Liberty Lives in Light
MAY 2022 News Stream

5/31/22 "Biden is rattled by his sinking approval ratings and is looking to regain voters’ confidence that he can provide the sure-handed leadership he promised during the campaign, people close to the president say. "

5/31/22 "There was a partisan political element at the very heart of the case ... We also know something more: the whole case is drenched in the sulfurous smell of the Washington Swamp."

5/31/22 "Google News & YouTube were far more likely to spread Chinese state-run media than Google’s main search engine in response to queries about COVID-19 & Xinjiang, ... alleged human rights abuses against Uyghurs..."

Jonathan Turley

5/31/22 "... the President’s factual claim is far from established. Indeed, there is no evidence that the ban had any appreciable impact on gun violence and most studies questioned the impact even on mass shootings."

5/31/22 "More than 20 black White House aides have departed the Biden administration since late last year, an exodus some have dubbed 'Blaxit' ... others have attributed the turnover to a lack of mentorship and opportunity."
5/28/22 "Democrats sent schlock research to the FBI, who in turn lied to the secret FISA court and obtained “legal” surveillance authority over former Trump aide Carter Page (which opened doors to searches of everyone connected to Page)"

@HagemanforWY Twitter screen shot

5/28/22 "The Trump-Cheney feud reached its boiling point as the former president touched down in Wyoming for a rally to drum up support for Harriet Hageman, his pick to oust Ms. Cheney... 'Liz Cheney hates the voters of Wyoming,' he said."

Former Vice President Gore

5/28/22 "The 'mission-led firm' that claims to 'seek transformational change needed in climate and social action' has investments in companies that profit from Chinese slave labor and help the Chinese Communist Party censor the internet."

5/27/22 "Earlier this month, the DOD announced it would form a task force called the Airborne Object Identification & Management Synchronization Group to investigate UFOs. ... Reports are surfacing that NASA will lend a hand"


5/27/22 "The new polling data comes after Donald Trump announced he would hold a rally for Hageman on Saturday at 4 p.m. in Casper, Wyoming." Also scheduled to attend the rally are Republican Reps. Andy Biggs, Matt Gaetz & Lauran Boebert.

5/27/22 "while understandably popular with the political left, the narrative that America today is crawling with white supremacists who pose a threat greater than that posed by al-Qaeda is not supported by the facts."

5/27/22 "The Anarchist is a "proudly anti-capitalist" coffee shop and "radical community space on stolen land" that recently opened in Canada, a minor nation best known for its proximity to the United States."

5/26/22 "According to people who were present at the scene, terrified parents were yelling at police officers to charge the school for 40 minutes until a Border Patrol team finally took him down. 'Go in there! Go in there!' parents reportedly shouted."
It’s a despicable lie to say election integrity is racist
5/26/22 "'President Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams led this campaign, but nearly every Democrat took part in it, claiming that any election integrity was associated with Jim Crow ...This was a horrible lie, and people should have been held accountable."

Former FBI Dir. James Comey

5/25/22 "For all of her [Hillary's] complaining about Comey, he was a partisan dolt in her pocket, unilaterally saving her from an indictment and harassing her opponent based on opposition research that she financed."

Dorsey: PBS YouTube screen shot

5/25/22 "co-founder of Twitter, who has echoed some of Musk's free speech stances in recent weeks, will leave the board on Wed. Dorsey stepped down from his position as Twitter's CEO in 2021 but remained on the board"

5/25/22 "'Businesspeople and many cabinet members are unhappy that the president started this war without thinking through the scale of the sanctions. Normal life under these sanctions is impossible."'

Nancy Crampton Brophy

5/25/22 "A jury in Portland has convicted a self-published romance novelist ... of fatally shooting her husband ... as he prepped for work at the Oregon Culinary Institute in Southwest Portland."

5/24/22 "Joe Biden’s ineptitude is now a threat to world peace. ...Most people who are slowly losing their faculties are guilty merely of the occasional social faux pas; Sleepy Joe, in contrast, risks blundering us all into world war."

Thomas Friedman

5/24/22 "Friedman’s ultimate takeaway: Biden has been exceptionally good at managing our march to the brink of World War III. ... 'left my lunch with the president with a full stomach but a heavy heart.'"

5/24/22 "Get woke, go broke ... Instead of cashing in ... and earning praise for its apparent progressivism, Old Navy was left with clothing in only the extremely large and small sizes – and unhappy customers. A lot of unhappy customers."

5/23/22 "Monday, the inevitable happened. The last public pay phone, still featuring the classic Bell System logo, was unplugged from the streets of New York City, on Seventh Avenue and West 50th Street in Midtown Manhattan."
Maher on 'trendy' LGBT: "If this spike in trans children is all-natural, why is it regional?"
5/22/22 "I'm happy for LGBT folks that we now live in an age where they can live their authentic lives openly, but someone needs to say it, not everything is about you."

5/23/22 "FBI leaders pulled field agents from other investigations in 2016 to pursue a false tip linking presidential candidate Donald Trump to a Russian bank ... probe was spurred by information provided by rival Hillary Clinton’s campaign"

5/23/22 "Asked if he would be willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan, Biden replied, 'Yes. That’s the commitment we made,' citing the Taiwan Act. ... No military treaty exists between Taiwan and America."

5/22/22 "Biden is just a less likable, more deranged version of Dubya, a political potted plant behind which authoritarians rule by witch hunt & moral mania, with Joe floating on a somehow even fatter cloud of media protection than Bush enjoyed after 9/11."


5/22/22 "Musk said the company made two commitments ... never seek victory in a just case against the company [Tesla], even if it will probably win ... never surrender/settle an unjust case against the company, even if it will probably lose"


5//22 "The Democrat, who is hurtling toward a rematch with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, who defeated her four years ago in an election she never conceded, made the shocking statement Saturday night ..."

5/22/22 "J.M. Smucker announced the recall in a Friday press release, that detailed the immediate pulling of more than 50 types of the popular Jif products off national shelves in coordination with the Food and Drug Administration."

5/21/22 "Anonymous wallets buy up tokens right before they are listed and sell shortly afterward. ...The crypto ecosystem is increasingly grappling with headaches that the world of traditional finance tackled decades ago."

5/21/22 "Liberal individualism has an innate tendency towards authoritarianism ... Once this pattern of government by emergency snaps into focus, one experiences a Gestalt shift. ...the rule of law and representative government – is in need of revision."

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

5/21/22 "Rubio tweeted on Saturday morning that 66% of his campaign emails to "registered supporters" with a Gmail address have been sent to a spam inbox since a "Pelosi Puppet" announced she is running against him. "

Former FBI chief counsel James Baker

5/21/22 "With Baker on the stand, the prosecution introduced a text message he received from Sussmann, asking for a meeting the next day. The message is catastrophic for Sussmann’s claim he told Baker he had a client."

5/20/22 "stunning disclosures came during cross-examination of [Robby] Mook ... and prompted Judge Christopher Cooper to order the jury out of the courtroom so he could hold a sidebar discussion with both sides."

Judge Christopher Cooper

5/20/22 "Sussmann’s trial for allegedly lying to the FBI is being heard in the same DC federal courthouse where former Trump natl. security adviser Michael Flynn ... faced the very same charge ... The cases, however, could not be more different."

AT Content /

5/20/22 "neither the state of Missouri nor any political subdivision thereof that conducts elections shall receive or expend private moneys, excluding in-kind donations, for preparing, administering, or conducting an election, including registering voters."

5/19/22 "Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican Party is officially now complete. The former president’s impressive string of victories in the first major primaries since he left office proves beyond any doubt that his grip on the party is unrivaled"

5/19/22 "From her days as Bush/Cheney propagandist, to her stint on The View, to her role as beloved-by-Democrats MSNBC host, Wallace has perfected the art of sociopathic lying. "

5/19/22 "Nearly the entire Senate voted for the gargantuan aid package to the embattled eastern European nation, and notably, only Republicans opposed the legislation to grant tens of billions of dollars in military and economic aid to Ukraine."

5/19/22 NPR article documents a U.S Census Bureau report that found the 2020 Census failed to count all states "equally well for population numbers used to allocate political representation and federal funding over the next decade."

President George W. Bush

5/19/22 "while referring to Putin and Russia's attack on Ukraine during the 10-minute speech, the 43rd President of the United States had a regrettable slip of the tongue. Wincing, Bush quickly correctly [sic] himself: 'I mean of Ukraine.'"

AT Content

5/17/22 "Almost half of President Joe Biden's current 22.2 million followers on Twitter are fake accounts, according to an audit tool provided by software company SparkToro. ...official @POTUS Twitter account ..."

5/18/22 "Every piece of evidence indicates that every choice Biden’s team makes will not unravel global calamities but instead increase them. And Republican leadership appears to be fine with this. ...Just consider the last two years..."

Biden's 'Ministry of Truth' falls victim to disinformation
5/18/22 FOX News' Peter Doucy, oft maligned by President Biden and dismissed by ex White House flack Jen Psaki, drolly points out to Psaki replacement Karine Jean-Pierre the absurd ending to the short-lived Disinformation Governance Board.


5/18/22 "Nina Jankowicz just quit and the Disinformation Governance Board is dead. It’s the best possible ending to a move that was demented from the start." ... the board’s ham-handed launch (and very name) could only feed the direst suspicions.

Biden likened to Ron Burgundy

5/17/22 "'The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter,' he said. 'The path to power is the path to the teleprompter.'" ...I do feel like if somebody were to accidentally lean on the teleprompter, it's going to be like 'Anchorman,' he said"

AT Content. Photo: Sandra Cohen-Rose

5/17/22 "The world’s largest burger chain is rolling down the shutters in Russia after more than 30 years, becoming one of the biggest global brands to leave following Moscow’s actions in Ukraine."

Former CIA Dir. John Brennan

5/17/22 "Their lie 'probably affected the outcome' of the 2020 presidential race, as former AG William Barr has said, describing the letter as 'partisan hackery,' 'baseless' & signed by 'a coterie of retired intelligence officials who had lost their professional bearings.'"

Swedish PM Magdalena Andersson

5/16/22 "The decision followed a debate in Sweden's legislature, the Riksdag, in which lawmakers expressed 'broad majority' support for the NATO application after decades of official military neutrality."


5/16/22 "Buffett has long advised that investors ‘be greedy when others are fearful.' ... The Omaha-based company bought 901,768 shares of Occidental Petroleum ... boosted its stake in Chevron Corp, ... bought an 11% stake in HP Inc. ..."

5/15/22 "'Horrible, Horrible, Horrible!' was how Khadavi [dermatologist-turned-developer] characterized the auction results to CNBC. He filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection two weeks after putting the home on the market last year."

5/16/22 "Darren Harrison told NBC’s 'Today' show that he was relaxing with his feet up in the back of the single-engine Cessna after a fishing trip in the Bahamas when the pilot told him and another passenger: 'Guys, I gotta tell you I don’t feel good.'"

5/16/22 "Bushmaster XM-15 ES, was not an "assault weapon" at the time of the purchase, but it became an 'assault weapon' after the shooter tinkered with it. The details of that transformation illustrate how arbitrary and ineffectual bans like New York's are."

5/16/22 "Despite machinations attempting to hide the full truth of how Spygate conspiracies to entrap Donald Trump were spun, lots will come out into the open."

Yale University

5/16/22 "If you want to know what is happening in the Connecticut city that’s home to Yale University and its activist and intimidating law school, here’s some advice: Cross the Atlantic and read England’s Daily Mail"

5/15/22 "All ideologies spawn psychopaths who kill innocents in its name. Yet only some are blamed for their violent adherents: by opportunists cravenly exploiting corpses while they still lie on the ground."

5/14/22 "Vladimir Putin is 'very ill with blood cancer,' an oligarch close to the Kremlin said in a secret recording obtained by New Lines Magazine. '...recording represents rare testimony by someone with proven ties to the Russian government...'"

Nina Jankowicz

5/13/22 "'There are a lot of people who shouldn’t be verified, who aren’t legit, in my opinion [emphasis added] ... they aren’t trustworthy' ... It’s unclear how Jankowicz would differentiate between trustworthy and untrustworthy"

5/13/22 "'Twitter deal temporarily on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts do indeed represent less than 5% of users,' Musk tweeted early Friday morning."

FDA Commissioner Robert Califf

5/13/22 "Asked to explain why he thought “misinformation” was the leading cause of death in America today, Califf immediately retreated, admitting that he had no data to establish his claim and tacitly admitting that it was just a Leftist talking point"

5/12/22 "administration canceled more oil & gas leases across the country this week as soaring gas prices reached new heights ... Dept. of Interior canceled plans to drill in more than 1 million acres in Alaska ... canceling a pair of leases in the Gulf of Mexico"


5/12/22 "'Kayvon Beykpour, Twitter’s general manager, is leaving and will be replaced by Jay Sullivan,' The NY Times reported. ... memo from CEO Parag Agrawal obtained by The NY Times said it was 'critical to have the right leaders at the right time.'"

5/12/22 "despite a nationwide shortage that is leaving many Americans increasingly desperate ... Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) said in a Facebook Live video ... a border patrol agent in TX informed her that he had taken in pallets of baby formula for immigrants."

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY)

5/12/22 "Ultra MAGA or ultra losers? ... The “Ultra MAGA” label belongs to the 57 Republicans who understood the assignment and voted against sending more taxpayer money to a foreign country as Americans struggle financially here at home."

5/11/22 "Crypto investors are keeping a close eye on UST ... a so-called stablecoin that’s meant to maintain a $1 peg, plunged to as low as 26 cents Wednesday. Terra creator Do Kwon announced a last-ditch effort to return UST to its $1 peg."

AT Content

5/11/22 "SpaceX founder Elon Musk, whose Starlink satellites have helped ensure Ukrainians' access to the internet amid Russia's invasion ... So far 'Starlink has resisted Russian cyberwar jamming & hacking attempts'"

FOX Business Channel

Gasparino: 'Lack of confidence in the guy running the country'
5/11/22 Appearing Tuesday with Neil Cavuto on FOX Business, journalist, author and 'pugnacious pundit' Charlie Gasparino, in reeling off issues affecting America's political economic climate, took aim at President Biden's competence and the competence of "those around him."

5/10/22 "Musk, speaking virtually at a Future of the Car summit hosted by the Financial Times, said Twitter’s Trump ban was a “morally bad decision” & “foolish in the extreme.” He said permanent bans of Twitter accounts should be rare ..."

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO)

5/10/22 "'Thanks to special copyright protections from Congress, woke corporations like Disney have earned billions while increasingly pandering to woke activists. It’s time to take away Disney’s special privileges and open up a new era of creativity and innovation'"

5/10/22 "IBM lays out a quantum computing roadmap that incorporates classical computer hardware, quantum parallel processing, and error mitigation ...  acknowledges much work needs to be done."

5/10/22 "Trump-backed Rep. Alexander Mooney brought home the Republican nomination for West Virginia’s Second Congressional District. In Nebraska, Trump-backed candidate Rep. Adrian Smith won..."

5/10/22 "For anyone without a law degree or the resources to endure a long legal battle, the message from the IRS is clear: Do not try this at home. Accountability is good for the taxpayer, but not for the tax collector."

5/9/22 "Speculation was ripe about what Russian President Vladimir Putin, the man who plunged his country into what increasingly looks like a quagmire of his own making, would say during his speech."

5/8/22 "stunning footage showing jockey Sonny Leon riding the shocking winner at Churchill Downs from the back of the pack, weaving through at least 15 other horses from the final turn before taking the rail down the stretch and flying by Epicenter, the 4-1 favorite"

5/7/22 "This is what the Kentucky Derby does: It rises, it falls. It elevates, it diminishes. It rewards, it punishes. ... There is no man behind the curtain. There are just 1¼ miles on the first Saturday in May, first to the line gets roses, no matter whom."

5/8/22 "Whoever … with the intent of influencing any judge … in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge ... imprisonment for not more than 10 years"

Hunter Biden

5/6/22 "'My password is f–ked up. Don’t be offended!' he said, before announcing that it was 'analf–k69' or something to that extent. His inebriated condition made it difficult to understand is speech."

Twitter screenshot @libsoftiktok

5/6/22 "'We want to know who attended; allegedly, seventh and eighth grade children reported being present at the show. We asked for video surveillance footage ... The dancers were paid, and we would like to know if it was taxpayer money.'"

5/6/22 "... when the Washington Post debunked that story, his campaign clarified by telling the paper that the correct number is 21. Most of the trips occurred when Mr. Biden was serving as a U.S. senator from 1973 to 2009"

Twitter screenshot @LAPDHQ

5/7/22 "'It’s a travesty of justice that DA [George] Gascòn is refusing to prosecute this case as a felony,' Chappelle’s attorney Gabriel Colwell told New York Post. ... [attacker Isaiah Lee] had a deadly weapon on him ... that is a violent assault'"


5/5/22 "'This alleged attack has got to have consequences,' City Attorney Mike Feuer said about the incident at the comedian's Tuesday Hollywood Bowl set. ... [suspect] was carrying a replica handgun with a knife blade inside"


5/6/22 "LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva recently told Fox News that his office presented 13,238 cases that the DA’s office ultimately declined to prosecute under DA George Gascón’s new soft-on-crime special directives."

5/5/22 "'This is more than just political dirty tricks,' says Kevin Brock. 'Political dirty tricks usually have some foundation in truth, but they just made stuff up.' Brock also expressed concern about DHS's newly created Disinformation Governance Board"

Jason Miyares

5/5/22 "Virginia AG Jason Miyares is leading GOP ... demanding that the department 'cease taking action' contributing to a 'chilling effect' on free speech. ...say the timing is suspect due to Telsa CEO Elon Musk's recent acquisition of Twitter"

5/5/22 "John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Barrett, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch are all targets by an organization called, 'Ruth Sent Us.' ... published the justices’ supposed home addresses."

Photo by Cody Black

5/5/22 According to Vanguard’s 2021 "How America Saves Survey," Average balance: ages 35–44 $86,582; ages 45–54 $161,079; ages 55–64 $232,379. Median balance: ages 35–44 $32,664; ages 45– 54 $56,722; ages 55–64 $84,714.

5/5/22 "[Vance] thinks our corporate overlords would happily satiate us with whirling gizmos and gadgets while capturing our culture and selling us out to China. This places him directly at odds with tired, established Republicanism"

J.D. Vance

5/4/22 "The influence of former President Donald Trump was on full display. Prior to a key endorsement [from] former President Donald Trump, the Hillbilly Elegy author was polling in third place, but following ... 'Vance rocketed ...'"

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

5/4/22 "The alarm aroused by the Disinformation Governance Board is understandable given the administration’s broader assault on messages it considers dangerous. ...Americans are right to worry about the implications..."

5/4/22 "U.S. trade deficit rose an astonishing 22 percent in March to $109.8 billion as prices of oil and imported products rose due to soaring inflation, according to data ... Census Bureau & the Bureau of Economic Analysis."

5/4/22 "If you had 'Trump goes to jail' in the office pool, you just lost. The end of any possible criminal prosecution out of New York over Donald Trump’s finances has come as the grand jury seated to find them has sunsetted."

5/3/22 "A series of moves against media outlets by PayPal shows the next step in speech control: confiscation. Why won't the company answer questions? ...suspended the accounts of a series of individual journalists"

5/3/22 "you’re not likely to see a single Dem denounce the leak or the leaker ... without batting an eye, they embraced the draft’s contents as an opportunity to rally their dejected supporters around a new flag."
5/3/22 "Why, when Hillary Clinton was expected to trounce Donald Trump in 2016, did she devote campaign resources, always in short supply, to a risky, unnecessary and possibly illegal effort to smear Mr. Trump with the Russia-collusion slur?"

5/3/22 "Millennials and minorities, priced out of Democratic metropolises, are now thriving in Florida and Texas. ... the pandemic has helped accelerate large, epochal changes in the nation’s geography."