants to create the illusion of prosperity.

Joe Biden’s Potemkin presidency

1/7/21 "The one-year anniversary of the January 6 riots unfolded in a manner as dramatic as it was predictable. The Pearl Harbor and 9/11 comparisons were uttered before noon ..."

1/7/22 "The “Freedom to Vote Act” would, in effect, federalize all elections. ... impose early voting rules everywhere and allow voting by felons and attempts to influence those waiting to vote with gifts of food and water."

1/7/22 "Carlson strongly criticized Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas Thursday night for using the word “terrorist” to describe protesters participating in the Capitol incursion."

1/7/22 "Former President Donald Trump ridiculed Friday the efforts by President Joe Biden and leftist Democrats to politically weaponize the anniversary of the January 6 riot on Thursday."

1/7/22 "It would increase the top marginal income-tax rate to 18.05 percent. ...12.75 percentage points higher than the national median. ...increase taxes by an average of $12,250 per household."

1/7/22 "The bumbling TSA and performative mask requirements are ineffective air-travel hassles. ...Americans way overestimate the effectiveness of the TSA and overall airport security efforts at keeping them safe"

Photo by Eric Cook

J6 hysteria is how media and other Democrats are avoiding accountability for their rigging of the 2020 election

1/6/22 "Hundreds of laws and processes were changed in the months leading up to the election ... tech oligarchs and corrupt propaganda press conspired to keep indisputably important news stories ... hidden from voters"

Poll: More Democrats denied Trump won – where were democracy fears then?

1/6/22 "A new poll from The Washington Post asked respondents, 'Regardless of whom you supported in the 2020 election, do you think Joe Biden’s election as president was legitimate, or was he not legitimately elected?'"

Harris slammed for comparing Jan. 6 riot to Pearl Harbor, 9/11

1/6/22 "The comparison drew immediate pushback ... One protester died as a direct result of the Jan. 6 riot, while 2,403 were killed in the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor and 2,996 died in the 9/11 attacks."

Ted Cruz calling Jan. 6 a 'violent terrorist attack' leaves Trump supporters outraged

1/6/22 "Texas Republican made the remarks on Wednesday at a Senate Rules Committee hearing about the apparent security failures that allowed a mob of Donald Trump supporters to storm the building on January 6, 2021."

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders

1/5/22 "Democrats are rapidly running out of ways to keep the Hard Left at bay. ...Democratic strategists think that a progressive will attempt to enter the 2024 primary race as a challenger to President Biden."

1/5/22 "One year after the Jan. 6 chaos, we still want answers about who placed pipe bombs in front of the RNC and DNC. The FBI and Democrats don’t care."

1/5/22 "Will we see the policies of stupidity implode like most episodes of mass delusion, and common sensereturn to our culture, schools, and politics? Or will this stupidity and the policies it spawns continue ..."

1/5/22 "ICE fails to produce annual report for first time in more than a decade. ... details the number of illegal immigrants removed from the United States in 2021 ... public in the dark about its handling of the immigration crisis"

1/5/22 "Russia hoaxer Marc Elias, aims to use a provision of the post-Civil War 14th Amendment that was crafted to disqualify former Confederates or anyone who 'shall have engaged in insurrection ..."

AT Graphic

1/4/22 "Mayor Lori Lightfoot decreased the cameras’ ticket-issuing threshold to 6 mph from 10 mph ... first 10 months of 2021 tallied as many tickets as were issued in the three prior years combined."

1/4/22 "Albany County DA David Soares said in a statement on Tues. that his office had investigated the complaint made by former Cuomo aide Brittany Commisso ... could not prove the elements of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt"

AT Graphic

1/3/22 Facebook at first deemed publisher of books about Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, former President Ronald Reagan and author Thomas Sowell violated its rules against 'low quality or disruptive content.'"

CDC Director Walensky

1/3/22 "A week before Christmas, headlines blared that Omicron had come to represent nearly three-quarters of new cases in the country. A week-and-a-half later ... Did we say 73 percent? We meant, um, 23 percent"

1/3/22 "Could this money be spent on students or retaining quality faculty rather than a progressive agenda that isn't likely supported by the taxpayers or voters of Tennessee?"