Biden's Rah, Rah State of the Union Address
3/2/22 Joe Biden went to "The Hill" Tuesday night and delivered his first State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress. The speech lasted right at one hour during which the President praised Ukrainian resistance, decried Russian aggression, and pitched pet topics like global warming, green energy and transgenderism. In general the 79-year-old President, known for verbal gaffes, stood up fairly well. But there were several slurred, fragmented phrases and "what was I trying to say" pauses. A viral video moment of the event did occur when Biden referred to Ukrainians as "Iranians" and everyone applauded. Here are select reviews.
3/1/22 "Our aging and corrupt leadership leaves something to be desired. ... Watching the State of the Union Tuesday night, with the bloom of blue-and-yellow pins, I had one thought: I wish Volodymyr Zelensky were our president."
3/1/22 "Biden tried to downplay his plummeting approval but instead offered a speech riddled with falsehoods and contradictions. ...Americans are meanwhile plagued with rising prices, a southern border crisis, and now an overseas conflict"
3/1/22 "We are witnessing a president who is out of touch with reality, spends his weekends resting in Delaware, refuses to take a leadership position on the world stage, and blames everyone but himself for the problems facing our country."
3/1/22 Biden didn’t speak a word about energy independence. Instead, he rattled on about 'a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations,' talked about tax credits for those who combat 'climate change ...'"
3/1/22 "It was quite the performance. After years of bashing Donald Trump, Biden stole his stump speech. He rebranded Build Back Better as Build a Better America."
3/1/22 "A confused political hack from Delaware staged a one-man insurrection by invading the sacred precincts of the Capitol building, hijacking all the TV networks, and yelling that the planet would be destroyed unless we gave him all our money so he could burn it and turn it into green energy."
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