I try hard not to read synopses or watch trailers prior to viewing a movie. So why was I experiencing deja vu in the first 15 minutes of Ninth Guest? A few minutes later the been-here-done-that feeling turned into a flat realization: “Oh! This is a rip-off of Agatha Christie’s 'And Then There Were None!'" But wait! Christie’s book came later. Huh? Draw your own conclusions. As far as the two films are concerned, they’re both entertaining but I prefer “Guest.” “None’s” Barry Fitzgerald is a tiresome, typecast leprechaun. “Guest’s” set design and wardrobe is a tribute to art deco of the period. Both casts hold up their end of the bargain but “Guest’s” dialogue is between party goers familiar with one another and its penthouse setting makes it the winner.
Night Nurse